

Deep in Side your mind... Have you ever thought that how our mind are being set ? As to follow the law of life as why we are being graded base on the achievement that actually doesn't exist in the first place?

The thought that 100 century back do they really think about the position? Are human created to keep on comparing our life achievements for greater success? Is it really Money that make you happy? Is it living it self and make great changes make you feel more happy? Do we really need to define our self based on those things that we perceived as happiness?

How about the word as people say being polite? Is it really polite? Is bad word really bad? I mean isn't it all actually created by human itself?. formal language, informal, slang and etc...

People say Unite. People say let's have war. People Say that sad. People say I have enough. People say let's don't do the war. I don't want. But in the end it's all started because of anger, greed and sense of power. How about the other are they actually willing?

Human even says life is precious. But how about the people that they have killed and those animals?. In the end we say because it taste great, We are the highest level above all creatures? Is it really the law of nature. As meat being eat how about plant? They are a Life. Have you consider?

100 weird convo.