
Chapter 9

A noise was heard through the doors of the office room in the estate as the maid was hearing the man talking through the phone about things, complaining.

"Damn, why the hell not~?" A man with white hair, a jet-black suit and red shirt finished with a black tie with red stripes, and an pentagram on it, asked, as he put his hand on the hip. Other noticeable detail would be a scar going through his eye. "Understand milady that I will not be participating in this forced marriage thing. I know we are nobles but times - are not that. I already promised myself to not get my kids through this."

On the other side of the call was a redhead woman seemingly in her fourties, but still looking younger than she is, wearing a traditional chineese dress and a cape ending with a fur. "Lucy, with all respect but the tradition is important." The redhead said as she inhaled from the smoking pipe and let out some smoke into the air. "If you want to secure House Besomar's support in the upcoming election to keep your power for essentially as long as you want.. You gonna listen." She said as she put her teeth together, which exposed visible wolf-like feature of the teeht. "I know you want to keep your throne after all, oh Father of All Demons." She said it in a mocking tone. "So consider my firstborn as a candidate."

"Oh hell no, I will not make Kira getting married to Ivan. No. Ivan is too wild even for your standards and you know it. He lacks control of the fire and if you think just a noble position is enough to get yourself into this marriage, you are nuts." Lucifer said as he lets out a sigh.

"Like I said - you want power? You will consider our support. Remember - we can VETO every bill you want to pass until you agree, and no - i am not even joking." The woman said as she chuckled a bit. "Remember - introducing democracy in this form, only made it a nightmare for you... If you want, you can still revert back to good old authoritarianism... Dasvidania, My Lord." She said as she hang out from the call and put the phone on the magohany table. "Democracy... What a wonderfull system." The noblewoman said as she laughed out loud.

"Fucking bitch~!" Lucifer said as he threw the phone on the ground as the maid that was waiting for him to end the call, entered. "Yes, my dear?"

"My lord, Lady Lilith wishes to see you." Maid said as she lets out a sigh.

"My wife? What does she want." Lucifer said as he followed the maid who got out of the office.

"I am not sure but she said it is going to be problematic if this is not talked about." Maid said as she hold her dress.

"What honestly can be so urging she wants it now?" Lucifer asks as he enters the room. "Lilith?"

Lilith let out a sigh as she turned around on the chair. "My dear... This is absolutely THE WORST week I had to deal with." The lady that was Lilith, was a blonde, resembling somebody in their mid 20s, wearing simple white shirt and a skirt from a buisness suit. "Why must I always be the one that talks these people out of the idea of forced, arranged marriages?"

"Because I made a small miscalculation when I decided to switch the model of ruling?" He said as he let out a sigh.

"Yea... Why democracy... WHY!? Of all thing, you could just put in place 99% of the things you wanted and yet make sure the dynasty is not going to be electoral but heretitory... More stable! Instead you went with this bullshit and now the nobles try to get their share..." Lilith said as she was trying to calm down.

"Calm down, calm down..."

"I AM NOT GOING TO CALM DOWN!" Lilith yelled out on Lucifer, and after she calmed down she cuddled to him, putting her hands on the chest. "Dear... Just fucking change how the rules are set... This one reform."

"I would have to call in the Parliment." Lucifer said as he cuddled his wife. "But fine, I will see what I can do."

"Do it... How? I do not care..." Lilith said as she kept a hug for a moment longer before moving out of a hug. "I won't be able to handle yet another type of this kind of messages."

Lucifer let out a sigh as he could see how this situation is stressfull. Him shielding his daughter from the potential consequences of the political reform to keep stability would not fair for long.

"All right... I will look for solutions to this crisis." He said as he gave her a headpat, and walked away. "Damn this all.. I am taking vacations." After saying it, Lucifer pulled out a phone.

In the same time, Kira and Kenji enjoyed the morning when the phone started buzzing. "Mine?" Kira quickly got up and pulled out her phone from the bag.

"Who is it?" Kenji asked as he turned around to look at his smartphone and saw it's not his calling.

"Father." Kira let out a sigh as she canswered. "Yes, daddy? What is it?"

"Told you not to call me that... How are the school matters?" Lucifer asked as he was walking through the mansion's corridors when Kira sat down on the bed.

"Good actually... Plus we try our best to handle rouges as it is usually... Why asking?" Kira asked as she covered herself in the quilt.

"I see... Well... We got a situation but i do not want to talk about it through the phone. Mind if I came at your place for a week?" Lucifer asks as he makes her surprised.

"Wait what? Daaad! No... B-besides one, the place faces renovations recently and i'm at my friend's house soo...." Kira said as she stopped for a moment.

"A friend huh?" Lucifer asked as he made a smile. "Ah that's good. I may actually avoid this mess and get few cakes on one plate."

"What do you refer to?" Kira asked as she got a bit confused.

"Hmm. I will tell you later, gonna make use of teleportation circle." Lucifer said as he hang out.

"But I am not dressed up... yet..." Kira said as she noticed the smartphone's screen to show hang out call. "OH NO!"

"What's going on?" Kenji asked Kira as he sat on the bed.

"D-dress up, Kenji, quick! My dad would get in here any moment now!" Kira got panicked as she put her phone on the bed and went to the drawer and opened it, pulling out Kenji's clothes, after she put on her lingere underwear and bra in a hurry, putting on his jeans and dark shirt.

"Seriously? You think he is that mad to enter without knocking?" Kenji asked as he got up calmly and put on panties, black shirt, black jeans and a black light jacket.

"You do not know my father - he is not going to reject going with something once he sets on doing it." Kira said as she let out a sigh. "Fits?"

"You know these are my clothes right?" Kenji asks with a smirk, as he puts his hands on the hip, shrugging the shoulder of the free one.

This comment made Kira a bit angry as she moved closer and grabbed his shirt, which made him surprised.

"Theye are OUR clothes now. Got it?"

Kenji let out a laugh as he turned his head around. "Kira, Kira, Kira... It's a success if a girl wants to wear a man's clothes you know?" Kenji said as he was care-free about it. After all she wears his clothes. In the end it's a sing to him. 'Maybe she is into me' He thought.

Kira blushed a bit as she now realised she may given Kenji bad ideas. "C-cut it out will you!?" She yelled out, letting him go.

"Well well... Just a friend huh?" Suddently the duo heard the voice of a man in the room as Lucifer shown up in the room. "I see you were in a hurry, Kira.. Mister."

Kira now went pale. She was right and she hated it. Turning around she corrected her clothes and folded her hands close to her chest. "Oh please... Do not get any ideas..."

"What kind of ideas, Kira? There is only one bed." Lucifer said as he let out a sigh. "Can I know your name mister?"

Kenji let out a sigh for a moment as he felt there was something wrong about this man. A quick look into his eyes, to see why, met with repuslive feeling, that created fear. He knew he should not resist answering that. "K-Kenji Suzuki, sir. I am also an JSDF Marine Core Veteran if I may add."

Lucifer let out a smile as he noticed that he tried to check and got appropiate reaction. "Lucifer Morningstar." He said as he put a hand on his chest's left side and bowed in 35 degrees. "Nice to meet you, Kenji."

"Hold on, Morningstar!?" Kenji asked a bit panicked as he whispered the question to Kira.

"I-I will explain later." Kira said as she let out a sigh, a bit panicking about the question.

"What Kira, you haven't told him?" Lucifer asks as he places his hand on the hips. "I'm kinda dissapointed you ain't using your real last name. Or have you got used to your alias last name?"

"Y-yea I got used to an alias." Kira said as she put her two fingers together. "Feels kinda stupid."

"Nah, it's okay.. We haven't seen each other much considering school - plus you are not using the name frequently. Eh politics. Say young man, how long you serve under my daughter?" Lucifer asks as he folds his hands to his chest.

"I'm actually 26... Not sure if I can be called young." Kenji said as he chuckled a bit.

"26 hmm? It's not a big of an age difference - 6 years - I can live with that." Lucifer said as he let out a sigh.

"So... Should I offer you some food? I am doing breakfast." Kenji said as he stared at Lucifer made a nod in the left and right.

"No... I will eat on town. I would like to talk with you later, but first, if it would be okay to visit you in school." Lucifer asked as he changed his attention to Kira.

"It's fine, dad. If it's important...?" Kira asked as she looked at him.

"Yes it is... Sadly it is - internal politics and what not." Lucifer said as he stared at Kenji for a while and felt the similar thing that Kenji felt when staring into his soul. "Keep my daughter from trouble will you?"

"Sure, I will do my best. Why asking?" Kenji asks as he noticed his sudden shift in facial expression for a moment.

"Because of internal security issue. There are elections coming in... I need votes." Lucifer said as he lets out a sigh, staring at his daughter. "And the politics is done in old fashion style anyway."

"Complicated underworld stuff, got it." Kenji said, as he felt a bit of tension in the air, not sure where it is going from, when unexpectedly. he came closer and put his hand on his shoulder. "Mister Morninstar?"

"You know." Lucifer hold for a moment. "I would not expect in my life that my daughter would get a guardian angel. Keep my girl safe. I mean it. I know angels when I see them." Lucifer whispered into his ear. "All I ask."

"Why so nervous?" Kenji asks as he lets out a sigh, trying to not step on wrong stone during a conversation.

"Reasons... All right, I will be out to town. Will see you later." He said as he opened a portal and went through it. The portal resembled a small rift in reality, that lead to the exit in the back alley.

"This is nuts..." Kira said as she let out a long, annoyed sigh and hugged to him. "I think I know what is going on."

Kenji stared at her, maintaining eye contact before hugging her, holding her close, while also holding her rear. "What would it be? I have an idea but i am not certanly sure."

"Arranged marriage. You see... The elections... Are only for the nobles... You see where I am going with it?" Kira asks as she wraps her hands around Kenji's back.

"I see now... It makes sense why you are concerned.. Don't you have siblings or something?" Kenji asked as he made the cuddle tighter.

"No." Kira said as she let out a sigh. "That's why I am worried. I am my father's only kid." She said as she cuddled harder to him.

"I am sure he will find a solution to spare you from the troubles of arranged marriages." Kenji said as he let out a sigh and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Now... What should we do for the day?"

"For now?" Kira asked as she stared directly into his eyes. "Mmm. Enjoy the lazy sunday morning I guess?"

"Yea that can work too." Kenji said as he stared at the window.