
Chapter 7

"Ah... Wonderfull weather.." A man in a suit said sarcastically as he sit around near the desk, observing the city as two cop cars rolled the near empty streets of Tokyo, as midnight slowly approached, when the rain intensified. "Damn fucking wonderfull."

The man in the suit light up the cigarette and started smoking, waiting for something to happen. Above him is the emblem of the Anomalous Warfare Unit Office of the JGSDF - known formally, as Anomalous Security Bureau - or ASB for short.. The name Anomalous Warfare Unit became a synonym with with ASB due to how common it became in pop culture.

As the bald man inhaled the cigarette yet again, the officer was greeted by a young man in his 20s, in the similar suit and with the emblem of the unit on the right side of the suit. "Boss.. The files you asked for." He said as he gave him a paper briefcase, with requested documents. Identities, photos, suspect locations, anything that an unit like this needs.

"Thanks, Kaiba." Man said as he stared at him and put down the cigarette on the smoking plate. "So... What do we know."

"For now, Mister Kitagawa... We only know that the breaches into the underworld are locate in countries that had a history of violent war - that's why they are able to cross in so easily. Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Japan, China, North America, all of Africa and Middle east are essentially rifts due to how this shit works... Anomalous or not, huge sacrifices in blood make the shit happen at all. Intentional or not." Kaiba said as he fold his hands close to his chest. "So, what would we do about it?"

"Well." The bald man groaned as he got up. "We will find the most used rifts and secure them, establish border checkpoints and use the same procedures as we normally use with dealing with other nations..."

"Rin, you are not serious?" Kaiba asked Kitagawa as he put his back against the wall.

"As of now, most of the people know about the Military Police's Anomalous Security Bureau... It is only a matter of time before we would HAVE to admit to the public that outside world and magic exists..." Rin said as he let out a sigh... "This is nuts."

"Agreed." Kaiba said as he nods his head. "So... Shall I dispatch teams to locate these rifts?"

"Yes, Kaiba.. Do it as fast as you can." Rin said as he pats his shoulder twice. "We have to work as fast as possible if we want public order to be maintained... Demons or not - these fuckers know alot and the historical knowledge they hold alone is precious. If we want access to that - we got to establish normal procedures of work in this case."

"Yea... So... You want a hold of their knowledge?" Kaiba asked as he looked at him and then at the emblem of the Anomalous Security Bureau.

"Yea." Kitagawa said, when the room was suddently stormed by another male employee.

"Speak." Rin said as he folds his hands.

"We got a situation, sir.. 20 safe-class rogues have managed to slip to the real world... They failed to cooperate with previous unit... So the ASB is called to aid to... Execute them." The employee said as he let out a sigh.

"Fine... Call in the ASB unit and tell them to gear up with Grav-lev suits. We are going there by air." Kitagawa said as he made a smirk.

"Wait wait, Rin... You broke your wings lately.. You sure you want to risk your health like that?" Kaiba asked as he stared at his co-worker.

"Yea... I am perfectly fine. I had a medical checkup and a rehabilitation. Plus it is not a combat speed... Flight at 120 kilometers per hour is safe... Another story is 200 kilometers per hour in combat scenario... And that would not be needed if these are safe-classes." Kitagawa said with cold voice as he got out of the office, with Kaiba staring at the unfinished cigarette.

As Rin walked down to the elevator, he noticed how unusually alive this part of the ASB's office is. Getting down, he saw his men already prepped up, in the grav-lev combat suits. These resembled heavy-duty riot cops uniforms with a backpack-like gadget on the back and the boots glew green, to indicate the grav-lev's activity.

The room itself was an underground parking lot of 250m2 in lenght, with a blast door above them.

"All right people. We have a job to do.. 20 safe class anomalies escaped Hell and are apparently dangerous to nearby farms, so... We got to do our job." Rin said as he deployed his crystal-white wings and the aureole behind his back, and grabbed the H&K G3. The standard equipment, that the team is usually equipped with.

"So... Any hot demon chicks in the area?" One of the younger operatives asked making everyone laugh.

"Eh, the only thing in your head is a pussy, no soldier?" Rin asked as he put his gun on the shoulder. "Propably... but they will be hostile. We do not know how they will react." Rin said as he turned his head around and put his finger on the ear. "Ready to get us to the fly, Dispatch?"

"Yup. Everything is set to green and you are ready to fly out in few minutes." Dispatch guy said as he pressed the switches here and there.

"So, Jin... How did your date with Sakura went?" One of the operators asked as he put the hand on the headset, but the chatter was heard by all of them.

"Well, Naruto... She loved me that's for sure - hey boyfriend? Not so much." Jin said as he put in the key and turned the lock.

"You are going to get yourself killed one day, Jin..." one of the troopers said.

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, brother." Jin said as he put the button and opened the blast door. "All right.. You can go on and fly to the action."

"Roger." Rin said as he lifted himself up with his wings and moved two fingers up and moved them forward, signaling to his men to lift up and fly in the ordered direction.

As the flight of the fire team continued, they received a message from mission command.

"Guys, be wary, suspected activity of a Saturn class in the area. Unknown who." Jin said as he updated the information on the computers and sent it to their visors.

"I see it... Roger. We will watch over just in case." Rin said as he put his finger on the ear and let it go once this is out. "Fucking demons."

After a few minutes long trip at high speed to the site outside the city, the tent collection could be seen near closed portal with demons that looked very much like humans. No sings of corruption no nothing.

"All right, we are going to set up a camp and think on what to do later." One of the men in the suit said as he waved his tail out, with other few saluting.

"That's our anomaly case? Eh... Propably they found a way to... Pass the visas." Rin said as he stared at his teammates.

"What ya think boss?" A female operative asked as she stared at her commander.

"I think i will just ask for the papers." Rin said as he shrugs, when the operatives landed, with Rin in the front, with his wings still deployed, which alerted the crowd of over 30 people which only few of them had the tails out. Rest had these tails out.

"What the?" One of the demon asks as he pats the other, quickly alerting the group that watches at the ASB officers landing.

"Damn... The command really did made such noise about you guys... They mistaken you for a threat..." Rin said as he pulled out a box of cigarettes and pulled out one, lighting it, still having his wings out. "I must ask you for passports, according to the procedures set out by the immigration office." Rin said out loudly, as one of the demon got scared.

One of the older demons got out of the tent, to see what's that noise only to see one thing... Rin's wings. "Fuck you, you heavenly piece of shit~! No papers~!" The elder fired two fireballs at Rin creating plenty of smoke as a side effect. What was shown later, a big dome comprised out of holy energy, divided by hexes formed around the entire squad.

"Eh... No visas? Then maybe you want to enter in as the prisoners of war? We technically do not have any documents sent with hell regulating that so... We might as well use that regulation..." Rin said as he looked at the soldiers of his who chuckled at this response when the shield dissapeared.

"You are an angel! Why the fuck should we trust you?" The elder demon asked as he stared at Rin. "Considering latest conflict?! When your kind killed my family!?"

"Oh please, you can't blame an reincarnated angel for actions of the previous generations." Rin said as he let out a sigh.

"DOES NOT MATTER! COMRADES, KILL THEM ALL!" Elder said as he made some of the demons scared.

"B-but sir they just want papers..." One of the ladies said as she got slapped in the face by the elder who threw fireballs at the ASU officers with others following after him... Including the girl that was slapped.

Immediately upon contacting with the surrounding areas, Rin let out a sigh as he inhaled the cigarette.

"Commander?" Naruto asked as he looked at him. "What should we do?"

Rin let out a sigh as he dropped the cigarette on the floor and rubbed it with his feet as the demons kept on firing, making the shield he just made around them, to absorb all the damage, as if nothing had hit them. "Well... Set the magic aura around the bullets for stun, except the elder. Elder - shoot to kill."

"May I ask why?" Female officer asked as she looked at Rin who hid his wings.

"Because I will not tolerate hitting women - unless it's self defense... In this case it was clear abuse case." Rin said as he turns his head around. "Fire when ready officer."

"A-aye." Officers said as they saluted and aimed their guns at the crowd, and fired the magical bullets, who now had a blue aura. Upon hitting their targets, the demons fell down and shakend a bit as if they were hit by a tazer, then falling asleep... Except the elder who got hit with a ballistic spell bullet - colored red.

"Great... Jin.." Rin said as he touched his ear. "Bring in the ASB's heavy air cavalary units in these Blackhawsk... We got 35 prisoners and one dead..."

"I hope it's self defense, Rin." Jin said as he pressed few buttons and moved few files on the desktop. "Blackhawks sent to your location."

"It was. Thanks, Jin." Rin said as he moved his finger away from the ear as Jin clicked few buttons and called in the choppers which arrived 30 minutes later, and handcuffed the demons, taking them into the modified prison blackhawks, and took them in.

"Another easy day at work, huh, commander?" Female officer asked as she looked at Rin, putting a gun on her shoulder.

"Yea. All to easy." Rin said as he stared at the elderly man, that is now watched by the medical team, writing off papers confirming his death. "This group ran away from hell... Do we have ASB operatives working there?"

"No, sir." One of the officers said as he let out a sigh. "But I wish what it was... Usually they are strays or master-killers... Equivalent of kingslaying."

"Why hell must be complicated? I thought I can easily get the inner workings of hell." Rin said as he stared at the stars. "All right, people... RTB, we did what we had to."

"YES SIR!" The crew saluted and slowly got up and flew to the base with Rin staying for a while before he as well, deployed the wings, lifting himself up, and flying in the direction of the base.