
Chapter 5

It was not one of the best days when it comes to the weather. Rain and storm combined - is not setting the best moods either. Especially in cases like that.

As the ASB officials rounded up around the home, the cop cars and mech platform waited outside to guard the set up premiter as Rin entered the home that was a subject of the case.

"Well... What do we have.. Ou."

He said as he noticed the surrounding area is still covered in guts and other grousome details.

"What the fuck happend here?"

He asked as he lit his cigarette and approached one of the guys wearing a labcoat that is using magic to analyze the situation.

"Well - murder... Brutal one."

The doctor said as he clapped his hands making all the magical orbes around dissapear.

"Satanic imagery on the floor, propably for demon summoning... Broken out body from the outside with... Propably an explosion... This is how much I can tell from an autopsy."

Rin was not impressed. "Eh... John.. I wanted good news, good news... Not bad news."

If the day did not got worse for the ADF the portal opening in the middle of the room was not something they expected so the moment Kenji entered the room, he was surprised with the welcoming commitie from the ADF who aimed the guns at him.

„Wow, wow.. Wow." Kenji said as he pushed his hands in the air, against them second the portal closed behind him.

This did not sit well with General Kitagawa who took a smoke from the cigarette and let it out in the air.

„So, what's your name, son?" Rin asked as he inhaled from the cigarette and let out the smoke into the air before he put his cigarette in again.

„Kenji... Kenji Suzuki," Kenji said as he kept his hands up.

„Kenji.... General Rin Kitagawa. ASB. I understand you are a demon?" Rin asked Kenji as he folds his hands close to his chest, still smoking the cigarette.

„Sort of... I work for Kira Nakamoto, that all I can say." Kenji's words made Rin cough a bit nervously.

„Ah, so you work for Lady Morningstar... I see..." Rin said as he put down his cigarette and clapped his hands twice. „Leave.. Everybody leave, I need space."

As if it was an order, the scientific teams, the ASB armed personell and other people working in this building went out, when Kitagawa let him drop the hands.

„What is your work purpose." Rin asked as he pulled out a personal tablet and started writing the interview, and recorded it.

„Emmm... Doing contracts for the clients. Why asking? First day." Kenji said as he let out a sigh and sat nearby, still making sure his gun is on his back.

„Ah, so just reincarnated huh?" Rin asked as he placed the tablet and let it record. „Drop the shirt."

„Wait, why?" Kenji asked confused.

„I want to have a look at your back. Shape of the backbones will tell me enough about your powers." Rin said as he made Kenji move his head in an attempt to say no.

„Nope. I won't." Kenji said as he let out a nervous sight as Kitagawa put his wrist in front of him and pressed a few buttons on the glove, making robots pull out of cloacking device and few drones with machine guns out of the slumber and all of them aimed their guns at him. „I will i will, fine fine.. Jeeesus, don't be such a jerk... Brandishing guns to do your thing... Damn."

„Only thing worked at... Hold on." Rin said as he put his hands between his legs. „You did not got your head hurt?"

„Why?" Kenji asked as he started at him as Rin sent out the drones back to cloak mode.

„Because normal demons – get headaces from mentioning his name. Take off the shirt."

Kenji let out a sigh as he listened to Kitagawa's order and put his gun down on the couch and pulled off the shirt in the moment when a female ASB officer went in, dressed in a police uniform.

„Ara... Striptease show, General?" Dark-skinned lady teased as she approached the now half-naked Kenji and Rin, as she sat on the couch, and put her hand on Kenji's back as she saw the holes in the place in the shoulder bones shaped in a line. Smiling she moved a finger from up to down.

„Ugh..." Kenji's groan made her smile as she moved it up and down in the middle between the back and found a right spot, where he let out a moan.

„Heh... Did you knew, that's the angel's erogenic spot??" She asked as she pressed harder a bit against his back and accidentially set off the two wings, deploying them out alongside the aureole that is golden but with one detail. The eyes that are normally having blue irises, they have black one in this case. „Oh... So a Corrupted Angel.. Not alot of demons have pieces that powerfull."

„Now we have the answer why he wasn't hurt when he said Jesus's name so casually." Rin said as he folds his leg on a leg, and observes the situation.

„Hmmm...." The officer smiled as she stared at his crotch and the rear as she gave his ass a firm spank and a fondled it a bit. „Nice ass, handsome."

„Umm... Thanks, I guess?" Kenji asked as he blushed a bit.

„Tanya, don't molest Kenji." Rin said as he turn his head around. „If the roles were reversed people would react more aggresively you know that?"

„Oh general... It's just innocent fun." Tanya smirks as she walks closer to the general and kisses him in the cheek.. Or attempts to as he blocks her face with an open hand and grabs her mouth shut.

„I said... Hold down your pussy." Rin said as he let out a sigh. „At some point I will fire you for this behavior."

„Apologies, General." Tanya said as she bowed down 35 degrees. „I remember what I had to bring in... There are reports on your desk, and a new set of targets for investigation... All they need is an approval stamp. Or rejection of the project. Just saying."

„Thank you, Tanya..." He said as the officer went out of the room, making Rin let out a sigh. „Apologies for her behavior, Suzuki."

„Something tells me she would be far more uncontrollable if we were alone." Kenji said as he moved his wings back to the space between the shoulder bones and put on the shirt, making the aureole dissapear.

„Very much... I already reprimended her twice for that behavior and cut her pay in half... This time she will be fired." Rin said as he turns his head around. „Stupid woman... She will learn it the hard way."

„Appropiate knowing how society would see it if the situation was reversed." Rin nods as Kenji now takes his gun and puts it on his shoulder. „Anything else?"

„Tell Miss Morningstar, that I'm sorry for her client's grousome death..." Rin said as he let out a sigh. „ Only thing ASB can do, is to lead an investigation on who's the killer."

„I guess we would never learn if not for a friend requestiong to take over this job." Kenji nods as he looks at the room. „I should be going."

„You should. ASB will contact you. Where we could find you?" Rin asks as he takes the tablet and opens a notepad application.

„Tokyo University." He said as Rin made a smile.

„Ah, the one I went to as well." He said as he got up and stopped the recording of the interrogation. „Let me tell you something... Watch out for the church... It is going pretty wild recently.. Because of the Shattered Souls... As we call them... You got a vision of an old man in a suit with pills?"

„Yea..." Kenji nods.

„Then you are a target for the Angels." Rin said as he lets out a sigh. „Be carefull out there, Suzuki. Gabriel went mad. He wants to use the soul shards for... Something. I am not sure what but it's bad."