
Soul Shatter

Shade, a mysterious being appears to save Alyssa. While it appears to be out of goodwill to Alyssa is it really for a good reason? - This is something I wrote for fun. It'll improve as it goes. Hopefully.

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| ??? Has offered a contract |

A message lit up before the man's eyes, the pale red light outlining his face alongside the flames emanating from the dumpster in the corner of the alleyway. His brows furrowed in confusion as he realised what the contract was offering.

'I don't care what you want! Just save my daughter!' The thought seemed to please whatever was offering him the deal, as he felt a hint of approval when the voice spoke again.

| Reward: Protection of Alyssa Shade until natural death |

| Cost: Human soul of Jack Shade |

| Accept? |

'I accept! Just keep her safe!' The man replied to the mysterious message quickly, stumbling over his words. Just as the man accepted the contract, he collapsed, screaming in pain. His eyes became bloodshot as he clawed at his face, his veins turning black while he gasped for air.

"Dad!? " The mans daughter stared in shock, too scared to know what to do. She tried to speak, but the lump in her throat didn't let her mutter a word.

"Looks like someone got to him before me, huh." a cloaked figure chuckled, their sinister voice making the girl flinch, the person continued on, sounding mildly annoyed "that's too bad, boss wanted me to be the one to kill him."

Suddenly, he froze, snapping his fingers before turning to face the girl. She stared up at him, and it felt as though he was staring right through her. "If I can't get the target, why not get his daughter?"

The girl fell to the ground in fear, giving up all hope of leaving with her life. What was the point? After all, she had nothing left. Not even her father. The girl wondered why her miserable life would come to an end here. Just a few years ago she had to watch her mother get assassinated and now her father passed before her eyes, and she could tell it wasn't a pleasant death.

It was as if the world was collapsing Infront of her, and nobody cared. People walked past right by the alley as if it was nothing important. As if she wasn't important. Wasn't ...human. They barely glanced at the scene, no emotions whatsoever.

'Why is the world like this?' The girl thought, she had already lost all hope of surviving, let alone living a happy life.

"The world is like this because humans are pathetic. The only creatures unwilling to change" A low voice was heard from above, resonating around the alley. It scoffed and kept talking "Selfish, greedy beings. Although I cannot judge as I'm no better than them, they are undeniably cruel." The girl was sure the voice wasn't in her head, but where was it coming from then?

"W-who's there!? Show yourself!" The cloaked human yelped, his eyes darting around the alleyway.

"You know," the voice began to speak once more "the fear of the unknown is probably the only fear that gods and common people share, after all, who doesn't fear the unknown?" the voice was still calm, with an undertone of mild amusement, as if there wasn't a dead body right beside them.

"Fucker! Stop playing g-games ...show yourself!" The cloaked man hollered angrily, fear clear in his voice.

"Playing games, huh?" The voice spoke as if he was insulted that someone thought they were fooling about.

'Did someone come to save me?' The girl got a sliver of hope after hearing the voice.

"Arghh!" The man collapsed suddenly, the same thing happening to him as the girl's father. In seconds he stopped moving. He was dead.

"W-what the!" The girl screamed in horror as she stared at the body. After the man collapsed a being appeared. It wore a simple black mask that covered its whole face. A baggy black hoodie covered the being's upper body—if it even had one—, with the hood pulled up over their head. Their lower half was covered with a pair of worn-out black pants. The only thing that made the being stand out was the massive great sword on his back. At least, at first glance it seemed it was on his back. Once the girl looked closer, she noticed the greatsword was floating just behind the figure. The massive great sword was completely black besides occasional lightning flashing along its blade, showering it in a gorgeous gold. The spikes on its hilt not making it look any more friendly.

"I know you have no reason to trust me, Alyssa, but follow me. " The being glanced at the frightened girl and motioned her to follow.

The girl didn't know how it knew her name, and for what strange reason she felt she could trust the being. She glanced back at the two dead men, her father, and the man who wanted to kill her, before taking a shaky breath and stumbling to catch up with the being.

At that very moment, in an unknown location, a man was interrogating his subordinates about what happened. His towering form was seated lazily on a grand throne, its carvings of animals and mythological beings emanating a feeling of constantly being watched, as if their golden eyes were inspecting your worth, just like their owners.

"Kairos, you are telling me you let the girl live?" his voice was calm, but his eyes gave away what he truly felt, making his subordinates flinch beneath his gaze. "Y-yes," another man, who seemed to be Kairos, spoke clearing his throat "it appears so."

"I am aware we sent a powerless human after her, sir Azarias, however" the third man allowed his eyes to flit up, his hands fiddling with the golden hem of his long white robe "It is quite odd that she survived. She isn't aware of her powers yet"

The first man didn't react to the thirds comment. "I shall send one of my assassins, sir. I assure you they will get the job done."

The second said, glaring at the third. The third man scowled, "How was I to know there would be another thing there!" He attempted to defend himself, but he paused as the first man sat up in his throne, raising his hand to silence them both.

"Enough of this. Iniko, " sir Azarias looked down at the man, "you are to find the best assassin you can. Do not disappoint me like Kairos." He ordered the others as he walked out of the room, not sparing them another glance.

"As you wish" Kairos gritted his teeth, but did not defy Azarias, bowing to him as he left.

Iniko bowed too, however it was clear he was much more pleased than the man beside him, "As you command, Sir."

The long walk had been filled by an awkward silence that Alyssa didn't dare break, worried she would annoy the being in some way, until she finally felt the need to say something, "So, um.." She paused as the being glanced at her, but continued as it seemed to be waiting for what she had to say "Who are you?"

"My name is Shade," The being replied. Alyssa smiled slightly, before asking, "How come you came to help? I thought people didn't care about random strangers in alleys."

"They do not, and despite me not being human, I too have not helped you out of the kindness of my non-existent heart." Shade kept walking, but his pace slowed and his words seemed to slur together, "I'll explain more after I get a rest. I've overstayed my welcome here. Just know you have... your.. father to thank..."

With that, Shade vanished into thin air.

It's something, anyway it'll improve as it goes.


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