
Soul Of Chaos: Origin

Khaos, a destitute orphan, was fortunate enough to be taken in by two loving parents who provided him with a loving home and all the necessities of life. However, their untimely demise in the Crack left him shattered and forlorn. Khaos's despair was compounded when he discovered that he was unable to evolve like the rest of humanity, leaving him feeling powerless and vulnerable. Determined to carve out a future for himself, Khaos took on the role of a Spaler, braving the dangers of the Cracks and exploring their mysteries. Despite his initial fear, he remained resolute in his pursuit of knowledge, determined to unravel the secrets of these mysterious crevices. However, his resolve was tested when he encountered a particularly vicious and deadly beast during his first foray into the Cracks, forcing him to flee for his life. As Khaos ran for his life, he stumbled upon an ancient tomb, shrouded in mystery and enigma. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not to explore the forbidden tomb. In the end, his curiosity got the better of him, and he ventured inside, unwittingly setting into motion a chain of events that would change his life forever. How will this change his life, will he be ever able to become successful and powerful in the world? Read the novel to find out. Also, this is my first novel so if you encounter and mistake comment on it, I will try my best to solve it. The cover is not mine if the owner wants to remove it, I will remove it.

celestial_001 · Khoa huyễn
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World Past

In the year 2025, humans and animals awakened a groundbreaking evolution system called Eneria. This revolutionary system enabled humans and animals to evolve into higher species. However, the world was not quite ready for the aftermath of this revelation. Many wild animals started attacking humans, and the humans were unable to fend off their fierce assaults. Nonetheless, a handful of loyal pets remained faithful and contracted with their masters, providing protection from the menacing creatures. Thus began the era of chaos, where beasts attacked and humans defended. Most of the human armory became ineffective, rendering humans vulnerable to the deadly attacks of wild animals.

Most humans had two options to evolve, one being High-Humans who could store and utilize energy to perform various tasks, and the other being Tech-Humans who could merge with technology. The Tech-Humans could use their energy abilities in tandem with the tech they merged with. The two options presented one more evolution: High-Humans could evolve into Espers, while Tech-Humans could evolve into Cyborgs. However, there were always exceptions, and in this case, it was no different. A small number of humans awakened some unique genes, enabling them to evolve into species more powerful than humans.

Eneria is a rank-based system that provides evolution at specific ranks. The first evolution option is provided at the C rank, while the other option is at the A rank. Humans could reach C rank by training either their mind or body and in some cases, both. Meanwhile, to achieve rank A, a human had to master their new body and skills, which was no easy feat.

In the year 2075, the earth subdued the chaos and became stable again. However, it was not a complete nullification, as humans with evil intentions made sure that the complete subjugation of chaos would never happen. This was also the year that guilds and kingdoms started to emerge, each with its own unique set of rules and regulations.

In 2125, space travel became easily accessible, with even middle-class families able to afford it. It was also during this year that humans found cracks while exploring space. These cracks led to new places to explore and an abundance of resources. However, nothing in this world is free, and the new places known as ruins contained beasts that would attack any intruders who entered their domain. These cracks also gave birth to a new profession: Spalers. These were people who wanted to gain riches and reach new heights by finding new resources from these cracks.

Despite the numerous advancements in technology and space exploration, there was still a significant problem that plagued humanity. No matter how hard they tried, humans were unable to leave their solar system. It was as though something or someone was purposefully blocking them.

This problem was eventually resolved in the year 2175 when the second and final evolution phase began. In this phase, the restrictions on leaving the solar system were lifted, along with the restriction on further evolution, which was known to none as no one had yet reached the peak of their second evolution. In this era, humans started interacting with other races. Some of these interactions resulted in alliances, while others led to animosity, thus giving this era the name Intergalactic Era. This new era brought with it a wealth of new opportunities, but also new dangers and challenges.