
Soul Of Chaos: Origin

Khaos, a destitute orphan, was fortunate enough to be taken in by two loving parents who provided him with a loving home and all the necessities of life. However, their untimely demise in the Crack left him shattered and forlorn. Khaos's despair was compounded when he discovered that he was unable to evolve like the rest of humanity, leaving him feeling powerless and vulnerable. Determined to carve out a future for himself, Khaos took on the role of a Spaler, braving the dangers of the Cracks and exploring their mysteries. Despite his initial fear, he remained resolute in his pursuit of knowledge, determined to unravel the secrets of these mysterious crevices. However, his resolve was tested when he encountered a particularly vicious and deadly beast during his first foray into the Cracks, forcing him to flee for his life. As Khaos ran for his life, he stumbled upon an ancient tomb, shrouded in mystery and enigma. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not to explore the forbidden tomb. In the end, his curiosity got the better of him, and he ventured inside, unwittingly setting into motion a chain of events that would change his life forever. How will this change his life, will he be ever able to become successful and powerful in the world? Read the novel to find out. Also, this is my first novel so if you encounter and mistake comment on it, I will try my best to solve it. The cover is not mine if the owner wants to remove it, I will remove it.

celestial_001 · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

Meeting And Returning Home

Khaos ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest as he heard the beast's heavy footsteps closing in on him. He had been exploring a Crack, searching for valuable resources, when he stumbled upon the creature. It was massive, with razor-sharp claws and teeth that could tear him apart in seconds.

Desperate to escape, he darted into a nearby tomb, hoping to find some refuge. As he ran, he noticed that the tomb was unlike any he had ever seen. It was ornately decorated, with intricate carvings covering the walls and floor. But he had no time to marvel at the beauty around him.

He ran deeper and deeper into the tomb until he came to a hidden chamber. In the center of the room was a massive stone sarcophagus, and inside it lay a woman who looked like she had been asleep for centuries. Khaos approached her cautiously, wondering who she was and what she was doing there.

As he got closer, the woman stirred. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, her gaze piercing. "Who are you?" she asked in a voice that sounded both ancient and modern.

Khaos hesitated for a moment before answering. "My name is Khaos. I'm just a Spaler trying to survive in this world."

The woman's eyes narrowed as she studied him. "You have a strange energy about you," she said. "I sense endless abys and chaos locked inside of you. You could be a powerful ally if you awaken it."

Khaos was taken aback by her words. He had always thought of himself as an ordinary person with no special abilities. But something about this woman made him feel like there was more to him than he had ever realized.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

The woman rose from her sarcophagus and stepped towards him. "Come with me," she said. "Let me show you what I mean."

As she led him deeper into the tomb, Khaos couldn't help but wonder who this woman was and what her intentions were. She seemed to know more about him than he did himself, and it made him uneasy.

Finally, they arrived in the deepest chamber of the tomb, where the woman showed him a strange artifact. "This is a device that can awaken your true potential," she said. "But be warned, it may also reveal parts of yourself you never knew existed."

Khaos hesitated for a moment, unsure if he was ready to face whatever lay ahead. But the woman's words had sparked something inside him, a desire to discover the truth about himself.

He took the device from her and activated it. As he did, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. His hair turned dark black, and his iris became like space, with a light blue four-cornered star instead of pupils.

The woman looked at him with awe. "You're not human," she said. "You're something else entirely. An Origin."

Khaos was stunned. He had never heard of this species before, but it explained why he had always felt like he didn't belong.

The woman smiled at him. "Now that you have awakened your true power, you can travel the world with me and discover the secrets of your past."

Khaos was hesitant, but something about this woman drew him to her. He nodded, and they left the tomb together.

As they emerged into the sunlight, they were greeted by the sight of the beast still waiting for them outside. Khaos tried to fight it, but he was no match for its strength.

The woman stepped in and defeated the beast effortlessly, showing Khaos the true extent of her power.

Khaos sat in silence as the spaceship soared through the vast expanse of space. Alina sat across from him, her eyes closed in deep thought. The silence between them was only broken by the hum of the engine and the occasional beep of the console.

Khaos couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Alina's abilities. Not only was she a powerful warrior, but she seemed to possess a wealth of knowledge about the universe that was beyond his comprehension. He had always been a quiet, introverted person, preferring to keep to himself rather than socialize. But being around Alina, he felt a sense of comfort that he had never experienced before.

Suddenly, Khaos felt a jolt as his rank increased from F to B. He couldn't believe it, his evolution had accelerated to such an extent that it was beyond his understanding. Alina simply nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

Khaos couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about Alina's past. He knew that she was hiding something, but he didn't want to push her too hard. "Alina, can you tell me a bit about your past?" he asked tentatively.

Alina opened her eyes and looked at Khaos for a moment before replying. "You will know about it with time," she said cryptically.

As Khaos and Alina arrived at Khaos' home planet, they quickly headed to the marketplace to sell the loot they had collected from the beast. Khaos was surprised at the amount of money he had received for the loot. He was able to afford a few luxurious items that he had always wanted. However, he still preferred to cook a simple meal for both of them.

Khaos went into the kitchen and began to cook a meal consisting of grilled fish, roasted vegetables, and a bowl of rice. As he cooked, Alina watched him curiously, impressed by his skills in the kitchen. She could tell that Khaos had put a lot of thought into the meal, and it was evident in the way the flavors blended perfectly.

When the meal was ready, Khaos and Alina sat down to eat. They both enjoyed the food and the conversation that came along with it. Khaos talked about his past hardships and how he had to survive in a cruel world after his parents' death. Alina listened carefully, sensing the pain and anger in Khaos's voice.

As they ate, Alina couldn't help but notice that the laws of the universe were changing. She knew that a big event was about to happen, but she didn't want to worry Khaos with this information. Alina was a mysterious woman who had a keen sense of intuition and foresight. She had lived for centuries and had seen the rise and fall of many civilizations.

After dinner, they both retired to their rooms. Khaos lay in bed, reflecting on the events of the day. He felt a sense of calmness around Alina, something he had not felt in a long time. He was grateful for her company and the new powers he had acquired, but he was also wary of her mysterious nature. He wondered what her past was and what she was hiding from him.

Meanwhile, Alina sat in her room, deep in thought. She knew that the universe was changing rapidly, and she had a sense that Khaos would play a significant role in the upcoming events. She decided to keep this information to herself, not wanting to overwhelm Khaos with the weight of the world's problems. She was intrigued by Khaos and the endless abyss and chaos that lay locked inside him. She knew that he had the potential to become the most powerful being. She wondered how he would fare in the new world that was about to unfold.