
Soul Of Chaos: Origin

Khaos, a destitute orphan, was fortunate enough to be taken in by two loving parents who provided him with a loving home and all the necessities of life. However, their untimely demise in the Crack left him shattered and forlorn. Khaos's despair was compounded when he discovered that he was unable to evolve like the rest of humanity, leaving him feeling powerless and vulnerable. Determined to carve out a future for himself, Khaos took on the role of a Spaler, braving the dangers of the Cracks and exploring their mysteries. Despite his initial fear, he remained resolute in his pursuit of knowledge, determined to unravel the secrets of these mysterious crevices. However, his resolve was tested when he encountered a particularly vicious and deadly beast during his first foray into the Cracks, forcing him to flee for his life. As Khaos ran for his life, he stumbled upon an ancient tomb, shrouded in mystery and enigma. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not to explore the forbidden tomb. In the end, his curiosity got the better of him, and he ventured inside, unwittingly setting into motion a chain of events that would change his life forever. How will this change his life, will he be ever able to become successful and powerful in the world? Read the novel to find out. Also, this is my first novel so if you encounter and mistake comment on it, I will try my best to solve it. The cover is not mine if the owner wants to remove it, I will remove it.

celestial_001 · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

Developing Relationship

After two weeks of intense training, Khaos felt much more confident in his abilities. He had a better understanding of how to control his powers and was eager to test himself in the field. So, he decided to go on a space crack ruin exploration with his friend Alina.

As they reached the crack, Khaos showed his ID and they were allowed to enter. Inside, they found themselves in a forest world teeming with various kinds of beasts. Khaos used the opportunity to hone his skills by fighting the beasts, and Alina watched in awe as he effortlessly took them down.

As they were exploring the forest, they came across a group of strangers who were having difficulty handling the beasts. Khaos decided to help them, and Alina followed suit. Together, they took down the beasts and the strangers thanked them for their help.

After the battle, Khaos and Alina sat down to catch their breath and rest. Alina was impressed with Khaos' abilities and told him so. Khaos felt a rush of pride and satisfaction at her words. They then started to chat about their lives and interests, and Khaos found himself opening up to her more than he had before.

As they continued their exploration, Khaos and Alina grew closer. They teased each other, flirted, and shared jokes. Khaos found himself drawn to Alina's warmth and kindness, and he felt his feelings for her growing stronger.

As they traveled deeper into the forest world, Khaos and Alina had plenty of time to talk and get to know each other better.

"Tell me more about your powers," Alina said one day as they rested beside a small stream. "How do they work exactly?"

Khaos shrugged. "It's hard to explain. I can manipulate energy in various forms. Sometimes it's just a small spark, and other times it's a full-blown explosion. I'm still figuring out how to control it all."

Alina nodded, looking thoughtful. "That's really impressive. I wish I had powers like that."

Khaos grinned. "Well, maybe someday you will. You never know what the future holds."

They spent many more hours exploring the forest world, battling fierce beasts and discovering ancient ruins. Along the way, they grew closer and closer, their flirting and teasing becoming more frequent.

One day, as they hiked through a particularly dense section of the forest, Alina stumbled and nearly fell. Khaos caught her by the arm, steadying her.

"Careful there," he said, a hint of concern in his voice. "You okay?"

Alina nodded, smiling gratefully up at him. "Thanks. I'm fine. Just a little tired, I guess."

Khaos studied her for a moment, his gaze lingering on her face. "You know, you're really something, Alina. You're brave, and smart, and... well, you're beautiful, too."

Alina blushed, feeling her heart skip a beat. "Thanks, Khaos. That's really sweet of you to say."

They gazed at each other for a long moment, the tension between them growing palpable. Finally, Khaos leaned in and kissed her, his lips soft and warm against hers.

It was a sweet, tender kiss, full of promise and hope for the future. As they pulled away, Alina smiled up at Khaos, feeling happier than she had in a long time.

"Wow," she murmured. "That was... amazing."

Khaos grinned, looking pleased with himself. "Yeah, it was. And there's plenty more where that came from, if you're interested."

Alina laughed, feeling her cheeks turn pink. "You're so full of yourself, Khaos. But... maybe I am interested."

They kissed again, their bodies pressed close together as they savored the warmth of each other's embrace. And as they continued on their adventure, facing danger and excitement together, they knew that they had found something special in each other.

Two Days Later

Khaos' past was a sensitive topic for him, and he didn't like to talk about it much. However, as he spent more time with Alina, he began to open up about his struggles and past traumas.

One day, while sitting by the campfire after a long day of exploring, Alina noticed that Khaos seemed lost in thought. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and asked, "Is everything okay?"

Khaos hesitated for a moment, but then sighed and said, "I've been thinking about my past a lot lately. I've been trying to forget about it, but it's not easy."

Alina listened patiently as Khaos opened up about his struggles and how he ended up with his powers. She could see the pain in his eyes and knew that it must have been tough for him.

"You don't have to go through this alone, Khaos," Alina said softly. "I'm here for you, and I'll always be here to listen."

Khaos smiled weakly and thanked her. He felt a sense of relief after opening up about his past, and he knew that he could trust Alina with his deepest thoughts and fears.

As they continued their journey, Khaos became more open and talkative, thanks to Alina's unwavering support and understanding. They shared many more conversations, some serious and some light-hearted, but they all brought them closer together.

Amidst all the adventure and danger, there were moments of pure joy and happiness as well. Khaos and Alina teased each other playfully, and their flirting grew more intense as they spent more time together.

One night, after a particularly grueling day of battling fierce beasts, Khaos and Alina sat by the campfire, watching the stars above.

Khaos turned to Alina and said, "You know, I never thought I'd find someone who would accept me for who I am. But you've shown me that there's more to life than just pain and despair."

Alina smiled warmly at him and said, "I'm glad I could be that person for you, Khaos. You mean a lot to me, and I hope we can continue to explore the universe together."

Khaos leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Alina's lips, feeling a rush of warmth and affection as he did so. Alina responded eagerly, and they kissed passionately under the stars, their love growing stronger with each passing moment.