
Soul Land : UNRIVALLED Tang San

Following the Douluo Dalu story with a different story and events for which he doesn't know why? With the third spirit whose origin is unknown and a system whose background is frightening. Meeting those he wasn't supposed to and falling in love with those he didn't expect to. He has the same goal of reaching the top along with his Devil comrades and lovers. The system to help him with that along with his little brother and the magical space from the wish he doesn't remember...... Note: I will skip some fight scenes as it would take a lot of time and effort to write them and most readers skip them (personal experience). There are 18+ scenes with things like milf,loli,goddess. This novel is a fanfic of the original Douluo Dalu by Tang Jia San Shao. THIS FAN-FIC NOVEL MADE BY The_Virgin. but for some reasons this novel is stop and i am trying to rewrite this novel but my work line is totally different after some chapters.

World_Failure · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Oscar Third Spirit Ring

What is called 'one cun longer is one cun stronger', although Tang San's Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track was subtle, under these kinds of circumstances it was still practically impossible ,if he didn't use his full soul power to dodge Meng Yiran's attack.

At this, Xiao Wu watching the fight already cried out in alarm, stepping out about to rush in, but was discovered in time by Zhao Wuji and pulled back.

Zhao Wuji's expression was equally gloomy, but if their side rashly intervened in this kind of impartial competition, it would violate the game's rules. Furthermore, he believed Tang San would not be so easily defeated by the other side. Originally, this kid could rely on hidden weapons to make even him get the worst of it, currently that strongest attack method of his had not at all appeared.

Confronted by the cutting Tongue Blade, Tang San picked the simplest method to resolve it. At the same time it was also expected to attack like this.

His right hand did not let go, but he quickly raised his left hand, unexpectedly grabbing towards that Tongue Blade spit out by the Serpent Cane.

"Little San."

"Brother San"

Xiao Wu once again cried out, she had already closed her eyes in alarm, she did not want to see the scene of Tang San's palm cut open.

But, was Tang San's palm cut? Of course not.

With a light ding sound, Tang San's left hand already firmly grasped that Tongue Blade. Currently, his two hands had both already become a sparkling and translucent jade color. Precisely Tang Sect secret technique and updated by system Forbidden Jade Hand.

Mysterious Jade Hand, secret rolr written down in Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record. Speaking of Tang Sect's hidden weapon experts, Mysterious Jade Hand was one of the required courses.

In real Tang San's past life, apart from Tang Sect, the majority of people using hidden weapons, especially hidden weapons dipped in poison, all had to use deerskin gloves, so as not to injure their palms. If Tang Sect's disciples were also like this, then wouldn't they become a joke?

Real Mysterious Jade Hand, with the Mysterious Heaven Skill foundation, made the palm become tough and durable like cold jade, no kind of poison able to invade. With it, when Tang Sect disciples used hidden weapons they did not need any preparation, and even more need not worry about injuring themselves.

Of course, Mysterious Jade Hand was also limited, and when attacks exceeded its limit the palm still would be injured and now, Tang San's current Forbidden Jade Hand limit clearly could not be reached by Meng Yiran. If he tries then this serpent crane is easily crushed by his hands.

Tongue Blade in his hand, Tang San's five fingers tightened. Of his two hands one grabbing the Serpent Cane, one grabbing the Tongue Blade. Closely grasping Meng Yiran's Serpent Head Cane near the top in his hand, the two people each held one end of the Serpent Cane, immediately deadlocked.

The Tongue Blade could be said to be the Serpent Head Cane's best feature, a lot of skill was needed to be able to use it. The Tongue Blade being held in Tang San's hand was just like copper cast in iron: Meng Yiran several times used strength, but not only could she not wrest free the Serpent Cane, she could not even cut open Tang San's palm that suddenly had become lustrous white like jade.

Meng Yiran's strength was in this Serpent Cane, so naturally she couldn't give up her weapon. Tang San of course also understood this fact, so this Serpent Cane became the crucial location for the two peoples' fight.

Practically without the slightest hesitation, the two people simultaneously used their spirit power to attack the other side through the Serpent Cane.

Tang San's spirit power was blue, Meng Yiran's spirit power was gray, the two kinds of differently colored light simultaneously displayed on the Serpent Cane, abruptly erupting in a tyrannical collision.

Right now, no spirit abilities were of use, and the two's spirit power was not much different. Confronting the other side attacking with spirit power was dangerous, already painful without advancing spirit power to attack the opponent.

Tang San could of course unleash his hidden weapons, but he did not because this girl had a chance to barking 'this is not fair'. If he confronted an opponent with similar strength and did not win with spirit and fighting skills, then why had he cultivated for many years.

Thus, this fight between Tang San and Meng Yiran, at once became a battle of comparing spirit power.

Meng Yiran's spirit power was fierce and tyrannical, and adding to the fury in her heart, on entering a deadlock with Tang San, immediately attacked like beating waves.

Tang San also released her power, this spirit power has a calm nature. but, blue light calm nature hides a powerful suppression aura with mental power tang san only use suppression not mental power because meng yiran have not cultivated her mental state.

Seeing the situation of Tang San and Meng Yiran in the end compete with spirit power, Serpent Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang and Zhao Wuji were both somewhat nervous. They understood that competing with spirit power was a kind of unusually dangerous method. With one mistake, it was possible to inflict heavy injuries. Subconsciously, the two both slowly approached the battlefield. When a problem appeared, they would immediately act to assist.

One minute and one second passed, it was Tang San who had a calm face and Meng Yiran, in his forehead were wet with perspiration. she has already used her full strength.

Tang San's advantage was Forbidden Heaven Skill's toughness with pure suppress soul power and unending growth, in this respect its fast recovery speed, but Meng Yiran's advantage was having spirit power higher than Tang San, if he didn't suppress her power then the fight is piece of cake.

But, Meng Yiran was too shortsighted, in the initial rush of spirit power she attacked too wildly, to the extent that her spirit power consumption was greater than that of the passively defending Tang San.

On the surface, her grey spirit power occupied two thirds of the Serpent Cane's area, but in fact, regarding spirit power she consumed even more.

As time passed, and as the consumption lengthened, Tang San's counterattack gradually began. Blue spirit power gradually increased its hold on the Serpent Cane, and the strength ratio between the two gradually tilted.

'No, I can't lose.' Meng Yiran clenched her teeth and forcefully braced herself, watching Tang San's spirit power come closer step by step, whatever was said she was still reluctant to give up. Once she lost, the thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent would belong to the other side.

From childhood until now, growing up she had always been spoiled by Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother, anything she wanted she had always gotten. Regarding the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, she was even more determined to win, even though she was gradually losing the advantage, she could still not agree to give up, continuously pressing her spirit power.

Tang San who was watching meng yiran was not shocked seeing her persistence but alas some things are not needed for persistence but need pure strength and he has full control in both aspects.

Serpent Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang sighed, saying to Zhao Wuji:

"Forget about it, consider it our loss. Shall you and me act together?"

With Zhao Wuji on the side glaring like a tiger watching his prey, Chao Tian-Xiang naturally did not dare recklessly rush into action, right now in order to save her granddaughter she could only do it like this. After all, although the spirit ring was good, her granddaughter's life was even more important.

Zhao Wuji of course cheerfully acted, immediately nodding. At once, these two respectively possessing Spirit Sage and Spirit Emperor strength powers simultaneously moved out, reaching behind Tang San and Meng Yiran respectively, simultaneously using their spirit power.

"Let's go."

Zhao Wuji shouted in a deep voice. Thick spirit power poured into Tang San. Naturally Tang San had heard his and Chao Tian-Xiang's dialogue, under the protection of Zhao Wuji's spirit power he immediately released both hands, sending him back several steps.

On the other side, Chao Tian-Xiang also used her spirit power to protect Meng Yiran, moreover grabbing her body to keep her from continuing to attack.

Meng Yiran's complexion was pale, and with retching sounds she belched up a mouthful of blood, listlessly collapsing to sit on the spot.

Previously she was at a disadvantage, continuously bracing to resist being forced back by Tang San's spirit power. Without the attack, her agitated capacity dissipated like discharging air from a ball, unable to keep from immediately sitting on the ground. Under Serpent Grandmother's assistance she immediately entered a cultivation state to heal.

Oscar swiftly moved up to Tang San's side. Handing over a long since prepared Recovery Sausage in his hand, with a wink saying:

"Brother, eat quickly. If big brother has success in the future, he will definitely never forget you."

Tang San smiley said:

"To one's own, what is there to say."

Immediately taking and eating the fresh sausage, without letting Zhao Wuji help him like Serpent Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang helped Meng Yiran, he walked alone to sit and cultivate by himself. With the aid of Oscar's fresh sausage and not a one cut in his body, his recovery speed would not be too slow. Zhao Wuji was the Shrek Academy side's only power. His strength still had to be maintained as much as possible, because the next problem is Titan giant ape, he was not powerful enough to fight with this ape but he have to act to show her love to xiao wu and he also have a chance to alone hunting for his spirit ring.

Zhao Wuji appeared very satisfied that Tang San refused his help, watching him walk aside he couldn't help reveal a smile but he has some doubt in some minute ago about tang san soul power how can he easily maintain her body and soul power. so, he again check but there are no trick or suppression power in tang san body Zhao Wuji think that this tang san power obtained by his own hard work.

Xiao Wu immediately stood next to where Tang San began cultivating to recover spirit power, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun also went over one after another, crowding around protectively with Tang San in the middle. Tang San defeating Meng Yiran for the sake of Oscar's strength, somewhat moved them all. The distance between each other also appeared to pull a bit closer.

Zhao Wuji wore a smile as he looked towards Serpent Grandmother,

"Big sister Chao, what do you say?"

Serpent Grandmother calmly said:

"If you agree to a bet you must accept your loss, a loss is a loss. The thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent ring is yours. This old woman will remember this affair today."

Zhao Wuji acting like he was unable to make sense of Chao Tian-Xiang's threats, turned his head towards Oscar with a meaningful expression,

"Stinking brat, you still haven't set to it."

Oscar sat down directly at the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent's side, lifting his hand to summon his big fresh sausage, under the shroud of mild pink light, he pulled the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent's spirit ring to enter his torso, starting to absorb the third spirit ring of his life.

Zhao Wuji did not relax at all just because Oscar started absorbing the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent's spirit ring, his gaze continuously watched Chao Tian-Xiang attentively. Although previously saying it was a bet, who could still be certain that this Serpent Grandmother would not suddenly renege on her word and launch an attack?

Although the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent's renown wasn't small, it still wasn't particularly righteous. Even if it was a bit better than Zhao Wuji this Motionless Bright King, it was hardly by much.

Chao Tian-Xiang did not at any different, only silently assisting her granddaughter's healing. As Zhao Wuji watched her attentively, she also equally vigilantly watched Zhao Wuji, the two silently confronting each other produced a tension between them.

Not long after, Chao Tian-Xiang stopped pressing her hands on Meng Yiran, pulling her granddaughter from the ground.

Although Meng Yiran's complexion was still pale, her mind was apparently already a bit better, resolutely opening her eyes to look at the sitting distantly and cultivating Tang San and Oscar absorbing the thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent's spirit ring, again raising her head to look at her grandma, she wants to know about tang san but now his anger suppress his curiosity and other emotions and said,

"Grandma, you must stand in for me to do it, ah!"

Chao Tian-Xiang's brows are wrinkled,

"Come now, we are already lost. Once we find your grandpa we will speak again."

Her gaze shifted to Zhao Wuji,

"Motionless Bright King, blue hills never change, green water always flows, I'm sure we will meet again some day."

She deliberately stressed the two words 'some day', a cold light in her eyes, she obviously had not kept any goodwill. Because Zhao Wuji might move, she did not even dare help her granddaughter recover to her best condition, only suppressing the injuries, after first leaving here it would still not be too late to conduct healing. Serpent Grandmother had plentiful experience, she would not give Zhao Wuji any opportunity to act.

Done speaking these words, Chao Tian-Xiang like this brought her granddaughter to leap away, without entering the forest depths disappearing out of sight.

Seeing the Serpent Grandmother grandparent and grandchild pair leave, Zhao Wuji also secretly let out a breath, in the end, from start to finish the Dragon Duke had not appeared.

At present the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent had already been obtained, even if this husband and wife pair wanted revenge, they would still first have to consider whether it was worth it.

Once Oscar had finished absorbing the spirit ring, leaving this place even a bit earlier would be good.

If the situation changed for the worse and they again encountered this Unrivalled Dragon Serpent family, it would not go so well.

By now the color of the sky was already gradually darkening, within Star Dou Great Forest the air was moist, the rich plant fragrance making peoples' whole body relax, if there were no longer spirit beasts here, then perhaps this might become a paradise for people.

Dai Mubai's group of five waited at Tang San's side, Zhao Wuji stood beside Oscar, as protectors of the two.

After probably half a double hour, the first to awaken was contrary to expectations Oscar absorbing the spirit ring.

Although Tang San ate the recovery sausage Oscar gave him, he did not open his eyes because he was waiting for Titan giant ape so, instead having a bit longer cultivation time.

With a long breath, Oscar slowly opened his eyes, in a split second, a change suddenly appeared in that pink light over his body, becoming a beautiful pink, the entire person bathed in this layer of pink light.

Three spirit rings rose from below, besides the original two yellow spirit rings, another bright purple spirit ring manifested itself strongly. Oscar had finally broken through the Spirit Grandmaster phase, entering the Spirit Elder realm.

Thirty first ranked Spirit Elder food system Spirit Master Oscar.

"Congratulations, little Ao."

Zhao Wuji said to him with a smile.

After obtaining the third spirit ring, Oscar's entire body had subtly changed, his stature seemed to have become a bit larger, the entire person looking even more vigorous, but the biggest change was that pair of peach blossom eyes of his. In his eyes unexpectedly flickered seven colored lights, resembling the energy previously released by the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent as it threatened everyone.

Dai Mubai laughed straightforwardly,

"Little Ao, you are the second of us to break through thirtieth rank. Congratulations, congratulations. Quickly let us have a look at what your third spirit ring ability is."

Oscar was obviously greatly excited on receiving the third spirit ring, however, hearing Dai Mubai mention his third spirit ring ability, his smile didn't quite appear, embarrassed saying:

"Let it be, we'll speak again when we've returned."

Ma Hongjun said:

"Little Ao, what are you afraid of. Don't tell me you're still afraid we'll make fun of you? Your third spirit ability's spirit incantation couldn't be even funnier than your previous two. Your brothers made a lot of effort for you, hurry up and show us the result."

Oscar helplessly nodded,

"Only, promise, you definitely can't laugh when you hear my spirit incantation."

Everyone nodded simultaneously, on their faces already somewhat smiling expressions.

Oscar raised his right hand, eventually reciting his third spirit incantation,

"I your father have a mushroom sausage."

Pu——, hearing his words, practically everyone simultaneously burst out laughing, besides Tang San who was still cultivating control his smile not let anyone find about him his awake state, even Zhao Wuji burst into loud laughter.

Oscar glared at everyone,

"Didn't you promise not to laugh?"

These words instead had the opposite effect, everyone's laughter became even more difficult to endure.

A strange sausage appeared in Oscar's right palm. The sausage looked similar to his first spirit ring ability Recovery Sausage. At least the bulk looked the same. However, the top of the sausage sprouted outwards, creating an umbrella shaped mushroom head, also a bit similar to the crest of the phoenix tail crest serpent. This was possibly the origin of this mushroom-sausage.

Zhao Wuji was after all the teacher. The first to stop laughing, he looked at Oscar's dismayed face:

"Little Ao, tell everyone what your mushroom sausage does, it's a thousand year spirit ring ability, its effect couldn't be too lacking."

Oscar snorted with indignation and said,

"You guys laugh on. From now on, other than Tang San, I won't give my mushroom sausages to anyone. Hmph."

As he was spoke, he lifted the mushroom sausage in his hand, his facial expression vivid. Then said loudly in an arrogant tone:

"Mushroom sausage, third spirit ring ability. Effect: Soaring."

All laughter suddenly ceased, everyone looking stunned at Oscar. And all of this was because of one simple word. Soaring.

Even if it was Ning Rongrong whose spirit possessed the reputation of the Continent's number one Auxiliary Spirit, now already looked wide eyed at Oscar.

When Ning Rongrong first came to the Academy, the person she looked down on the most was Oscar, even though Oscar was the third most handsome of everyone but dust compared to tang san. She always believed, Oscar without attack power and a mere sausage spirit had no future in front of him. Naturally, she treated him with scorn, so Oscar's love sign. to her was thought of as just a joke.

Ning Rongrong's look towards Oscar was filled with down emotions. Now, she finally realized. Among the students of Shrek Academy, she might really be the worst one, she remembered brother San says he didn't need me if i maintain such an attitude.

"*Cough*, *cough*"

Oscar, looking at everyone's mouths wide open felt a secret pleasure. Coughing twice, he said:

"En, I still haven't finished explaining. My third spirit ring ability is: Soaring, for one minute."


Other than Zhao Wuji who restrained himself, everyone else started cursing openly.

Dai Mubai growled:

"Little Ao. Do you want us to loosen up your skin? Talking with such a big pause."

Oscar laughed slightly and said:

"Boss Dai, are you threatening me? What about Soaring for one minute huh? That's still a rare ability!"

Dai Mubai smirked, saying:

"More like rare trash ability. What about flying one minute? You can't even fly over a slightly wide river or cliff."

The rainbow glow of Oscar's peach blossom eyes seemed to grow even more distinct.

"Is it really like that? What if this Soaring for one minute, was according to the speed of the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent?"


Dai Mubai said astounded.

"You're saying. That after anyone eats your mushroom sausage, they can fly at the speed of a Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent for one minute? Is that even possible?"


phew!! this chapter depleted my energy so can you give your power to me

World_Failurecreators' thoughts