
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · Khác
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80 Chs


Xue Ye: "..."

      Chengying's question made him a little embarrassed. The question was too direct. There was no aristocratic implicitness at all. Fortunately, Xue Ye's self-cultivation was good and he did not show an embarrassing expression.

      "There should be fiefs, but it may not be the same as you think." Xueye didn't intend to hide it either. Generally, titles come with fiefs, but whether they can get them depends on their own ability.

      "Let's talk about it, it is always safer to have a legal site." Chengying said that no matter how desolate the fief is, he will not panic. He can always make the site rich.

      "That's the case. Although your merits are very high, you have countless lives, but the hereditary title is not so easy to take. If you are lucky, you should be able to get a viscount. But

      unless the duke, the empire is not You will cut flesh and fiefs in your own territory, and your Viscount leader will most likely be in the disputed territory between the empire and the border kingdoms."

      Cheng Ying blinked when he heard the words, and then suddenly, the biggest meaning of the enfeoffment system is that the rule cannot be directly governed. If the territory of the empire is directly under the jurisdiction of the empire, cutting meat would run counter to the purpose of enfeoffment.

      When Zhou Tianzi entrusted the princes, that was what it meant. It was never that this place was shot down and then you were called to govern, but a circle on the map, indicating that certain princes, this place will be yours.

      "Understandable, which means that the territory has to find a way to grab it!" Cheng Ying thought, the empire should provide some help, otherwise, why didn't he grab the territory by himself.

      "This is it, so the vast majority fail to get their aristocratic manor, they can attack the Empire Kill fiefs, but rarely lent Empire soul division corps, with a group of ordinary people simply can not hit down the site.

      Cheng brother If necessary, I can borrow one hundred subordinates from you. Although the cultivation base is not high, it is better than nothing." Xue Ye explained kindly.

      "Are you going to fight?" Bingdi suddenly jumped out with an expression that finally it was my turn to show off his power, and then was hugged by Cheng Ying ruthlessly, pinched her face and couldn't speak, but could only make a vague woo. Lulu~

      It is true that the ice emperor can indeed lay down fiefdoms, let alone lay down fiefdoms. Those few jumping kingdoms will not have a big problem for them to destroy the country collectively, but powerful heroes cannot awaken a class, only let them realize themselves. The power of it.

      "Thank your Highness for your kindness, but I already have a complete plan in this regard. Your Highness's guard should stay by my side to protect myself!" Cheng Ying knows that this is not the eldest son. As for how to become the eldest son. The emperor above, I am afraid it is indispensable to kill the brother and the brother and enjoy the throne.

      The cooperation between the two parties has always been very pleasant, but don't slap others because of his butterfly wings. It is not so easy to find such a good partner.

      "Since Brother Cheng has made a plan, it must be foolproof. The commemoration ceremony will be held on the day when the moon is fullest after the harvest every year. Brother Cheng, you should wait until next year. Don't shirk this time. I will say anything by then. I need to take Brother Cheng to get better in the imperial city!"

      "That's it!" Cheng Ying and Xueye high-five.

      ... On

      the bus heading outside the city, Chao Tianxiang looked back at the distant tower with mixed feelings. He thought she was already very good in the spirit master, but compared with Cheng Ying, she was really just a child.

      "Your teacher should know that you can't live in a mansion in the city? Why do you want to go to the city!" Some girls who were hit wilt asked.

      "This teacher has said! The teacher said that the lion will patrol the territory daily and mark the territory with urine. The teacher must also be patrolling the territory. This is the nature of male creatures!" Meng Shu thought of the animal habits that Chengying taught. The answer is the closest to reality.

      They just looked up and saw that Dugu Bo and Tang Chen both looked at mentally retarded eyes Looking at him, in the rearview mirror, Chengying's gaze was locked on him, and his squinting was suspicious. He holding the steering wheel did not look at the road at all.

      "Student Meng Shu is really good at inferences! Since you are so smart, you have to teach students in accordance with your aptitude! This five-year college entrance examination three-year simulation is good, don't care if it will be, I will see you finish it before tomorrow morning. "


      A blue booklet was smashed on Meng Shu's face, and the hot gold three-dimensional artistic words were written on the cover. The five-year college entrance examination was simulated for three years...

      Tang Chen's face showed a deadly expression. This exercise book is a teacher The most difficult one among all the exercise books, according to the teacher, is close to the difficulty of the college entrance examination. I don't know what kind of gods the college entrance examination is set for. It is probably the god qualification selection exam!

      Dugu Bo voted for Xueba's contempt. He already knew most of the high school knowledge. Xueba said it was not impossible to finish this exercise book in one night.

      Meng Shu looked dumbfounded. Although he hadn't experienced the fear of being dominated by homework, he was instinctively cold.


      Returning to the manor outside Tiandou City, after Chengying settled down with the new students, he took Bingdi's little hand and walked towards the river. He was about to take over the fief next fall, so his "End of the World Project" would To be implemented as soon as possible, a fire must be filled in the conventional technology tree to burn raging on the land of Douluo.

      "What the gods are doing mysteriously! Is there anything fun yet?" The Ice Emperor let Cheng Ying hold hands, following him like a real little Lolita.

      "It's not a toy this time! Xiaobing, do you want to know what the end of the world is like?" Cheng Ying asked mysteriously.

      "The end of the world?" Bingdi blinked his eyes.

      "Yes, what do you think the end of the world should look like?" Chengying hardly told a few people about geography. After all, the map of the earth would be abolished here, and there was really not much he could tell.

      As for the fact that the earth is round, he did not dare to say that as a fantasy world, before completing his voyage around the world, Chengying really did not dare to assert that the ghosts knew whether they were on a flat continent.

      Bingdi heard the words, thought about it, and his eyes lit up: "I guess there must be a sea of ​​fire at the end of the world. The sun rises from the magma, and then spirals up, repeating every day."

      "Huh? Why?" Cheng Ying was said to be stunned. Now, he didn't want to understand how Bingdi came to this conclusion.

      "Because I found in the far north that flying from my territory to any direction will get hotter and hotter. In this case, my territory is likely to be the center of the world. In

      this case, the closer to the end of the world, the hotter it will become. And because I can see the sun spirally setting slowly on the territory, I guess the sun fell into the end of the world, burning there into a piece of magma! How about? Is my reasoning very powerful?" Bingdi looked on I'm super good, so please compliment my expression.

      Cheng Ying laughed at this, and the Ice Emperor had been at the North Pole for countless years. It was reasonable to come to such a somewhat outrageous conclusion. At least it proved that she had thought about it. This was better than ninety-nine percent of the people on the mainland.

      "Perhaps this is the case!" Chengying rubbed Bingdi's little head so much: "Rather than guessing, why don't we go and see with our own eyes?"