
Soul Land: Life Simulator System

Through Douluo's Lin Yi binding simulator, the simulation can become stronger. [Your Douluo Life Simulator has been opened.

Iles · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

"Evil is not disgusting! I'll brush your teeth with a soul gun brush! Lin Yi cursed.

"First soul technique, Fox Charm." While the soldier ants spit out the ant, Hu Liena's control arrived.

Force dizziness for three seconds.

Lin Yi took the opportunity of three seconds.

The soul-breaking weapon stabbed directly into the soldier ant's stomach, quickly pulled it out and stabbed into its mouth.

The originally hard armor was like paper paste and was easily pierced by the soul-breaking weapon.

"That! This child's soul-breaking weapon is a bit evil. The spirit in the distance actually took the initiative to speak.

Yue Guan glanced at it and smiled without speaking.

Lin Yi dipped into Qianjun Ant's mouth and grunted back and forth, "Let your mouth smell, brush your teeth."

Because Lin Yi had "brushed his teeth", he couldn't even let out a harsh scream.

Finally, a shot with all its force directly entered the soldier ant's brain and turned into a soulless body.

"Children, you are doing well." Yueguan was already standing quietly on top of the treetops.

Lin Yi was shocked in his heart, "Is this Title Douluo's strength, just now I was always paying attention to the surroundings, and I actually didn't find any trace of Ju Douluo."

"You guys have done a good job in this soul hunting."

"Coincidentally, this Qianjun ant extremely matches Lin Yi's martial soul, but the age of the soul beast is slightly older."

Lin Yi was a little confused, "Grandpa Yueguan, how many years has this soul beast been around?"

"Five hundred years!"

Lin Yi was a little speechless.

In the original work of Douluo Continent, the age of the first soul ring is four hundred and twenty-three years.

"The first soul ring, the upper limit of four hundred and twenty-three years, has exceeded too much." Yueguan said this sentence directly.

"What, isn't it just Yuxiao who knows right now?" Lin Yi muttered a little in his heart, "Forget it, why are you involved in it, it's not good, Yu Xiaogang saw it from the books of Martial Soul Hall."

At this time, a pair of hands pressed on Lin Yi's shoulders, which scared Lin Yi, so he could not stand firmly and sit on the ground.

The ghostly hoarse voice rang out, "However, it is not impossible, Lin Yi, you are very talented, battle soul, and the body's tolerance is also stronger, as long as you can withstand the impact of the soul beast in the soul ring, you can absorb it, and Ju Douluo and I will give you a protector." If you agree with that, you can absorb it now.

"There are such good things, the two great ones with the title Douluo give me the protection of the Dharma, how could my life be in danger." Lin Yi reckoned that this matter would not be lost, immediately nodded and agreed.

In an instant, the area around the Soul Hunt Forest had been banished by Spirit Douluo to ensure that no one would disturb him.

Lin Yi was still a little excited when he first absorbed the soul ring, and after a minute, he felt that the two with the title Douluo seemed to be playing with him.

To say that it is a protector is only to condense their soul power around their body to prevent the leakage of soul power.

As for absorption, it is all up to you.

When all the soul rings were inserted into the body, Lin Yi was already sweating.

And something even more terrible happened.

In the soul ring, the residual thoughts of the soldier ant actually remained completely.

And it is not just a thought.

It should be said that it is a grudge! (2nd Company)

At this moment, Lin Yi needs a person and a five hundred year old ant soldier SOLO.

"I lean, next time I will not be reckless." Lin Yi complained.

When they showed the soul-breaking weapon, the resentment of the thousand ants actually had a trace of jealousy.

His eyes were glued to Lin Yi, but he was in no hurry to attack.

The sound of "Zizi" rang out, and this product actually attacked directly from a distance.

Rely directly on spit formic acid to play villains.

The soulbreaker switches to the sword of seven kills.

"Seven kills sword method - Snow Queen Chuqing!"

A very special move in the Seven Kills Sword Spectrum.

Mix the sword qi with killing intent in Seven Kills Sword with the soul power condensed around the body to form an invisible barrier.

Although it is not a soul technique, it resembles a soul technique and can withstand some attacks.

Since it was not a physical attack, the formic acid sprayed on Lin Yi's protective body sword qi and directly disappeared.

"I'm coming!" One by one, the sword qi rushed directly towards Qianjun Ant.

This beast was actually a bit shy, and when he saw Lin Yi rushing over, he had the idea to retreat.

Sword Qi opens the way.

When Lin Yi arrived in front of Qianjun Ant, the Seven Kills Sword was directly transformed into a soul-breaking weapon.

"Amorphous Storm, yes." At this time Lin Yi absorbed the soul ring, of course it wouldn't really consume soul power.

The amorphous storm directly forced the body for three seconds.

At this moment, when Qianjun ant can speak, I am afraid that he will only say five words, "I don't want to brush my teeth."

Three hours.

The sun has risen above us.

The golden trio in the forest had already eaten lunch.

"Nana, don't say it, that thousand ant meat. What a fragrance! Come and taste it. "Ah Yan is eating.


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