
Soul land: Epic of Heroes

cover obviously not mine so that probably won't happen but the author of it contact me to get it removed. the system tag is there but its really not major its only a small boon --synopsis-- A guy dies and reincarnates in soul land huo yuhao era that's pretty much it, you don't need to know more.

Bookworm_Douluo · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

A new friend!

Weles:"Not even a thank you, how cold"

Cai:"I'm supposed to thank you for saving that guy?"

Weles:"So fierce, from where comes the confidence?"

Cai:"I may not look like it but I'm already a soul grandmaster" I summoned my Ice brush with its soul rings

Weles:"So young?!" he looked quite surprised after this.

"No wonder you are so confident you really opened my eyes this time"

Cai:"I guess you get it now" That really gave me an ego boost.

Weles:"Well what is a soul grandmaster like you doing here anyway?"

Cai:"Oh that, I was looking for a job around the city" I didn't expect it was so embarrassing to say, but he doesn't appear to be a bad guy and he wanted to save me too, so I should at least repay him by being honest.

Weles:"For a job? Around the city? A talent like you? I though you are some rich kid who's parents got a lot of money to spend on resources"

Cai:"Hey! Don't judge me based on my cultivation"

'I mean he isn't wrong, but he doesn't know that yet'

Weles:"Now don't be like that, well why are you looking for a job anyway?"

I hesitated for a moment to tell him, it was quite embarrassing to say that but I decided to do it. Maybe he will be willing to help in the end?

Cai:"I'm... on a one person journey currently, I decided to stay here for a few months, but my money is slowly being drained. I won't be able to last so long" I made a little pause.

"Yet I seem to have no luck so far, and I disappointed the only person willing to hire me. So here I am dejected and tired, going back to my inn. As to why I'm here I thought I could shorten the journey through here"

He seems to think for a little before continuing.

Weles:"What inn are you staying at?"

Cai:"Well, it's quite cosy, pretty small, looks closer to a tavern, and has pretty good food" I tell him since I didn't bother to remember it's name.

Weles:"Hmm, I think I know which one you are talking about, come with me I will take you there. I'm living here since birth so I know my way around" He invites me with a warm smile on his face. I hesitated for a bit but I decided to accept it in the end.

Cai:"Okay take me there please"

Weles:"Well then let's go" He says while still keeping his smile and signals me with his hand to go with him.

I have to say Weles sure knows his way around this place, he was moving swiftly through the streets and passageways, some I didn't even saw before I saw him go through there. Needless to say I arrived at my inn quite quickly, it only took us 10 minutes at most.

Weles:"Is that the place?"

Cai:"Yes it's here, honestly I'm surprised you got it from only what I said" He let out a little chuckle

Weles:"I come here for dinner once in a while, so I know this place it's ingrained deeply in my mind"

Before I even realized he already went with me up to my room, and since it came to this it's time to say goodbyes.

Cai:"Well we are already here, so I think it's about time we say goodbyes."

Weles:"Yes, I agree it's getting quite late anyway I'm supposed to be back already." He pauses for a second.

"But before that, how old are you even Cai Ying?" It seems he was quite curious considering, I'm already a soul grandmaster.

Cai:"I recently turned Nine, I was born with full innate soul power" So I decided to humour him.

Weles:"NINE?!" he shouts in surprise before quickly lowering his voice, after seeing some people eating turn his way.

"Wow, you would be half my age if you were a year younger, how I would like to have your cultivation base when I was nine" He really seemed surprised from that.

Cai:"So you are 16? Well it's already late as I said before so farewell, it was nice chatting with you."I start opening my door.

Weles:"Yes, you are right. Good bye then" He nods his head and leaves.

Back in my room I decided to clean myself quickly and go to bed. After finishing up I laid myself on the bed and immersed myself in my thoughts. Weles huh? He seems to be quite a nice guy, a first acquaintance perhaps? Anyhow today marks the start of a new chapter in my life, a first taste of independence in my two lifetimes. I really died too early didn't I?

I slowly let my consciousness drift away as I fall asleep.

The sunlight starts creeping to my room through the window falling straight into my eyes, I grunted a bit before slowly opening them up, my hair was really dishevelled but I didn't mind. I just gotten the best sleep I had in two weeks.

Honestly I would like to stay a bit longer in bed. I complain a bit before leaving the bed, because of the state I was left after waking up I had to go straight to the bathroom to freshen up, I had a quick bath and made my hair into my typical ponytail.

Honestly I really like how I made my hair in the character creation, with how it grows currently my ponytail is that icy light blue and the rest is black. I think it looks really cool, well enough about my hair. I quickly changed to another set of clothes before coming out of the bathroom.

Before I could even catch a break I started to hear knocking from my door, I quickly come up to the door and as I expected it was Weles.

Weles:"Good it seems you already awake"

Cai:"Indeed I was about to go eat breakfast" I tell him with a slight nod.

Weles:"That's great I wanted to talk to you about something, let's do it during breakfast"

So we both went down and each ordered a meal, since it's the breakfast menu, the items were easy to make so we got it quite quickly, and soon started talking.

Weles:"So I remember you saying something about looking for a job is that right" I took a quick bite before answering.

Cai:"That is indeed the case, why are you bringing it up now?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

Weles:"Well let's just say I might have just the thing for a soul grandmaster like you" he says with a smile.

Cai:"What do you mean by that? What's the need to be so secretive about that?"

Weles:"No need to hurry, you will know everything soon" he keeps talking with his smile, but this time around it seems a bit cheeky, looks like he is teasing me a bit.

Weles:"So what do you say? Are you going?"

I take a moment to think, it really seems to be my only way currently, I have no income and I can't just infinitely spend money I don't have too. He also seems to come here in good faith offering me this, it also doesn't seem like he is trying to trick more like genuinely trying to help me. It also doesn't seem to be final right now, so I could probably turn him down later. With that I make my mind up.

Cai:"Sure, I will go with you. It doesn't seem like I have any other options anyway" I make a hopeless smile.

Weles:"Great, let's go then. It seems we just finished our food anyway" he gets up from his chair quickly and motions me to follow him.

We left the inn and started heading down the streets. Soon enough Weles started talking again.

Weles:"I guess I should start filling you in right now" He turns his expression a little more serious now.

Cai: "Indeed I think you should." He made a little chuckle before continuing

Weles:"Anyway seeing as you are new here you probably don't know that, but this town is basically owned by my family, or it could be also said to be a little clan." Now that is an information to take in.

Weles:"I'm my clans heir, I will take it over pretty soon, now that is some background information about me and why I'm doing what I doing, though to be honest it's more of an extra goal."

Weles:"Now where I'm taking is a small, personal group I am leading, it has quite a bit of talented people inside of it, they will most likely all reach soul emperor in the future, and have a chance to become a soul sage in their lifetimes."

We paused already now that I focus more on the surroundings it seems we are basically out of town, just barely connected to it. On my right I hear the sound of waves delicately hitting the ground. In front of me there is a decent sized wooden shack. It seems to be quite a secret place.

"So what I'm saying is even though you won't stay here for long, would like to join us?" Weles says as he gives me his hand.
