
Soul Gear of Divine light

The being that saves the protagonist will tell him that he is a god candidate and release the seal on is soul core after his seal is released he kills the captain who wanted to kill him because he wanted to get a promotion for killing a Colossal dragon to get a better squad than after the protagonist kill him the captain then he saw dragons like monster with black iron skins he went on a rampage until he bleed out and died but get the second chance to live again and his name is (Aster Dawn)

Randompattern21 · Khoa huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The prologue

In the vast stars of an unknown cosmic event happened that gave the earth an unknown power in the 21st century the mortal of the earth through the power was a magical event but in reality, a Genocide Happen on a far of planet there soul ware spread out to other universities and planets some landing on earth but over time humanity made many broke through in technology and travel now they can try to fix the problem with the there green planet after they did that they made ships to travel and be new homes for the population growth. that happened Thanks to their new power but what they found made them happy but worried at the same time about the Creatures they found But that was the reason for them United together to finally made a true form of peace on their planet now they explore the universe to see what they can do in the conquest of their universe until they saw things that were creatures in Myth Dragons. they slowed down humanity's growth for a time but then they found one of the ruins of the soul race and named their power "soul Gear" now with this knowledge we named the power after the soul race power and found out many things about the soul race can do first they can create many tools and weapons to use and they were only limited to their imagination and creativity. and they had more Advance technology than there and we work on reverse engineering this technology but we made many Advancement we found a way to awake a soul gear after many test we made a equipment for those who didn't get a soul Gear .but can use soul energy and after a while we started to cast out the dragon worker from are universe until we saw a hive we call them and we found out that we are not the only with high intelligence they look like things in fantasy stories as we have seen life similar to us we capture them and see what will happen if we half are dna with these elf,dwarfs,orcs test we made half breeds of these races that boost are man power to high level humanity is not made up of only human but elfs,dwarf,orc,and any type of human like creatures but afterwards we will have the power to awake people without having a 50% chance of killing them we call it the awakening pill many talents will fight over this pill to help them awaken their own soul Gears but most of the time high blood/higher up in the army get this pill or highly accomplished people but now we can at least fight the weak hives but we found something that was more terrible than the dragon they were called Juggernaut they look like dragon but they seem to be more like robot program to grow and grow but the first one we found killed hundreds of orc and human and half orcs after all of that we were able to take it out but now we have a threat to our planets but that enough of a story time now tell me how you ended up here god candidate.

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