
Liza: Affection

Liza: 19 years, South Korea

Eun oppa would be lost in his own world whenever worked on his delicate sweet creations. I guess it was his way of discovering peace. He would carefully measure the ingredients; butter, eggs, flour, sugar then whisk them together by hand to make a smooth batter while passing away occasional smiles when he finished decorating segments of the cake to his satisfaction and whenever inspiration hit him, he would jump in joy and jod them down on his little red notebook he carried alongside with him always. Other than baking he enjoyed playing basketball. It was his second passion.

"Pass the ball Aera. Come on, one more game. Come on, come on." Oppa yells, clutching onto the basketball.

"Oppaaaaaaaaaaa... I'm tired. You've been saying one more game for the past two hours." I say falling onto the wet cemented floor scattered by the autumn leaves.

"Come on...just one more, please"

"I don't think you're handling yourself very well. You're not too late. I mean they are not married yet. Just tell him you love him already. Just get it off your heart. " I tell Eun oppa while looking up the grey sky.

"Then what? sabotage his wedding? Hurt that innocent girl? Hurt him? Do you want me to be that selfish?" Oppa says his smile fading.

"I guess it's okay to be selfish when it comes to love." I sigh.

"Really? Is it?"

"No...but..... I can't afford to see you get hurt. I know it's only been a year but I've grown to love you. I just want you to be happy. I don't care about others."

"Funny...you remind me of her. My little sister."

" You have a sister? How come you never told me about her? Where is she?"

Oppa points to the sky and say, "There. She's there." Then he turned his glance towards me and proceeded to cup my face with his strong hands. The gesture made my eyes swell up in tears. This man has been through a lot. He lost his love. He lost his sister. He lost his parents but still he never gave up on life. He was battling it out everyday.


" Hey... don't cry babe.... It's okay." Eun oppa says embracing me in his strong arms. The sense of security I felt when he did that was soothing, an unexplainable feeling of warmth, trust and care. It was something that I always craved from my father but that man never loved me or my mom and now.... I have a caring brother....not connected by blood but by something stronger... the bond between hearts and that's all matters.

"Say, you still remember how we met?" Eun oppa says squeezing my cheeks.

"Yeah..... I still have no idea to this day why you hired me though." I tell him trying to hold back tears, while laughing alongside, reviving the funny memory.

That day was when my life turned round. My brother from another mother. My guardian angel. He saved me.

Sorry for the uneven updates. I'm in the middle of my semester exams so I'm kinda busy at the moment. I'll be back by the end september.

Aami_Fiacreators' thoughts