
Joan : Life After Liza

Joan : 14 to 18 years

Liza left for London and I found myself all alone once again, but this time, I found it easier to start new friendships, all thanks to Liza. She helped me transform from an introvert to an ambivert.

Once the new academic year started, I knew I had to plunge in and make new friends and I did. I met Aquila whom I dearly address as Avi. My friendship with Avi was nothing like Liza's.

I loved Avi as a good friend and one thing that surprised me the most was, I was unusually touchy when it came to Avi. I enjoyed her skinship. I loved hugging her. I loved teasing her. I even loved kissing her on her cheeks and she used to return my kisses as well, but unlike Liza, there was no heat or feelings.


Liza was something else altogether. She stirred up feelings in me and made me feel emotions, that I never knew I was capable of feeling. What I felt for her was way beyond friendship. I don't know what it was. I didn't know how to name that feeling.

I remember the day she kissed me on my cheeks. I still remember the fiery sensations that I felt on my skin particularly the areas she placed her lips. I couldn't get rid of that heat for two whole days no matter how many times I rubbed my cheeks or washed my face. It stayed as a reminder, a mark, a symbol that proved Liza was the only girl who had the power to awaken my soul.

Good fortune favoured my dad and he was able to land a good job at a marketing company that payed good money, just enough to live life a little luxuriously. Liza kept her promise. We kept contact with each other through email. She kept saying how much she missed me and I missed her too.

I missed her so so so much.

When I turned 16, I met Kim Taesung through Avi. He was a really handsome boy, that almost every girl from my hometown crushed really hard on. Taesung was older than me by three years and was a second year college student. One thing led to another and we dated for a few months. Later I broke up with him but I still maintain good friendship with him.

Four years passed. I completed my schooling successfully and graduated with good grades. All through the years, Liza kept contact with me through emails. We were still inseparable. I applied for college and got accepted in one of the best Liberal Arts colleges in the country.

Growing up taught me a lot. I finally understood what the LGBT community meant and I support the pride flag. " Love is Love".

One day I got a text from an unknown number saying, "You are gonna meet the love of your life today." I returned home and there she was, the love of my life, waiting for me.

Thank you for reading. Hope you find the love of your life too.

Aami_Fiacreators' thoughts