
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Chapter 25-Kokabiel

"All right, Irina, Xenovia, make yourself comfortable. I've already sent a message to my clan members, so they'll be here soon, " I said as soon as I moved the girls to one of my mansions in the city. Oddly enough, but for some reason I bought several territories in the city and built about fifteen mansions, now I think about the meaning of these actions, but at that moment it seemed logical to build these mansions.

"Daniel, can you tell us your real race?" After all, you are a Demon Lord, you can use angelic light, and you also have a sacred mechanism, " Irina said, starting to get interested in my race again.

- In fact, I'm half human, but who I am in the other half is already think for yourself, - I said the half-truth, there is still something human in me, but it is clearly less than half.

"Master, we've arrived," I heard a voice behind me, and at the same time I felt a familiar aura. Turning around I saw Maya, Medea, Medusa, and Tosca.

"Tosca-chan, hi," Irina called out, rushing to hug my girlfriend. Xenovia just came over and said hello normally.

"All right, you guys talk and get to know each other, and Medusa needs to talk to me about something," I said, moving away with Medusa and putting up a barrier that silenced sounds.

"I think you understand exactly why I called you," I said, glancing at my servant.

"Yes, Master. Medea and I did your bidding, but we couldn't avoid a fight with a descendant of the Pendragon family. Fortunately, he didn't have any allies with him, so we managed to steal his swords. Siegfried, on the other hand, was put to sleep by Medea, so we stole his demonic swords undetected, just like Ascalon. The most difficult part was getting Avalon, but the scabbard of the legendary sword was still not lost, as it was supposed to be, but was kept by the Pendragon clan. The rest of the Excalibur shards were also recovered and delivered to Kokabiel. We managed to exchange the technique of combining fragments and just holy swords from him, and also gave him the idea to create not just Excalibur, but a perfect Holy Sword. We delivered the demonic swords to the mansion, " said Medusa, who was a little doubtful of my plan, but still followed all my orders.

Now, all I had to do was wait until Kokabiel created a perfect holy sword using everything I gave him. I'm sorry, Xenovia, but I'm very much short of a proper weapon, and the Spear of Longinus seems too questionable a weapon because of the God's will in it, so you'll have to sacrifice not only Excalibur, but Durendal as well.

After that, all I have to do is combine this sword with the demonic swords that Medusa borrowed from Siegfried. But I think the blade forge will be a worthy replacement for her sword, it's still more convenient and Xenovia will use it better. I wanted to destroy the hero faction anyway, so I'll just do it a little earlier.

"Okay, I think you've already met. Now let's decide on the search results. Irina and Zenovia will go to comb the northern part of the city, Medea and Medusa will go to the western part, Tosca and Maya will go to the eastern part, and I will go to the southern part. Any objections?" I asked.

"All right, then, let's move out," I said, after a moment of silence.

Everyone immediately moved to their positions. But Xenovia gave me a strange look before she left. Okay.

Thanks to my intervention, Kokabiel will act faster. Irina and Xenovia are heading into the enemy's lair right now, so I'll need to keepan eye on them. Immediately after Kokabiel retrieves their swords, Medea teleports them to her place. Then everything will go as it should.

With that settled, I watched the girls as they carefully combed the northern part of the city.

"Irina, you don't think Daniel is any prettier," Xenovia said to her partner as she looked around the abandoned building.

- Yes, there is something like that. It's like he's grown up and more reliable. I feel an attractive aura from him, " Irina said thoughtfully, pressing her finger to her chin.

- I feel that Daniel has changed not only externally, but also internally. He has become much stronger than before and now acts more confident and domineering. With every second I spent with him, I felt drawn to him, " Xenovia said, blushing a little.

- Oh, Zenovia, you're in love, " Irina said sarcastically.

"Yes, you're right. I'm sure I love him. And I decided to ... leave the church after this mission. I want to be closer to Daniel, so I'll ask him to accept me as a peer, " Xenovia suddenly said, surprising not only Irina, but me as well.

To be honest, I didn't expect this, although I suspected that Xenovia was in love with me, but I didn't think it was that much. I wonder what Irina will say.

"But how?" You can't just leave the church! Although... in a way, I understand you. Maybe if it wasn't for my duty to God, I would have gone to Daniel, too. Forgive me for these sinful words, O God! Amen to that! Irina said, finally praying.

- Xenovia just looked at her partner thoughtfully and continued to survey the area in silence.

After that, they wandered for about an hour, until finally they came across the place I needed. Xenovia discovered Kokabiel's base and immediately called Irina inside. They carefully made their way inside and tried to attack Kokabiel, but they failed.

It's a good thing he's an arrogant shithead and just started playing around with them without really attacking them. But I still didn't like watching girls get hurt. But now, he finally took the Excalibur from them and Zenovia summoned Durendal, which made the fallen man incredibly happy.

- Ahahaah, thank you for this gift, girl. For your help, I will be merciful and kill you painlessly, " Kokabiel said arrogantly as he started to charge the spear of light, but I didn't wait for him to do so. Medea, he teleported the girls to himself. I was currently in an abandoned building in the eastern area of the city, so they just fell to the ground, immediately appearing here.

"Xenovia, Irina, are you all right?" With the help of the marks I placed on you, I was able to sense that you were in danger and teleport you to my place, " I said worriedly.

- what? Are we alive? Irina asked in bewilderment, starting to look around.

"Yes, you're lucky I finished looking around my area and moved to the east, otherwise I might not have sensed you," I lied with an honest smile as I looked at the girls.

"I knew you'd save us," Xenovia said confidently, making me think I'd screwed up somewhere.

"I believed you would save us. And my faith was justified, " Xenovia said with a smile, looking me in the eye.

I almost exhaled, but stopped myself in time. Zenovia knows how to make me nervous. But it was even fun. I had never felt such excitement after absorbing the Greek gods.

"Yes, Zenovia. I can save you at any time, but you should still be more careful, " I said with a smile of relief.

After that, I teleported us to my воmansion, where I immediately ordered the others to teleport with a magic seal.

"You girls are fine," Medea said as she teleported into the house and saw Irina and Xenovia.

"Wait a bit, I'll treat you now," she said, activating her healing magic. To be honest, she is much kinder and more fun than I imagined her to be. Although she was made cruel by others, because of which she withdrew into herself. And this is the real Medea.

"Thank you, Medea-san," Irina said when she was healed.

"Come on, Irina. And I told you to just call me Medea. I'm not really used to Japanese suffixes, so I'm a little confused about them, " Medea said, looking up from Xenovia's healing for a moment and looking at Irina.

"Thank you, Medea," Xenovia said softly, not taking her eyes off me.

"Did you want something, Xenovia?" I asked.

"No, I just like looking at you," she said simply, making me feel a little embarrassed.

After that, I told Irene and Xenovia to rest and eat for a while, otherwise I wouldn't let them near any battle with Kokabiel.

But when we took a little break, I received a message from Rias about help, and our school was covered by a magic barrier.

"It's time for us to go into battle!" I said as I opened a spatial rift into the school grounds. Thanks to the Gaap Clan's library, I was able to learn a lot of new spells, and now I finally learned the spatial passageway at a sufficient level to use in battle, so I can now fight with just spatial magic.

"Saji! No! – we heard screams as soon as we came out of the rift. I looked around and saw that in Sanji Genshiro, the only boy in Sona's peerage, was hit by a spear of light and had his entire chest ripped open.

"Pathetic trash. A decent death for a demon, dying in a ditch, bleeding and suffering from the energy of light. The same fate awaits you, just wait, I want to do it with my new sword. With him, I'm not even afraid of the demon lords, " Kokabiel enlightened us, standing pathetically in the air. But I didn't like it very much, so I created about a hundred small arrows from demonic fire, which I launched at the fallen angel.

"And now you're not so sure of your strength," I said, hitting him and leaving a small wound.

"Pathetic little bug! Your attempts to defeat me are pointless. Right now, the fight isn't just happening here. Under my orders, the fallen angels have already massacred this city, so there will be war soon, " he said smugly.

"We're not going to make any sense right now, ragged bird," I said, rising into the air.

After that, our little dialogue ended and I started attacking him with various forms of flame, which he responded to with spears of light. Except I won without even using my full strength. I was able уклонятсяto dodge all of Kokabiel's attacks, but my attacks were already hitting him. But I also had to cover for my comrades who were fighting Cerberus and the fallen angels that Kokabiel had summoned in the middle of our battle. And that's not counting redirecting some of Kokabiel's attacks when they got too close to my allies.

And it seems that Kokabiel realized that this way he would soon lose. But he was lucky. несA ray of light appeared not far from me and I heard a hateful voice from my childhood.

- Ahahahahahah, I created this. A perfect Holy Sword, ahahahahahahah, " said Walper Galileo, breaking into a frenzied laugh.

At this point, Kokabiel took advantage of my distraction and created a huge spear of light, but only he launched it not at me, but at my allies. Because of this, I had to open a huge space rift in the path of this spear, which absorbed the fallen's attack.

"But how is that possible?" How could the Biblical god allow all the great holy swords to be combined into one? Irina shouted, looking at the sword in shock.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time. It looks like the angels were hiding it from us. God - " Walper Galileo began to say, until Kokabiel suddenly cut off his head.

"It's possible because God is dead!" Kokabiel said as he picked up the Holy Sword. It seems that after receiving it, he regained his confidence and decided to chat for a while.

"God died during the last war, and you were deceived all along. Ahahahaha, isn't that funny? – What is it? " he asked, laughing.

"No," I said, appearing behind him and hitting him with the concentrated clot of demonic plasma I'd amplified earlier. Kokabiel simply vanished from the impact, unlike the sword, which remained unharmed. The soul of the fallen one immediately appeared in my possession and absorbed it.

"Overconfidence is your biggest mistake," I said, picking up the sword and putting it in my space pocket.

"Well, I guess that's the end of it," I said, turning to my allies.