
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Chapter 24-Xenovia's Side

My name is Xenovia Quarta, exorcist and owner of the holy sword. I'm currently with my friend and partner Irina I'm going on a very important mission to the city Kuo.

And for some reason, on the way to the city, I thought about my past. Once upon a time, they saw great potential in me and made me the next owner of the great holy sword – Durendal. My teacher was one of the most powerful exorcists, Griselda Quarta, who later became almost a mother to me.

Since I was a child, I was trained to be a warrior serving God. I've been studying and training all my life. After being chosen by Durendal, I was no longer an ordinary person.

Griselda was a good guardian and an excellent teacher, but she was still an exorcist, and so I was never able to experience the banal joys of childhood.

After I passed the final exam from the exorcist school, I was assigned a partner, Irina Shido, and her father, Touji Shido, as an instructor.

Irina was a very funny and cheerful girl and thanks to her, my life was a little more fun. Even though we often made mistakes because of her naivety, it only made me feel good and I couldn't be mad at her.

And so my life went on, until one day. That day, Irina, her father, and I went on an important mission to destroy a renegade demon. Everything started out as usual, we found a demon and killed it, but after that, we were abruptly attacked by a whole group of wandering demons, catching us off guard.

Because there were too many demons, I split up with my companions. I was pinned down and received several wounds. Just when I thought I was going to die, HE suddenly appeared.

He was a handsome-looking guy who immediately killed almost all the demons around me. In my heart, he immediately took an important place. For me, he was a God-sent guardian angel.

After that, I instantly finished off two demons, which he didn't touch, apparently out of fear of hurting me.

After that, I found out his name – Daniel Darkness. His name was as beautiful as he was. He said that he was a magician and a mercenary who happened to be here by accident. But I knew that God had sent him to me. So he can't be a bad person. But due to my lack of communication skills, I treated him rather rudely.

After that, Irina and Toji-san. I introduced him to them and told them what he had done. But the instructor didn't want to believe in his good intentions. He suggested that Daniel make a check on the fact that he is a person. And while I was torn between the desire to contradict the instructor and try to really test my savior, he agreed to the test himself.

After that, I quickly checked it out, exhaling slightly when nothing happened to it. I was afraid of hurting him and was ready to help at any moment. Even if he turned out to be a fallen angel or demon, I was willing to protect him because I believed in his good intentions.

I wanted to find out more about him, but we were interrupted by a horde of demons led by some arrogant middle-ranked demon who apparently had a grudge against the instructor. I was just thinking that today was the day of my death after all, when Daniel calmly appeared behind the demon's back and killed it.

After that, he released a wave of light that killed all the other wandering demons. And then I was just convinced that he was a real angel, despite the fact that Daniel himself denied everything.

Finally, after finishing our mission, we were supposed to go back to the church, but I wanted to talk a little longer in the church. Daniel and get to know him better. I didn't realize then that I had fallen in love with this very charismatic guy.

But just when I was thinking that I would never see him again, he suggested that we all relax in the same restaurant in Rome and talk to each other.

It was then that I got to know him better, and yet I came to the conclusion that he wasn't an angel. But I was also sure that he wasn't human. He was literally the strangest thing I'd ever met in my life.

After that, we said goodbye to him and went about our business. We went to the church to report on the mission, and Daniel went home.

When we got to the church, we told them everything that had happened at the mission. The high priest was particularly interested in Daniel and he asked a lot about him. After the polls, Irina and I went to our room to get some rest.

I didn't hear from Daniel for a long time after that, until I overheard two exorcists talking. They talked about him, and that his nickname was J'isle de Re. I've heard of this nickname before, given to a man who slaughtered several families of violent dark magicians. This only made me admire him more.

After the missions, Irina and I always went to the same cafe where Daniel took us in the hope of meeting him. I found out that Irina also admired him and we discussed him together for a long time.

And once we did manage to meet. But he wasn't alone, he was with his girlfriend. When I saw her, a lump formed in my heart and I felt negative towards her, but later, after a few conversations, I started to treat her like a friend.

After that meeting, we met a few more times at that restaurant. Tosca and I often talked about Daniel, and I learned that he wouldn't mind a few more girls. And even though I knew it, my heart didn't quite believe it, even though hope was born in my heart. I don't know why, but he stuck with me and I just didn't want to let him go. My whole being wanted to be close to him.


My thoughts were interrupted by a loud sound and I realized that we were already there. Irina had just turned to speak to me.

"Xenovia, let's go to the local demons first and warn them not to interfere," Irina suggested, a rather sensible idea. Despite her naivete and childish childishness, she was still a very intelligent and insightful girl.

"Yes, let's go," I told her.

After that, Irina and I took to the streets of the city and went to our destination-the academy Kuo, the home of the local demons. Even though I didn't enjoy dealing with them very much, our business required it. I don't think all demons are devils from hell or devious creatures, but most are still very slippery individuals with not very good intentions towards us. Although there are adequate personalities among them.

After a couple of minutes, we approached the place and felt the demonic aura that permeated the place. Approaching the gate I let out a bit of holy aura as if to signal my presence, and a black-haired girl in a school uniform walked over almost immediately.

~ Ara Ara, who has come to visit us? the demoness said as she looked at us.

"We're church officials and we need to talk to the owner of this town," I said.

~ Well, I'll take you to Mrs. Gremory's, " she said, gesturing for us to follow her.

We followed her carefully, keeping our guard up. She led us not to the main school building, but to a small building nearby. It was imbued with demonic energy much stronger than the rest of the school, so we immediately knew where the demon lair was.

"I understand you're representatives of the church." Well, have a seat. I think we have a lot to talk about, " the red - haired demoness sitting on the couch said as soon as we entered.

We sat down on the other couch, which was opposite her, and looked seriously at the demons. They were outnumbered, but we had holy swords – the demons ' biggest weakness, so I wasn't too worried.

"We came here to warn you that the church will have business in this city and we ask the demons to stay out of it," I said bluntly after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't think that's possible. I rule this city and must control it. If the church is doing some unknown business here, I'll have to step in. Perhaps you need to tell us your reasons for being here, " the red-haired woman said, looking me in the eye.

"I'm afraid this is an internal matter of the church, and I can't tell you anything," I said calmly.

"Then I can't let that happen. You won't be able to stay in this city in peace if you don't tell me your goals, " the demoness insisted.

"Hmm, okay. Recently, Kokabiel, one of the leaders of the fallen angels, stole several Excaliburs – great sacred swords belonging to the church-from the church. And recently, our people were able to detect his presence in this city, so we came here to officially investigate and catch the criminal. We're asking you to stay out of this if you don't want to go to war with the church, " I said.

"So, you're saying that I would team up with the fallen angels for some holy sword?" she said with a small amount of anger.

"Demons have always been notoriously devious, so obviously we don't trust you," I said, giving her a hard look.

Just as she was about to say something back, I felt a chill. After that, a magic circle appeared in the middle of the roomкруг, from which darkness began to pour out, absorbing all the light in the room. I also felt a terrible cold and horror from this circle. An моейotherworldly whisper filled my head, making me tighten my grip on the hilt of my sword. I was already preparing to fight off the demon ambush until I saw the one who stepped out of the circle.

It was him. Daniel, my old friend and lover. The man I fell in love with when I first met him. Although I'm sure he's not human.

- Hello everyone! He said sharply, breaking the serious atmosphere that had been in the room. His smile was beautiful before, but now it's even better.

"Why are you all so nervous?" He said mockingly as a sigh of relief filled the room. I looked around and realized that not only Irina and I were preparing for battle, but also all the other demons, except for one girl, who continued to calmly drink tea.

"Daniel, so it was you," Gremory said with relief as she hugged Daniel. It made me a little jealous. It seems that the two of them have a very good relationship.

"Daniel! Irina shouted happily, jumping on top of Daniel. And I hadn't even noticed her.

- Yes, Irina, Xenovia, long time no see. What's up? he said, giving Irina a little hug and looking at me with a smile. I almost melted from it, but I still didn't show anything on my face. Yes, Daniel loves us, I'm sure of it. Except he thinks I'm just a friend, or we have a chance at something big.

"I always knew you weren't human. Although I'm sure you're not a demon, " I said, walking over to him and giving him a hug. I missed his scent so much. I feel like we haven't seen each other in a couple of months, but at least decades. And I'm sure he's more than just a human, a fallen angel, or a demon. He is something that surpasses even the gods. I can feel it.

- Ehhh, Daniel, so you know them, " Gremory said with a tired sigh, giving Daniel a reproachful look. ПохожеShe didn't seem to expect this, since we're exorcists after all, and he's obviously hanging around with demons.

- Well , yes? I met Irina and Xenovia a couple of years ago, when I saved them from a wandering demon, and then we met a few more times, " he said with a chuckle. Although he described our relationship very briefly.

"Are you a demon or not?" Daniel, you always act mysterious and don't want to tell us about yourself, " надувшисьIrina said sulkily. ПохожеShe didn't seem to understand anything about his true identity yet. It can use angelic light, demonic energy, and ordinary human mana. Besides, I'm sure it has a sacred mechanism, probably more than one.

"He's not just a demon. This is the head of the Gaap clan and my fiance, " Gremory said proudly, looking at Daniel. He turns out to be the whole head of the clan. He's doing pretty well here. But what иreally got me was what she said about the bride. They're иreally engaged.

"So she's your fiancee?" I нахмурившисьasked him, frowning a little. I was very interested in this, but I also wanted to be with him, and this greatly reduced my chances of doing so

"Yeah, she's my fiancee and one of my future wives. After all, polygamy is common among demons, " he said, giving me a suggestive look. And I got the hint. He showed me his sympathy. And this is very good.

"I see," I said, still pondering his words. They really hooked me. Am I иreally ready to share my lover with a whole bunch of girls? If he had asked me about it a couple of months ago, I might have refused, but I can't do it now. He captivated me. I couldn't stop thinking about him. It's as if he's become even more attractive since we last met. And I loved him even more. I can't get out of it now.

And while I was thinking about my own business, Daniel and Irina were talking about our case, all the details of which were being discussed. Daniel already knew, and I didn't doubt it. But when he offered to help, I decided to ask him something.

"What good is this help to you?" I asked.

"Besides helping your friends?" Kokabiel has hired someone to help him, and I have a few complaints about him, " he said in a relaxed voice, looking at us with a gentle smile. I knew right away that he would have helped us even if he didn't have any benefit from it. My heart felt so warm.

"And if it's not a secret, who is this person?" Gremory cut in abruptly.

- Valper Galileo, " he said. At his words, the two girls in the room looked at him sharply. One of them was the one who wasn't afraid when he appeared, and the other was apparently a swordswoman who was sitting next to Gremory

"Are you sure he'll be there?" The swordswoman asked seriously.

"Don't be afraid, honey, I'm sure he's here," he said with a hard smile. And that smile was even more mesmerizing than a normal one. She awakened some ancient instincts in me and I wanted to see her more often.

"Okay, let's not talk about the bad stuff. Irina, Xenovia, I suggest that you stay in one of my estates in Kuo. There, you can meet my servants and make a plan to find the fallen angels, " he said with concern in his voice. He takes care of us even in such moments.

"Okay," I said, in sync with Irina. I was hoping that he would stay with us longer and I would be able to enjoy his presence. His voice, appearance, smell, and even aura made me feel good. I wanted to belong to him. I wanted him with all my heart.

After finishing this mission, I will do everything I can to stay with him. No matter what.