
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Chapter 23-Meeting Old Friends

"Good morning, little brother! "that was the first thing I heard when I woke up.

"And you, little sister! I said, opening my eyes. Louise was lying next to me with a happy smile, and Melancholy was still sleeping. I decided not to wake her up, because she was very tired yesterday.

"Are you all right?" I asked my sister.

"Of course. I'm not just fine, I'm happy. And most importantly-around me, people I love and I like it, " she said, snuggling up to me.

"I love you too, sis. But, how about we go to school today? I feel like it's going to be fun, " I said, remembering the canon and some of the reports from my people at the school. Kuo Recently, priests have started appearing there en masse, so soon my old friends will come to visit us.

"To school?" Of course, I haven't seen Momo in a long time, I have so much to tell her, " Louise said. And I didn't even know she had any friends from Sona's pen. It was a little unexpected. Although in truth, there's nothing strange about it.

- Well, then, let's get ready and go to breakfast, " I said, putting my arm around my sister and getting up from the bed.

After that, Louise and I quickly got dressed and went to breakfast. On the way, I told one of the maids to prepare Tosca's breakfast and tell her that we had gone to school.

- Hello everyone! Louise said happily as we entered the dining room. Everyone else stopped talking and looked in our direction.

"Hi, Louise," Rias said to her with a suspicious smile, gesturing for her to sit down next to her. I sat down next to Miyuki, whose true bloodline no one but Serafall and I seemed to be able to figure out yet.

"Hi Miyuki, Serafall! How are you? I said as I sat down at the table and saw Serafall standing in front of me.

"It's all right, master," Miyuki said softly.

"Sussex keeps bothering me with his work. I can't even get a proper rest. And then there were his complaints, like, " Don't go to official meetings dressed as a magical girl," "Be serious," and all that other boring stuff. Only you understand me, Dani, " Sera said, taking my hand and looking me in the eye.

"Dani?" I wondered what she'd called me.

"Yes, I thought you were missing a nickname, so I came up with it myself. Really, I'm doing great? Serafall said with a smile.

"Of course it's very nice," I said with a confused smile.

- Whoo, I knew you'd appreciate it, " she exclaimed happily.

After that, we continued to eat quietly, sometimes talking about meaningless topics.

"Rias, can we go together?" Louisa and I were just going to go to school today, " I said when we'd all finished breakfast and gone about our business.

"Yes, of course, come on," Rias said happily, coming up to me and putting her arm around my left arm. At the same time, Louise teleported from the other side and wrapped her arms around my right arm. Yumi was walking behind us and didn't know what to do. It seems that in the end, she decided to just come with us.

After leaving the mansion, I teleported all of us at once to a small alley near the school. After that, we slowly walked to school, enjoying the fresh air.

On the way, many students and schoolchildren looked back at us. Some people from our school recognized us immediately and started whispering about something. And the closer we were to school, the more people there were from our school. And Rias was looking at all of them with a kind of arrogant smile. It was as if she wanted to show everyone around her that she was with me.

As a result, we calmly entered the school without even meeting any acquaintances. Well, I didn't really want to, but it seems that even after becoming an almost omnipotent being in my world, I still didn't lose the usual human flaws, like the same desire to show off.

After that, we went to our classrooms, where I had already met my friends.

"Dude, are you чтоreally dating a guy?"Rias-senpai and Louise-sama, " he asked me Motohama, as soon as I entered the classroom.

"Yes, but how did you know?" He feigned a look of mock bewilderment.

"The whole school is already talking about you," she said. Matsuda, who came up to us.

"Congratulations, my friend. You're very lucky to be dating girls like that, " Issei said as he entered the classroom after me.

"I know, guys. I'm very lucky, " I said.

After that, we discussed various school news items and why I'd been away for a few days. I just made up my mind about my family problems, and they left me alone.

As a result, our conversation was interrupted when the bell rang and the lesson began. And to be honest, it was too boring. But I go to school not for studying, but for socialization and canon. Although even now I understand that it didn't really make sense for me to go to school.

I spent the next few lessons просиделplaying on my phone. There weren't too many interesting games in this world, but there were still a couple of cool ones to play at your leisure.

But my rest was interrupted when I felt a holy energy in school, and a very familiar one at that. Irina and Xenovia were already there, and they were moving toward the occult club room. It looks like I'll need to go there, too.

"Sensei, I'm going out on business," I said to the teacher, using a little mental magic to influence him. The rest of the class started whispering, but I didn't care. People are just toys in my hands and they can only live as long as their actions amuse me.

Quietly approaching the occult club I could already hear voices coming from inside. Rias and Xenovia were arguing about something, and I definitely had to come right now. And not just to go through the door, but appear pretentiously.

In the occult club room, a demon and a holy swordsman were currently arguing. But their argument was interrupted by a magic circle abruptly appearing on the ground.

It was a pentagram in the center of which shone the coat of arms of the House of Gaap. Darkness was spreading in all directions, and the room itself was abruptly cold. Everyone present, regardless of race and power level, felt an otherworldly whisper in their head. At that moment, a charming demon appeared from the circle.

- Hello everyone! I said as I entered the room. I caught up with a lot of pathos, but I liked it, which can not be said about the rest. Irene turned her bracelet into a sword, and Xenovia took her Excalibur from her back and prepared for battle. Rias materialized a magic circle and prepared a spell. Koneko nervously clutched the arm of the sofa. Akeno took a more favorable position for the fight, and Yumi had already carefully materialized the demonic sword. Only Louise sat quietly sipping her tea, because she immediately knew it was me.

"Why are you all so nervous?" I said mockingly.

"Daniel, so it was you," Rias said in relief, canceling her magic and giving me a hug.

"Daniel! Irina shouted happily as Rias stepped away from me and jumped right on my neck.

- Yes, Irina, Zenovia, long time no see. What's up? – I said in response, hugging Irina.

"I always knew you weren't human. Although I'm sure you're not a demon, " Xenovia said, coming over to hug me as well.

- Ehhh, Daniel, so you're familiar with them, " Rias said with a tired sighукоряющее, giving me a reproachful look.

- Well , yes? I met Irina and Zenovia a couple of years ago, when I saved them from a wandering demon, and then we met a few more times, " I said, only returning her gaze with a grin.

"Are you a demon or not?" Daniel, you always act mysterious and don't want to tell us about yourself, " pouting Irina said sulkily.

"He's not just a demon. This is the head of the Gaap clan and my fiance, " Rias said proudly.

"So she's your fiancee?" frowning Xenovia asked me with a slight frown, not paying attention to Rias ' words about my race.

"Yeah, she's my fiancee and one of my future wives. After all, polygamy is common among demons, " I said, glancing pointedly at Xenovia.

"I see," Xenovia said thoughtfully.

"Well, let's talk about work matters. I take it you came here because of the pieces of Excalibur that Kokabiel stole from the church?" I asked.

"Yes, but how do you know?" Irina asked.

"Do you think the heads of an entire demonic clan don't have their own spies in the world? I asked mockingly.

"Well, that's a stupid question," she said.

"So that's it. According to my information, Kokabiel wants not only to unite Excalibur, but also to kill the two lords of hell for his sister, starting a war. A very stupid and self-confident wish. In any case, as long as I'm here, he can't do anything. I will send my servants here to help you find him and his minions, " I said.

"What good is this help to you?" Xenovia asked, finishing her thoughts.

"Besides helping your friends?" Kokabiel has hired someone to help him, and I have a couple of complaints about him, " I said in a relaxed voice.

"And if it's not a secret, who is this person?" Rias asked me, cutting into the conversation abruptly.

- Valper Galileo, " I said, abruptly making Yumi and Louise look at me.

"Are you sure he'll be there?" Yumi asked seriously.

"Don't worry, honey, I'm sure he's here," I said with a hard smile.

"Okay, let's not talk about the bad stuff. Irina, Xenovia, I suggest that you stay in one of my estates in Kuo. There you can meet my servants and make a plan to find the fallen angels, " I said.

"All right," Irina and Xenovia said at the same time. Still, it's good that they are my friends and trust me, otherwise the problems would be much better. Now all I have to do is make sure that Kokabiel has their swords and everything will be ready. Not only will I have the soul of one of the strongest fallen angels, but Excalibur is also one of the strongest swords in this world.