
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

Chapter 15 - The Nun

I woke up and saw that no one was around me. I got up and washed my face and went to the canteen. On my way there, I met Silver, who I asked about the whereabouts of my friends.

- My lord, they left for school hours ago. I showed Miss Louise where the teleportation site was and she and Miss Tosca left for school. Also Miss Louise asked me to tell you that she decided not to wake you up because you were very tired yesterday, - said Silver, and then went to warm up my breakfast.

After that, I ate a quick breakfast and went to practice. I decided not to take my dragon form for a couple more days to avoid problems. So I just practiced controlling my physical strength and spells, which, because of the dramatic increase in strength, began to consume more mana again and were stronger than I'd intended.

After practice, Tosca and Louise weren't back yet, so I decided to occupy myself with something and walk around Kuo. The town was small, but quite picturesque. There were several temples and a small park. But it was the abandoned church that attracted me the most. I could clearly feel the aura of fallen angels from there, and I knew about them from the canon myself, so I decided to get rid of that problem.


- Hi all, has anyone ordered an escort service, - I asked as I kicked the door open and went inside.

- Uh, no, we didn't order anything, - said the fallen angel, who looked like a loli.

- Oh, well, okay, that's the eighth time I've got the wrong address, - I said and walked toward the exit.

Everyone in the room was in a bit of a stupor, staring blankly at the broken door and then at me.

- But wait, I'm not a prostitute, I'm a murderer who came here to exterminate you, - I said, tapping my forehead, and sent a lightning bolt at the lolly.

- Aaaaaaaaah, - she screamed in pain.

- You're a warrior, aren't you? I was just making a little joke, and you're almost in a stupor, - I said disappointedly, pouring magic on the scattered blackmen and the fallen priests. The fact that there were any blacks at all proved that the canon was starting to go a little off the rails.

- Who are you, you miserable trash, I am the great dark mage Ariel... - The pathos-dressed mage began to speak, but suddenly died because of a spear of darkness that blew his head off.

- Too boring, - I said disappointedly.

Everyone who was in the main room had already been incinerated, so I started downstairs. I was curious to find Asia; that would be a nice present for Rias.

- Have you prepared everything for the ritual? We must begin at once, someone has attacked us, and most likely it's the church. We need to get the artifact out of the witch before they get here, - I heard a woman's voice.

- I'm afraid you're already late, that's why I'm here, - I said as I came down the stairs.

- How did you get in here? Kill him, - the girl with the wings of a fallen angel behind her back shouted when she saw me.

I didn't want to waste any unnecessary energy on them, so I just sliced all the attackers into a huge number of pieces with the spatial blades. I did the same to the fallen angels who were in charge of the whole thing.

It was only when I was done that I looked at the weeping young girl dressed as a nun, hanging on the artifact that facilitates the ritual of retrieving the sacred mechanism.

- Are you okay? They didn't do anything to you? - I asked anxiously as I set the girl free and tidied her up. I don't want to give Rias a spoiled gift, though.

- Y-yes, e-everything's okay, - the girl said with fear and awe in her voice.

- Did you come here to save me? - She asked with less fear, calming down a little.

- Yes, I came here for your salvation and the destruction of the fallen angels, - I said, smiling.

- Thank you, - the nun said sincerely, bowing to me.

- But I didn't help you for nothing. I want you to join my friend's entourage and become a demon. But don't be too quick to resent it, because it's only good for you. If you're left alone, you'll be hunted by fallen angels and demons, and frankly, death is the nicest thing they can do to you, - I said.

- But I don't want to be a demon. I've devoted my whole life to serving God, how can I betray him and become a demon. And I also don't want to hurt people and take their souls, - Asiyah said fearfully.

- The church has already betrayed you, so why cling to that. Besides, my friend is a very kind girl who's never done anything wrong, and modern demons haven't been taking people's souls for a long time, so you don't have to worry about that, - I said.

- I... I don't know what to do, - the nun said after some thought, almost crying.

- Please don't cry, let me take you to my friend and you can talk to her about it yourself, - I suggested, knowing that Rias wouldn't let go of her.

- Okay, - she said more calmly.

- By the way, what's your name, - I asked.

- My name is Asia Argento, - she said.

- And I'm Daniel Gaap, nice to meet you, - I said with a smile.

- I'm f-pleased, too, - Asia replied.

After that, I teleported us straight into the room of the occult club, where I saw all its members and Tosca.

- Hello, everyone, - I said, smiling sweetly. Although, considering that I was wearing bloody clothes and a bloodstained face, so was Asiyah, it must have looked pretty scary.

- Brother, you came! - Louise said happily, and there was a strange gleam in her eye at the sight of me.

- Danielle, is something wrong? - Rias asked, glancing over at me and turning her attention to my companion.

- Nothing interesting, I just destroyed the local fallen angel base and saved a girl who has a healing sacred mechanism and is very suitable for your team. Her name is Asia Argento and she's a former nun. Besides, she's being pursued now, and she could use the support of someone powerful, like a Sister of Satan, - I said with a sly smile. Rias knew what I meant, and looked gratefully in my direction.

- How about talking to me alone? - Rias turned to Asia, and she nodded at my reassuring smile.

- All right. While they're chatting, I suggest we discuss our future training, - I said, with a sadistic glint in my eyes that made even Akeno's face change a little. Everyone knew that these were hard times for them...