
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Chapter 11 - Getting to Know You

The next day, Tosca and I also went to school. But at the entrance we met the demoness we already knew with another girl.

- I see you didn't heed my advice Gaap-san, - Tsubaki said, frowning slightly.

- I said from the beginning that I wouldn't wear the school uniform because I liked it. Do you think I'd change my mind because of someone else's words? How naive, - I smiled condescendingly.

- How dare you talk to Tsubaki-san like that. Regular students should have less arrogance, - said the girl who was standing next to Tsubaki.

- And who are you? - I asked.

- I'm Tomoe Meguri, secretary of the student council, - the girl said proudly.

- Oh, my name is Daniel Gaap, I'm a high school student and writer, and this is Tosca Darkness, my girlfriend, - I introduced myself in response.

- And yes, to me the members of the student council of a small high school are not the kind of people I should respect. In order to get some respect, at least become high-class demons first, - I said, and while the girls were stunned, Tosca and I went quietly to our class.

I wasn't going to hide my knowledge that they were demons, so I said so. Tosca and I would probably be invited to the student council chambers to talk today.

We sat quietly through the first classes, I talked a little with Issei and his friends at recess, and then I introduced Tosca to them. After talking to Matsuda and Motohama some more, I found out that they had girlfriends, too. They turned out to be quite ordinary guys who were much more serious than their peers. They already had their own principles and goals in life. Maybe it was their association with Issei, who was still the main character, though he had lost his power. But having lost the Reinforcing Mechanism, he only got better.

But after the last lesson was over, a voice came from the loudspeakers.

- Danielle Gaap and Tosca Darkness, please go to the student council office.

This announcement was repeated three more times. We quietly said goodbye to our classmates and went to the place where we were invited. I wondered if only Sona would be there, or if Rias would come, too.

When I got to the office, of course, I didn't knock, but simply went inside, where they were already waiting for me.

- Greetings, Mr. Gaap and Miss Darkness, we've been expecting you. My name is Sona Sitri, heiress to the Sitri clan, and this is my retinue, - Sona introduced herself and her servants.

- My name is Rias Gremori, I am the heiress of the Gremori clan, and this is Akeno Himejima, my queen, - the red-haired girl seated a little distance away introduced herself.

- So that's what you are. I imagined you to be a little more... strong. My name is Daniel Gaap Darkness, head of the Gaap family, prince and governor of Gaap. And this is Tosca Darkness, my elephant, - I introduced myself in response, remembering to give them a bit of a hard time.

- Nice to meet you, Prince Gaap. We would like to ask you the purpose of your being here, - Sona asked me, judging by the look on her face, the introduction was not so pleasant for her.

- Why are you all so uptight? We're the same age, so let's talk as equals. Sona and Rias, I take it this town is your territory, so you decided to ask me my intentions, - I said relaxedly, sitting back in my chair.

- Yes, you're right, Danielle. We're just wondering why the whole head of the clan came to our territory. And besides, not long ago, one of my servants saw you kill a fallen angel, - Rias said with a smile.

- It's really quite simple, I'm looking for my sister and an old friend, and recently one of my spies reported seeing them at this academy, - I said, watching the reactions of the demonesses. After I said that, Sona remained unperturbed, but Rias frowned a little.

- Maybe you can tell us what they look like, their names or special features, - Sona said.

- My sister's name is Louise Darkness, and she's blonde and blue-eyed, with a sacred book mechanism. My friend's name is Isaiah, and she has blond hair and gray-blue eyes, - I described my sister and Isaiah.

Rias opened her eyes wide at my words, and Sona was simply surprised. They had probably already guessed who I was looking for, so they didn't show much surprise. But Rias was very worried now, because she didn't want to give up her servants at such a crucial time for her.

- From the look on your faces, you know them, - I said as I began to exert a demonic energy in the office, overwhelming all the demons present except Tosca.

- We do know them, - Akeno said heavily, seeing that her mistress wasn't going to say anything.

- So what, - I asked, raising my blood pressure a little.

- They are my servants, I rescued them years ago and took them into my entourage, - Rias said with displeasure on her face.

- So they're alive after all, - I said happily, removing the pressure. Tosca smiled happily, too. Unlike me, her smile was completely sincere, because she didn't know exactly what her friends' condition was, and she'd only heard from me that they were here.

- But they are my servants, and I will not give them to you, even if you Luisa is really your sister and Yumi your friend, - said Rias, with fear and excitement in her voice.

- Yumi? - Tosca asked questioningly, looking at Rias.

- Izaya took the name Kiba Yumi after I saved her, - Rias said.

- Don't be afraid, Rias, I won't take them away from you. I just want to see them now. You must understand your brother's desire to see his own sister after so many years apart, - I said calmly, easing Rias' fears a little.

- Okay, you can meet tonight, come to the occult club in a couple of hours, we'll wait for you there, - Rias said, quickly leaving the office, along with Akeno.

- If you don't have anything to do with me, Sona, we should probably go, - I said as I took Tosca's hand and turned toward the exit.

- Wait! - Sona said, standing up a little.

- Yeah? - I looked at her.

- How would you like to play a game of chess with me? - The demoness said, smiling weakly.

- I don't mind, - I said, laughing heartily. Sona doesn't know who she's starting to play with yet. With my mind values, she'll never be able to beat me in her life.

After only ten minutes, I could have beaten my opponent, but I decided to give in a little. So the game was delayed by twenty minutes, but I still won easily. It was a lot of fun watching Sona fall into my traps and then frowning.

- How could you win? - She said in shock when I gave her checkmate. To be honest, it looked kind of cute.

- Well, that was a little difficult, you're very good at chess, - I said relaxedly, as I leaned back in my chair.

- You're very clever, ahem, I'd like... - Sona started to say something, but then she hesitantly fell silent.

- Sona, I know about your promise to marry a demon only if he beats you at chess. Don't worry, I won't force you. In fact, I think you should marry someone you truly love, - I said, smiling. I think that, coupled with my newly acquired dragon aura, will have a very good effect. It will be hard to get my hands on Sonja, but I've already taken the first step, so I can do it. And in general girls always like these empty phrases about love. Most of the time people start a relationship for profit or lust, and love is too vague. Personally, I've never felt anything like it. I feel only affection and lust for Tosca and Louise. And I, like any human being, just don't want to be alone.

- Really? Ahem, thank you. Well, I think we can be good friends. You can come here in your spare time to play chess, - Sona said as she calmed down and got serious again.

- Of course, Sona. See you later, - I said, and this time I was definitely leaving.

I'm about an hour away from meeting my sister, so I'll need to change into something more presentable and teleport to Rias.