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This war between Heaven and Hell has been going over a decade, but either side has a general, Father God and Lucifer are both on the earth looking through the heart of people, Father God found the one to lead his warriors, reserves, Knights, Wings, and Slayers. This is a massive army of females and males, with Captians, Colonials, Corporals, Lieutenants, sergeants, majors, and, privates. she appeared in Heaven, " This is your choice, you can still live your life on earth, or remain here where you be with your army. She decided to serve and stay in heaven. they walked down to Second heaven and the golden temple of warriors, all commanders stand up and welcome her, " your Colonials Skyla, Danika, Christine, Antonius, your Corporals Aleese, Vanika, Lipsika, Rubica., your Lieutenants Paul, Antonio, Maxwell, Sampson, your sergeants James, Malcolm, Rick, Dolphin, your private's Solos, Relphus, Dexter, Marcus, your Ronsha, Melissa, Crystal, and Yonetta, your Majors Spodiac, Tanika, Brontaus, Warmly Rollo and Dorea, Everyone your general Songa which means who is with God. " welcome general Songa, they all said, at once. the armor of god appeared on her, the gold and silver breastplate of the righteous appeared on her chest, the gold and silver belt of truth appeared around her waist., the gold and silver shoes of peace appeared on her feet, the gold and silver helmet of salvation appeared on her head, and her right hand the pearl sword of the spirit, and on her left arm the gold and silver shield of faith, the whole army in armored and marching to the gate, " (fight will my children. ) down on the earth, Jasbelle agreed to be is general for fortunes, they march out of hell, the immortal demons of hell, and there are the same amount of them as there are of angels. A huge yellow light in the ground in front of them, hissed and show their yellow broken teeth, oh man that breath, keep your mouth closed. The trumpets of heaven sound the call of the army, as they walked out the light. " we are the light to the tree of salvation, Sonja walked into the front of them, "forget your salvation damnation is freedom, and the war begins, immortal demons fall before, finally Sonja and Jasabelle are facing to face. " you are going down angel girl. Said, Jasbelle. " you can try demon girl, the fight is on. Between dark and light, the battle of good and evil, Sampson slams an immoral demon to the ground, busting him into ashes. " yeah, he nobs at him, the sun went down, and their armors light up. The blade turns into fire, " Has anyone seen our general? Asked. Skyla, " no, maybe she is in the front, said. Paul, they shot at each other as dark and light. "that all you got. Asked, Jasbelle. " you are going to find out, they shoot at each other again. Sonja flips down and land on her feet, and turned around. She cut her across her stomach, she turns around. " this war is not over yet. That was a lucky hit, as the sun begins to come out. They disappeared back into hell. Their wings opened up in they left the earth and appear in heaven. As they head down to their castles to be with their families, she is with father god. " surely for the demons, he lost he is going to build up his army of immortals, so we to must build up our angel forces. I need you to watch over the cabbage gardens, and when they are Angel babies. Put them into the nursery and raise them, nutrition them, teach them how to fly, how to be without fear, teach them how to fight, they will be a part of your forces every warrior baby, knight baby, every slayer baby, every Reserve baby, and every wing baby. Said, father god. she shakes her head and down to the garden, herein Heaven they producing angels all the time. in the first heaven, where the new head angels battle with hell for a human soul once they die. and in the harvest lands is where the harvest Angels attend to the fields and the harvest gardens. in on third Heaven is where the answering bridge is and the library of salvation. You will as finding the watchers who watch over your every movement that you make, and Observers that record every word you speak and every action. by them you get into the gates, but bad words and bad actions get your soul to send to the judging hall to be judge, there is a cabbage garden them to, this one Gabriel and Gabrielle watch over the cabbages and take care of the newborns, they even take in an angel baby into their castle, Which they name Holy, " we finally got a commander for the army. said, Gabriel. " let's go meet her Gabriel, the nursery and the garden are fine. Said, Gabrielle. " where are you two going up to first heaven to? Asked. Micheal, " to meet the new commander. They walk up the steps to the first heaven where the warriors live at. They walk past the guardians, Skyla and Paul walked up to them. " our head angels what bring you up to the First Heaven? Asked. Skyla, " we like to meet the new commander of the First Heaven. Said, Gabriel. ¨ (commander Songa, ) called. Skyla, ¨ (yes Skyla.) answered, Songa. " ( our new head angels want to meet you.) Said, Skyla. " (are you busy commander?) Asked. Paul, " (if you need help I can take over the garden.) said, Danika. " (okay, who want to meet me?) Asked. Songa, " (yeah, who want to meet commander Songa.) Asked, Antonio. "(Head Angel Gabriel, Head Angel Gabrielle, Head Angel Micheal, and Head Angel Sarah, Antonio.) Said, Paul, And Antinous, and Sampson castle they help Father god by taking in two angel babies one is their oldest Travis who is a teenager now, and their youngest Manson who is we kid. " (we got a new commander now dad? ) Asked. Travis, " (yeah, you finally got a commander and teacher son. in fourth heaven is where all of the souls are, and the gates of lost souls. "(that would help, thank you. I on my way,) she walked down the clouds of steps to the ground, she walked down to them. As Danika went to feed the newborn warriors in the cabbages, meanwhile on the earth and Lucifer club, he was in human form as he walked up to Jasbelle. " how it went? Asked. Lucifer, " he has a commander now master. she said, " figure he would get one. And the war said. Lucifer, " we lost over our strength, now when do I get my fortunes? she asked. " not yet, we will rebuild our demon army. Said, Lucifer. Meanwhile and heaven Songa walked up to them. " (hi I am Songa,) she introduced herself, " ( nice to meet you commander Songa, I am the Angel Call Micheal also one of our new head Angels of second Heaven.) said, Micheal. " (i am the Angel called Sarah, also nice to meet our new commander of Heaven, ) said. Said, Sarah. " ( i am the Angel called Gabriel, how is the war going?) Asked. Gabriel, " (good, nice to meet you all. what does a Head Angel do exactly?) Asked. Songa, " ( we battle Lucifer in the Judgement hall for wandering souls before they get to limbo or Hell, which he loves to get his hands on them, I am the Angel called Gabrielle.) She looks at Skyla and Paul and is confused. " (souls who don't want to leave the earth with saying goodbye or knowing that their loved one will be okay,) explained Skyla. And Ronsha and Solis Castle she is in the kitchen fixing a heavenly dinner for her family. Her oldest son Lex, and their youngest son Zentos. " (what she like dad?) Asked. Zentos, " (she is a great commander, Father did will by picking her, you in the morning is going to meet her.) Said, Solis. "(This is the sweet dad we got a brand new teacher and future commander. ) down on the earth ar Hellfire nightclub, " what now? Asked, Jasabelle. " Demon of Hate go do your thing, rebuild your army and get ready for another attack. Said, Lucifer, " then we talk payment. She didn't like that, but she sale her soul to the devil.Gabrielle and Gabriel are called to the judgment hall, a soul is being judged. " (welcome to Heaven we like to sit and talk with you one day.) Said, Gabriel, "(okay I would like that.) They head down to second heaven, as they head up to the gardens. Gabriel and Gabrielle walked into the judgment hall and sat down at the table, as Lucifer appears in his corner. Father God stands up and said. " this soul has been judges on earth that whether he should live or die, now it is our turn should he be allowed to enter the gates, or send to Hell. Said, Father God. " give him to me now! What are you waiting for!? All of Hell sneered and snorted out in disguise. " settle down Lucifer before I throw you and your family out of heaven, My Head Angels has the floor. Gabriel got up and walked into the center. " My father, my brothers, and sisters, and the opposite side, Hank had good children hood, he was a good kid, observed the screen, please. ) he cut the screen on and they watch him as a kid doing the right thing going down the right path. Gabriel sat down at the table, " Lucifer your turn what do you have to say? stated father God, " yes he was good while he was a kid when he was a teenager he lies, cheats, stole. Surely he belongs in the book of Damnation and in chains working my fires, give him to me, I say. Said, Lucifer. " if that all you have to go on, where is the ballpoints, he turns his life around when to school, study hard, and went to church. Father, he is not a bad kid, he got in with the wrong crowd of people, he is not to blame here, he deserves a second chance at the tree of life, put in the book of salvation. Said, Gabrielle. " what about his adult life he robbed and murder human beings, he is a cold-blooded killer, he belongs to me. " is that all like your kind knows lies, lust, murder, it is probably you or one of your followers that turn him the way he is now! Before you ever came into his life, he has no gang friends, he was a loving son, a Christian man, that believes full-hearted in the father, he volunteers every Saturday at the community center feeding the homeless people, checking up on the prostitute, talking with the runaways, my father he will give you the very shirt off his own back. Said, Gabrielle. he couldn't top that, after hearing both sides. Grandfather Holy and Father God retired into the room to decide whether to make him an angel and put in the book of Salvation, or give him to Lucifer and mark him in the book of Damnation. " In second Heaven, Songa is meaning the next generation of warriors. Evening our future warriors I am Commander Songa, or you all can call me Com, " said. Songa, Travis, Manson Anitous and Sampson sons, Rally and Jade Danika and Antonio daughters, Locksley, and Lockett, Skyla and Paul sons, Marco and Tom Christine and Maxwell sons, Elliott and Griff Ales and James sons, Berry and Sara, Jasmine and Simon daughter and son. Jango and Nicky Vanika and Dolphin sons, Skylar and Sky Lipsika and Dexter sons. Tasmine, Jasmine, and Jasmine, Rubica and Ricky daughters, Lex and Zentos, Solis and Basha sons, William, and Lily Malcolm and Ronsha daughter and son, Hank, Ryan, and Sammy Mercules and Vanessa sons, Danton, Data Rampus and Jetta daughter and son., Get that smirked off your face Lucifer, Gabriel