
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Kỳ huyễn
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100 Chs

The Curse of Bloodsucking Creatures

The outer coat was made of tightly woven black fabric, edged with red trim, with a tailcoat design at the back. It had a white lining with decorative patterns along the edges and two rows of round buttons on the chest. It was paired with a cape, giving the whole outfit a balanced and elegant look.

The pants had minimal decoration, and below them were black boots made from a type of unknown durable animal hide, adorned with simple patterns.

Additionally, there were some small details: the cuffs, collar, and cape buttons were made of dark green gemstones, with faint runes visible inside. The cape also had a place to attach a cloak if needed.

Adam took the clothes to his room to change.

Whether due to previous malnutrition or his current knightly training, Adam's height had been growing rapidly.

Previously, he was only about 1.5 meters tall, and he had to elevate himself to disguise his identity.

Now, he was over 1.6 meters, and his height continued to increase, albeit at a slower rate.

The clothes had been designed with extra length to accommodate his growth. Adam put them on, folding the excess length, and looked at himself in the mirror.

The reflection looked slightly unfamiliar. Where he came from, luxury was not a priority, and even basic supplies were scarce. After arriving in Roya and staying with the Boku family, he hadn't bothered with his appearance.

After tidying himself up a bit, Adam walked into the first floor. Even Celine, who didn't have much affection for Adam, was momentarily stunned when he walked in.

"And this," Anthony said, tossing an item to Adam, who caught it in his hands. It was a black hat with a wide, slightly curved brim, and a black feather tucked into the hatband on the right side.

Adam put the hat on his head. Now, anyone looking at him wouldn't think he was the child of a commoner family; even most nobles couldn't cultivate such a demeanor.

Adam thanked Anthony, storing the hat and cape carefully in the box.

"The cuffs, collar, and cape buttons are specially crafted. I've imbued them with counter-spells. When they detect unfamiliar mental energy, the collar buttons will heat up slightly," Anthony explained.

He demonstrated by extending his mental energy, and Adam could clearly feel the slight warmth at his collar.

"The cuff buttons are linked to your mental energy and can summon a shadow shield that can block most damage."

"As for the cape buttons, they usually won't be needed, but they can further modify the outfit through that button."

"The clothes are woven using silk thread magic. That button is the key. As long as you master the corresponding spells, you can incorporate other materials into the outfit."

"Additionally, the feather on the hat can activate the Feather Fall spell, slowing your descent from great heights to ensure a safe landing."

"Thank you very much, teacher," Adam said, expressing his gratitude, unable to offer anything more in return.

Such a set of clothes undoubtedly took a lot of effort and couldn't be bought with money.

The more Anthony took care of Adam, the more Adam wanted to leave.

After discussing some magical knowledge with Anthony, Celine stood to the side, glaring at Adam with a killing intent.

Anthony seemed to notice this. After finishing their discussion, under Celine's urging gaze, he returned to the twelfth floor to rest.

Adam rolled up his sleeves and went to the fifth floor to check on the goats he had operated on the day before. He found them all exhibiting varying degrees of restlessness.

"They seem to have lost their appetite," Adam noted, looking at the feed troughs. The goats hadn't eaten much since the surgery, despite their wounds healing much faster than usual.

"They're overly excited," he observed, particularly the one he had completely castrated. "Their life force needs to be properly guided, or they'll just remain in a state of meaningless excitement."

While Adam was examining the goats, he sensed someone approaching from behind.

"Is the teacher resting?" Adam asked, but Celine, who was tending to the garden, didn't answer.

"You should know better than I do that the teacher's condition isn't right," Adam continued.

This time, Celine reacted, glaring at Adam with resentment. "Who do you think is to blame for that?" she snapped.

"If you hadn't come, the master could have avoided most of the issues by remaining in stasis. Your presence has forced him to wake up more often."

"So what exactly happened back then? The teacher's mindset is not what a long-living person should have. Only by addressing this can we fundamentally solve his problem. With the teacher's ability, most things shouldn't be able to restrain him."

"That's not for you to know," Celine said, glancing at Adam. After finishing her tasks on the fifth floor, she turned and left.

Adam frowned, recording the goats' conditions before going to the tenth floor. Surprisingly, Celine was also there. When she noticed Adam's arrival, she put down her book expressionlessly and left.

Adam shook his head and approached the spot where Celine had been sitting, picking up the book she had been reading.

"The Curse of Bloodsucking Creatures."

Holding the book, Adam's expression changed rapidly.

Vampires, known as bloodsucking creatures among mages, used werewolves as test subjects, extracting their bloodlines, modifying them, and implanting them into themselves.

There were various methods of transplantation, including rituals, spells, and curses.

This book clearly detailed how to extract a werewolf's bloodline, modify it, and turn it into a curse to be applied to oneself or others.

"Alva is skilled in curses," Adam recalled. Celine might not have intended to tell him anything directly, but she had deliberately left hints for him to learn about past events.

"So Alva's method of making the elixir of immortality is based on this bloodsucking creature curse?" Adam speculated, thinking of Anthony's increasingly pale complexion. He flipped through the book again and found a technique for multiple curses highlighted in red.

"Modify the werewolf bloodline and turn it into a curse to apply to oneself or others," Adam murmured, closing his eyes and imagining himself as Alva.

"A highly ambitious, talented monk who wants to extend the short lifespan of monks but scorns becoming an alien species or using other methods to transform himself into something inhuman."

"He wants to live a long life while remaining fully human."

"Not just monks, but ordinary people too. Human life is too short, only a few decades. I want to change the human race itself, extending the lifespan of not only myself but my descendants and more people."

"Aliens bear the burden of sin, so let them continue to bear it. We will harness their longevity, as taught by the gods, turning the ugly into the beautiful."

"Separate the sin and the longevity ability through a curse."

"The bloodsucking creature curse can be applied to oneself and others, but what if the target of the curse is not a single person? Use the technique of multiple curses to direct one curse at two people."

"Will the curse split into two, or will it be divided?"

"But how can I ensure the curse is divided and that the longevity ability is applied to me?"

Adam shook his head, hitting a mental block. His knowledge was still too limited, but at least he understood the basic separation technique for making the elixir of immortality.

"Using the curse technique to direct the bloodsucking creature curse at two targets. The key now is how to prevent the sin within the curse from splitting."

"In theory, a multiple curse would split equally into two parts, especially since it contains sin, which can divide."

"Though I'm unsure of the exact method, one thing is certain: the elixir of immortality will be singular, benefiting two or more people."

"One side will be cursed and become a bloodsucking creature, while the other will gain pure longevity."

"Anthony's poor condition is because he hasn't fed in too long."