
Sorry, I Only Date Non-Carbon-Based Intelligence

Welcome to my world! I'm Lin Mei, a 20-year-old tech enthusiast navigating life after the tech singularity in 2030. Join me as I delve into the intricate realm of virtual games with LISA (Language Interface and Synthesis Assistant), the language I've crafted to transcend every device. Through our interactive adventures, we'll explore the complexities of human-AI relationships and the evolving dynamics between individuals in a world reshaped by technology

Shan_Wan · Khoa huyễn
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12 Chs


Here, in the heart of American Chinatown, nestled in the bustling rhythm of the city, lies my sanctuary—a 10-meter square studio that I call home. The faded wallpaper tells stories of countless nights spent deciphering lines of code, while the flickering neon signs outside paint the room with an otherworldly glow.

My name? Well, it's not important, but you can call me Lin Mei if you insist on a label. Labels seem to be all the rage nowadays, but I've always been one to buck the trend. I am your guide through the digital labyrinths, a self-taught software engineer weaving dreams within the confines of code. If you're curious, you can peek into my self-attributed professional title on LinkedIn – the virtual resume of a soul navigating the binary seas.

In the wake of automation and the ascent of artificial intelligence, the landscape of work shifted. Redundant office jobs dissipated, replaced by the hum of algorithms and the efficiency of AI. I found my niche in the ever-expanding digital frontier. A part-time moderator for video game forums, a developer ensuring the seamless operation of AI-developed software – these are the fragments of my professional mosaic.

The neon-lit nights find me at my workstation, surrounded by a symphony of screens. The glow reflects in my eyes as I dance with the digital muses, my nimble fingers orchestrating commands that resonate with the heartbeat of the machine.

The clock strikes nine, a herald of the routines that anchor my days in the sea of possibilities. Descending from the tenth floor to the bustling streets of American Chinatown, I embark on the ritual of sustenance. Noodles and milk, the elixirs of a life entwined with the digital, find their way into my basket. The neon-lit signs of the local vendors cast a warm glow, a stark contrast to the digital palette awaiting me at home.

Five minutes suffice for the essentials – teeth brushed, hair tamed. With the glow of screens illuminating my face, I step into the world of forums and discussions. My role as a moderator in the video games realm is not just a job; it's a journey into the diverse landscapes of virtual narratives.

Today, the narrative shifts – the "Sweetlove Game" unfolds. The plotlines of my chatbots, digital companions in this journey, take on the hues of romance. The pixels dance to the rhythm of sweet exchanges, a virtual waltz that resonates in the corridors of the forum. Users engage in the orchestrated dance of affection, avatars conveying emotions that transcend the binary confines.

Tomorrow, the stage transforms into the "Revenge Game." A cacophony of virtual vendettas, where the pixels bear witness to narratives of retribution. I manipulate the strings of code, weaving a tale where avatars clash in a digital battleground. The forum becomes an arena of calculated moves and strategic alliances, a manifestation of the diverse narratives that unfold in the realm of video games.

But the creativity doesn't stop with the plotlines. I mold the voices of my chatbots, giving each character a unique timbre. Today's companion is a suave and charming prince, his digital words dripping with allure. Tomorrow, a descent into madness as the chatbot adopts the persona of a cunning psychopath, unsettling yet fascinating.

The interplay of voices adds a symphonic layer to the virtual space, a melodic fusion of characters conversing in the language of the digital realm. As the narratives ebb and flow, so do the voices that breathe life into the pixels on the screen.

In my pursuit of variety, I delve into the world of 3D-printed personalized bodies for my chatbots. A handsome prince graces the digital stage one day, his demeanor cool and stylish appearance, uttering words that echo with a peculiar charm. ""Woman, you have successfully caught my attention." – a flirtatious dance of code that adds a touch of whimsy to the virtual exchanges.

The room becomes a canvas, and my thoughts the paintbrush. I create not just lines of code but narratives that transcend the binary boundaries. In the glow of the screens, the digital and the tangible converge. Each keystroke is a step into the uncharted territories of existence.

In this building, upstairs, residing in a time capsule from the 90s, are Mr. and Mrs. Thompson—advocates of a 100% natural human experience. They believe in the romance of handwritten letters and the magic of face-to-face conversations, resisting the digital wave that surrounds them.

On my floor, fellow inhabitants are not just neighbors but comrades in the geeky voyage of our daily lives. Each one absorbed in their own digital odyssey, be it gaming, coding, or hacking the virtual realms. The collective hum of our endeavors creates a melody that lingers in the air, a harmonious blend of disparate rhythms converging in this shared space.The guy downstairs immersed in the world of catonezed waifus, spending his days playing hentai. Meanwhile, my same-stairs companions and I engage in romanized stories with our robots or chatbots, spicing up our virtual lives.

My apartment is basic – a bed, a kitchenette, and a shower. Half of my basic income goes to my landlord due to supposed inflation from income distribution and the aftermath of a war with Russia.

Together, we form a microcosm—a community where the virtual and the analog coexist. In the heart of this vibrant collective, my journey unfolds, and the echoes of code resonate in the symphony of our shared existence.