
20. Runes

As the students hurriedly prepared their materials, Master Elend walked to the chalkboard at the front of the classroom, his movements exuding an effortless grace. He picked up a piece of chalk and, with a few deft strokes, began to sketch an array of symbols that Kiki recognized as the fundamental runes of animation and control.

"Let's start with the basics," Master Elend said, his voice carrying clearly throughout the room. "The runes we inscribe on our golems are not mere symbols; they are the language through which we communicate our will to the inanimate, imbuing it with purpose and life."

He pointed to the first rune he had drawn, a simple, elegant symbol that Kiki knew represented movement. "This is the Anima Rune, the most basic rune of animation. It is the spark that initiates movement within the golem. However, on its own, it is directionless, mere potential for motion. It requires the guidance of control runes to shape its action."

Master Elend then sketched another rune beside the first, this one more complex, with interlocking lines and curves. "This is the Directus Rune, a fundamental rune of control. When paired with the Anima Rune, it allows the golemancer to dictate the direction and nature of the golem's movement. Together, these runes form the foundation of all golemancy."

The class listened intently as Master Elend explained the nuances of each rune, the depth of their meanings, and the importance of their precise inscription. He spoke of the balance between power and control, how too much emphasis on one could lead to a golem that was either uncontrollable or lacked the energy to perform its tasks.

"Remember, the creation of a golem is a delicate balance. Each rune must be inscribed with precision, for they are not just symbols but vessels for your mana. A misdrawn line, a slight deviation in form, can alter the rune's function, leading to unintended consequences."

As he spoke, Master Elend moved among the students, observing their work and offering guidance. When he reached Kiki, he paused, examining the runes she had begun to inscribe on a piece of clay.

"Very good, Kiki," he commented, his tone approving. "Your runes are precise, and your mana control is evident in the clarity of their inscription. But always remember, the true test of a golemancer lies not in the perfection of individual runes but in their integration, in how they work together to bring your creation to life."

Master Elend, having ensured that each student had a foundational understanding of the basic runes, decided it was time to put theory into practice. "Now that you've familiarized yourselves with the Anima and Directus runes," he announced, "we shall move on to creating small clay golems. This exercise will not only test your rune inscription skills but also your ability to imbue your creations with a semblance of life."

The classroom buzzed with excitement and a hint of apprehension as the students prepared for the practical task. Master Elend distributed lumps of clay to each student, instructing them to shape their golems with care and intention.

Kiki felt a surge of confidence. This was familiar territory for her, an area of golemancy where she had already achieved a measure of success. She began to shape her clay with practiced ease, forming a small, humanoid figure. As she worked, her hands moved with the certainty and precision that came from experience, her focus absolute.

Master Elend observed the class, offering occasional guidance and encouragement. When he approached Kiki, his interest was evident. "Kiki," he said, his tone both curious and expectant, "I'm aware of the golem that accompanied you yesterday. It speaks to your skill and potential in this craft. Let us see how you fare with this exercise."

Encouraged by Master Elend's words, Kiki turned her attention to inscribing the runes. She etched the Anima and Directus runes onto the clay figure with meticulous care, ensuring each line and curve was perfect. Her movements were deliberate, a dance of creation between mage and material.

Once satisfied with the inscription, Kiki took a deep breath, centering herself for the animation process. She extended her mana toward the golem, her mind clear and focused. The runes began to glow softly, a sign that the animation was taking effect. Moments later, the small clay golem stirred to life, its movements tentative at first, then more assured as it adapted to its newfound existence. 

The class watched in awe as Kiki's golem moved under her command, a demonstration of her proficiency in golemancy. Master Elend nodded approvingly, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Very well done, Kiki," he commended, his voice carrying a note of genuine respect. "Your understanding of the runes and your control over your mana are commendable. You've set a fine example for your peers."

Kiki felt a swell of pride at Master Elend's praise, but more than that, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The successful creation of the clay golem in class reinforced her belief in her path as a golemancer. She was eager to explore the depths of this craft, to push her limits and discover what else she was capable of creating.

The class continued, with other students attempting to animate their golems, some meeting with success, others with lessons to be learned. Master Elend provided feedback and instruction, guiding each student through their challenges.

As the excitement of the initial golem animation exercise began to settle, Master Elend seized the moment to delve deeper into the nuances of golemancy, particularly the diversity of mana types that mages could harness and how this influenced their craft.

"Excellent work, everyone," Master Elend began, capturing the attention of the class once more. "Today's exercise has given you a glimpse into the intricacies of bringing a golem to life. However, it's crucial to understand that golemancy is not a one-size-fits-all discipline. The type of mana you wield naturally plays a significant role in determining the nature and abilities of the golems you can create."

He paced slowly in front of the class, his presence commanding yet inviting curiosity. "Mana, as you know, is the lifeblood of magic. But not all mana is the same. It varies in affinity, in strength, and in nature. Some of you may find a closer affinity with elemental mana—earth, air, fire, water—while others might be attuned to more ethereal or arcane sources."

Master Elend paused by the chalkboard, sketching symbols that represented various mana types. "Your task as golemancers is to understand your unique connection to mana and how it can be utilized in your creations. A mage with a strong affinity for fire mana, for example, could create golems that harness the destructive power of flames. Conversely, a mage attuned to earth mana might excel in crafting golems of stone or clay, imbuing them with resilience and strength."

The class listened intently, the concept of mana affinity sparking a new level of interest and introspection among the students. Master Elend encouraged this self-exploration, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness in the magical arts.

"Throughout this course," he continued, "we will explore these different affinities and how they can be applied in golemancy. You will be challenged to push beyond your comfort zones, to experiment with various mana types, and to discover the full extent of your magical capabilities."