
Sorcerer who delivers death

“What ways can the living be tarnished by the evil deeds”. He asks Zihan hoping for an answer but was met with none, Jia sarcastically laughed inkling with regret for he knows that the end has come. "Die for the sake of peace, Jia." Zihan spits heavy words in his shaky tone, pointing the tip of his sword at man’s neck. Staring at the shaken man Jia’s eyes was full of adoration with a bitter smile; he stretches both his arms in the vast. "Zihan, I haven’t got the faintest idea that meeting you will be my happiest moment in my life.” waiting for his execution Jia shut his eyes facing the heavens. Hearing those, Zihan's face gets blotchy, eyes bloodshot and a mist forming in his puff eyelids. Then as swift as the wind blew, a “thud” was heard from the distance. “The witch has died…. He has died.” the crowd behind was cheering overjoyed as the turmoil has finally ended. Just like that, An Jia died in the hand of his confidante. His fated soulmate…... Just like how the bond between the two crumbled. Tears fall unto Zihan’s cheeks. The grieving crows cry as the resentful screams of Wu remnants were heard all over the hail valley for the last time. And then, as night was full of lament, it was followed by a painful silence. They thought the war has ended, but- The gossip around, flared like a blazing fire in the whole city with great horror once again. Yang Zihan the Bai Ling Sect Lord leaves his position, becoming a madman after the turmoil. Sects were collapsing………… And As the lustful glowed of the crimson moon once again emerge The name “Wu Siwang” has finally been born bearing all the resentment of the world. This time the story has officially begin………….

Yin Hu · Huyền huyễn
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13 Chs

The Horrible Truth

A massive luxuries tavern was set before Jia’s eyes, it was magnificent and very seductive. The ornaments that hang outside the window pane and the thick greenery shade of the wall give tranquility to the visitors and guests. Stalks of bamboo were displayed on each side; leaves fall out when the wind blew roughly, yet when it flutters in the vast that it was lovely and exhibited feelings of good old days.

At the top of the tavern was the stature of the Yang Zang Yong. His right hand was holding a sword pointing in the heavens; in his left hand, however, was a decapitated head of what was most likely the Black Dragon enemy- Wu Siwang. They entered right directly at the main door with their arms interlocked with each other. A silhouette hurriedly went to greet them. He clasps his hand together to pay respect to the young master. Jia loosen up his arms because he felt that people were staring too much at them. Zihan never failed to capture those eager eyes since he was the most beloved master and the most respected one in the City.

The young master just nodded at the man and quickly the servant understood what he had meant and guided them to that exclusive chamber at the corner of the hallway where important guests can only be allowed to enter. Jia was just quietly following, he notices some people were looking directly at them, not to even mention him. They wear unusual clothes and had a hat made of black bamboo. They were sipping tea at the corner but their eyes were on him.

It made his pace uneven that he hurried to be by Zihan’s side. Truthfully, that made him a coward; the things that the disciple told him made Jia become aware of the places right at the moment. As if it feels someone was watching his every move; waiting for the right time to devour him when his defenseless and unguarded.

He let out his relief when they finally enter the room. Zihan observe the man, he grabbed Jia’s forearm and calculatingly said “Ge, are you, all right? Why do you keep glancing behind?” Zihan remark.

“Nothing of a sort.” He made the young master loosen his grip on the man’s forearm. He pinched the arch of his nose.

“Uhm, shall we take our seats then,” Zihan continued allowing Jia to move first and then he followed. The two sits across from each other. Jia looked so down and he was tired of this unusual feeling, the sharp gazes of people whenever he was with Zihan. It was a never-ending trap that voids him.

“Ge?” Zihan taps Jia’s hand to pay him a spare look.

Jia abruptly turns to face Zihan “hmm, what is it that Zihan wanted to talk about?”

“I will be traveling tomorrow afternoon. There was a problem in Dahu village you never hear it but the increasing corpse was already concerning and I needed to check by myself if there were demonic practices that taunt the village. I may not be able to return the day after tomorrow. So, I am deeply sorry for not keeping you company. I promise after I return, we will be strolling around the City. Not just today.” Zihan also seems down while he talks about it. He thought Jia was listening to him because the man seems seriously looking, but Jia’s mind was filled with so many thoughts.

Jia suddenly grabs Zihan’s hand out of reflex “I… I will accompany you. I mean Shixiong told me to protect you and be your attendant so I... as a servant. I cannot abandon you.” the man was firm in his words, his hand was gripping tightly at Zihan’s hand.

Hearing Jia feels like pleading, Zihan’s gloomed expression slowly lightens. He was also gripping Jia’s hand as if they were sparring and taking each other accountable. “You think so? Are you sure about that?” his eyes were shining and his smile widen.

Jia who felt like they were close enough slowly loosened his touch and glance somewhere “Of... Of course, Shixiong told me to be your servant. Your safety was my precedency.” He was flustered when he let out those words. It was hotter inside him. Yet, no matter what happens he cannot let Zihan go alone. First off, he was afraid of this place; he felt like the city was suffocating him. The lingering memories of people throwing jabs at him and the danger that someone could potentially hurt him. Second, he promised Chen Xu to take care of the brute, and no matter what happen that oath of words was already bound by his soul. Lastly, he wanted to take this as a way to find a cure for his sister. It was far easier for him. No matter what happens he will always be by Zihan’s side. Unless the young master himself lets him go, then he will let go.

“Aaiyah, I thought Gege doesn’t want to go with me. When I was in the congregation the elders told me if they can at least bring someone with me as my attendant. I told them I have you. I was worried you don’t want to go with me since I have seen you enjoying yourself with my disciple. Hmmph that was also unfair, you barely smile when you’re with me.” Zihan complain, he pouted his lips crossing his arms as if he was a child that was betrayed by his fellow.

“What in the abyss is this?” Jia said in the back of his mind. He was used to it but he cannot help but felt a strand of hair standing at his nape and forearm whenever his master acted like that. It was more like he was babysitting rather than serving.

“Tsk, I told you already wherever you go, I will accompany you. I don’t want another pile of guilt around me when I’m not with you. Your life was more impo---.” He stops talking after realizing he had been throwing flowery words at the young master. “I… I will go with you.” he continued scratching at the back of his neck.

The young master then widely smiles the rest was followed. They finally got out of the tavern when the sun was already set, it felt like a nostalgic ambiance when they were in Huang An, it seems like whenever there was sunset around, he was with Zihan enjoying the horizon until the blazing color turns into a dusty dark gray. It was already nightfall when they finally arrived at the manor. Jia’s chamber was next to the young master. Zihan was first to enter his room as he was tired and needed to prepare for tomorrow. Jia also enters inside his chamber, sliding the door shut as he leans his back on the door frame. It was quietly dead that he almost became stone deaf in the overbearing silence. The incense burner gives Jia a fine relief from the sensation that the smoke was emitting. His body was tired as well as his mind. He then proceeded to take off his outer garments and wash his face with the basin that was already prepared for him. When all was well and done, he wears his night garments and went on his Chuang. He lay down and was about to close his eyes when he felt something hard poking at his back. He sat up and turn to look at it when he notices the tassel Chen Xu gave him.

It was meant for Zihan’s father, and they shall give it together but since the young master was tired and must be sleeping now. He decided to take matters into his hand. Jia jumped out of the bed and wear his outer garment. His hair was tied into buns and the only thing that he fixes was his curtain bangs since it was a little messy. He walked out of the room careful not to make the slightest sound. The manor was a placid place, only the reverberating sound of the wind hustling and the dances of wisteria tree was there to accompany Jia through the dim hallways.

The only plan he had on his mind was to seek someone who can tell him the chambers of the Grandmaster. His hand was holding tightly to the tassel, he was nervous. It may seem rude to even disturb someone in their rooms at night but the chance was right at this moment; he can’t let it rot to waste. Jia trudges down the hallways and continues to explore looking for a potential helper. Not far from where he was, there was a room that was lit up. He was grateful that now someone might lend him a hand.

Jia almost run out of joy and relief, when he was closer and the door frame was clearer the man went to an abrupt halt. There were some whispers inside; his hunch was there were almost four people inside. He conceals himself hiding from the dark corner to observe the movement inside.

The voice seems rough and mature enough that he assumes it doesn’t belong to any of the disciples. He also heard someone coughing and the clack of glasses. A scent of lavender tea also lingers on Jia’s nose.

“Do you think Zihan will also become that witch?’ the man inside started questioning. Jia can’t tell what they were doing because he was trying to eavesdrop on them.

“If that time comes and one day, he will be the one to perform that curse, the only choice we do have was to send him to that village. I’ve heard from his senior martial brother that the demon that possesses that place was named Silver monarch. Wu Siwang’s right-hand man. Zihan’s core was title as Magnus but that witch also rose into supremacy when Siwang was gone. Surely, he can and able to destroy Zihan’s core without us doing it anyway.” Another man responded letting out a dry cough instantly.

Jia’s entire being froze the moment he heard it. His hand was shaking and his eyes slowly widens in complete disbelief. How could they casually sacrifice the man who brings honor to their names? He never expected things would turn out like this and if he tells Zihan about it will the young master believe him It was no joke they were planning to kill Zihan.

“Come to think of it, that child he was with? Jia, isn’t he?” another man swaying the interest.

“That commoner was rumored to be close to your son, Zang Yong Shixiong, I bet he kissed the feet of the young master or sell his body to him. Anyways, it is such a pity if he will get killed, I cannot taste that body before it turns cold and bloodless.” A chuckled went after that, on the other hand, Jia was boiling in rage; he almost lost his composure.

“BASTARD!!! FUCKING BASTARD.” He cussed inside, he had never been belittled like this treating him like a sissy and throwing dirty words behind his back. If he was Wu Siwang, he could end up murdering these people inside. Not to mention, Zihan’s father the sole purpose in the plan was to kill his son. Jia’s hand turns into a fist, his knuckles becoming white. He wanted to barge in and beat the hell out of them. Sadly, he can’t do that.

“That child.” Someone inside enunciated. Jia flinches at this and tries to control his feelings before they burst out.

“Jia? He wasn’t good enough for Zihan even if they have any resemblance between Siwang and Xieye the fate that they will be facing will be in vain. A tragic one.” Another man responded it may seem that the voice was cold and the words penetrated Jia’s heart.

He must tell Zihan about this or else he will die. Jia with no time left to spare walked away. He was nibbling his thumb perhaps because of the tension and pressure he was dealing with. He needed to make a move so that Zihan won’t get hurt.

Jia entered his chamber and stood at the entrance still holding the tassel in his trembling hands. Never in his life, that someone can push him to his limit; that someone might be killed. With a plop, he sits there restless, he doesn’t want this but the guilt and the possible regret might chase him when he gets to the corner. He brings his knees up and leans his throbbing head on.

The night for him was full of remorse and lament that the young man chooses to close his eyes. He wanted to rest, he wanted someone to hug him and coax him telling him that it will be okay. That nothing bad happen but as lonely as the chamber he was in, and so did his heart. It was gloomed, dark, and helpless.

“Fuck.” The young man uttered.

A ray of sunlight was emanating through Jia’s chamber, birds were singing the wondrous ritual that woke everybody in the manor. The rustling of the tree was caused by the mild breeze of the wind that was heard in the very distance. Jia was laying down on the cold glazed tiles. His dark circles were so visible. He couldn’t sleep thinking about what he had found that night. He was tired, sleepy, and numb.

“Gege?” someone knock on the door frame.

Jia never answer, he just shifted his head towards the door. Just staring at the black silhouette that was currently standing.

“Ge? Are you awake now? If yes, come join me for breakfast.” Zihan keeps knocking at the door. Jia sighed heavily he slowly sits up and hid the tassel that was long sitting in his hand.

“Ge? I’m going in.” Zihan was about to slide the door when Jia open it. Their eyes met, and the smile on Zihan’s face slowly fades. He frowns at the man and pokes his forehead.

“Don’t tell me you did not sleep a wink.” Zihan keeps poking his forehead but Jia didn’t even complain, he was just straightly looking at Zihan with a sullen face.

“Ge? Is something the matter? Why does it seem like your soul leaves your body? Did something happen? Something that may be upset you?” Zihan then stop playing with him and straightly looked at Jia with such concern. He didn’t want to miss the opportunity but he was hesitating about whether to tell him the truth or buried it.

“Zihan… Can we…...” his words were stuck in his throat, the feeling of being intimidated by his feelings and the betrayal that will happen was drowning him in his circle. He keeps fidgeting, his thumbs were starting to numb and his restless eyes were completely lost.

“Can we not go. We can just stay here and we can also take someone with us.” His eyes were wavering, Jia grabbed Zihan’s shoulder while he talks seemingly confused and restless. “That’s right! We can take someone with us, someone who was much stronger than can protect us.” Hearing this Zihan seems displeased, his eyes twitch as it forms into such displeasure.

He keeps a distance from Jia and started sighing in disappointment, rubbing the temples he dared to look at the man with such a disheartened look. “Ge, what do you mean someone? Aren’t I enough? Why do we have to look for someone with such prowess? What do you think of me then?” Jia’s eyes widen, and Zihan misunderstood him. He clenched both his hand, dropping his head and looking straightly at the dusty tiles; he will confess the truth right now and whatever happens, he will bite back.

“Zihan, you will di…...” his confession never reaches Zihan, the young master seems annoyed and started to argue back without listening. “Ge, did you do this on purpose because you don’t want to be with me? Do you regret forcing yourself? Is that it?” Jia’s throat boobed, and his sweat trickled down his cheeks but he hurriedly talks back so Zihan wouldn’t misunderstand the deal.

“I wasn’t forced, what I wanted to tell you is that if you go there you will die.” A moment of silence lingers between them. He didn’t dare to look at Zihan because he was also terrified and confused. Suddenly, a chuckle broke the silence and made Jia abruptly face Zihan.

“What?” The only word the young master uttered as he laughs. “Ge, I thought you were forced, you did not sleep because you thought I would die?” the young man languorously laughs; pulling Jia into his open shoulder. “Ge, you know you are being adorable right now. No one will die and I will never be, that was a promise. Are you satisfied now? Let us eat, this young master is starving.” He then moved a step while making Jia follow him.

“Wait, I didn’t m…….” Jia didn’t continue what he was going to say when Zihan grabbed his hand and started dashing out. The two clad were seen in the hallways running through the dining chamber where the smell of the food reaches within their length.

Jia thought he might get a chance to confess the truth to Zihan when they sooner eat breakfast, but the young master was busy talking to his father and his subordinate. The disciples also join the surging excitement and noises that filled the chamber. Jia was sitting in the corner when suddenly someone tap his shoulder, he then turns to look at the man. Yu Xuan was grinning while he holds his plate and sits across from Jia, there were also Liu Qianfan and Hu Chaoxiang behind the young disciple they also sit across from each other.

“Shixiong, why are you here alone? Hu Chaoxiang asks; eating beside Jia.

“Nothing of a sort.” He replied quickly.

“Come on Shixiong, we are friends now. Don’t be like that.” Yu Xuan said while chewing the half-paste black bean that was served before him.

Jia seems to doubt but he let a little voice out hoping the three would help him. He asks him what if Zihan died during the mission and what if there was a sort of betrayal and sacrificial ritual that was going to happen in the Dahu Village. The three disciples listen intently, they didn’t even bother complaining about the noises that surround them. It was giving Jia the slightest hope that maybe the three would eventually find his point and not misunderstand him.

The passing hours rush like a gush of the wind,

Outside the main hall, a troubled man was seen nibbling his thumb hardly making the tip of it red and the nails crack in uneven cuts.

“Crap, what did I do?” Jia mumbled as he was waiting for Zihan, the personal attendant was busy storing the bags in the carriage. He thought sharing his worries with the three disciples will ease his problem, but it seems that they also------- misunderstand. After hearing those partial confessions, the three decided to go with them. Jia internally screams, the madness that was long embedded in him since that night burst out making him snap.

He made a commotion in the dining hall a while ago and embarrassingly left with an apology, and now the three got allowed to go with them. A messed up muddled plan Jia had. A tribulation indeed.

He was busy thinking of something that he didn’t notice someone was approaching towards him. It was Yang Zang Yong, the grandmaster of the Black clan. He stopped in front of the man which led Jia to face him, the young man’s eyeball seems to jump in the horror he had just witnessed.

The man himself!!!!

“I believe you are Zihan’s companion Jia, isn’t it?” Yang Zang Yong was staring intently at Jia. He wondered if the old man was examining if he had such power or skills to protect and prevent Zihan from dying.

“Yes, this lowly servant was indeed Jia. It was such an honor to pay heed to the grandmaster.” He clasps his hand to perform respectful acts. He suddenly remembers the tassel and was planning to give it to the old man.

“You hear what we talked about last night? Did you?” the old man suddenly slaps the truth that was long stuffed inside him.

Jia’s eyes quivered, pursing his lips he just stared at the man. He felt something crawling in his skin---- a sense of being terrified. The old man’s face was calm as if he didn’t even bother whether Jia heard him or not. It was peaceful that it was so horrifying.

“Even if you heard about it. You will never prevent my son from dying. Oh! and you as well and that three idiots will be with my son.” Jia wanted to throw the old man a beating but he was shaken by what the old man said.

“You just undo the curse. Now die and bury the secrets you heard in this clan. Whatever you do Zihan will never believe you nor he will buy the things that you will reveal later” Yang Zang Yong takes a step back and grins at Jia with such a distorted face. He taps the young man’s shoulder lightly but it made Jia flinch like he was being sensitive all over.

Yang Zang Yong then turns and paces away as if nothing happens. The man felt weak on his knees. He doesn’t want to die but the burden that he had protecting the four of them was enough to kill him in one swat.

The three disciples then suddenly came with each of their horses. Only Jia and Zihan will be riding the carriage because the young master insisted. He looked at the three with such uneasiness. The three decided to take their bags and stuff them in the carrier. And then Zihan came with a smile on his face, a satisfaction that looks innocent above all.

Jia composes himself, instead of letting himself be mad if he will have to offer his life to that witch, he will do it. The only thing he can do was because he didn’t have the prowess to kill the demons or the sorcerer. If this was his end maybe he can tell Zihan to take good care of A’yang and Chen Xu for him. He sighs closing his eyes with such bearing.

Zihan approaches him and together they went inside the carriage. Jia’s mind was out, he was repeating those words that Zihan’s father warned him; that the young master will never believe him.

“Ge, don’t worry I am here to protect you so do not make yourself sick.” The young master smiled at him, patting his head lightly to give him assurance and comfort.

But Jia didn’t feel the same, instead, he tugged one of Zihan’s outer robes and gave him a black look. He then pries open his mouth and said “Zihan, don’t die on me. Can you take it as an oath for me? I will be your servant forever if you wanted to, but please don’t die on me.” Zihan even though he didn’t understand Jia’s point reciprocated by embracing the man while patting his back lightly coaxing him like a child.

“I won’t die and the promise you just said please don’t forget.” Jia just nodded but the heavy burdens didn’t give him any leeway.

The carriage started moving as Zihan let go of Jia. The three disciples also followed them closely. They were moving at a pace and Jia who had been anticipating, finally decided to be bait for them.

He will never let the truth be buried with him, even if they lit a fire and cause chaos in the main clan. The truth will always live. That’s for him to make sure.