
Sorcerer who delivers death

“What ways can the living be tarnished by the evil deeds”. He asks Zihan hoping for an answer but was met with none, Jia sarcastically laughed inkling with regret for he knows that the end has come. "Die for the sake of peace, Jia." Zihan spits heavy words in his shaky tone, pointing the tip of his sword at man’s neck. Staring at the shaken man Jia’s eyes was full of adoration with a bitter smile; he stretches both his arms in the vast. "Zihan, I haven’t got the faintest idea that meeting you will be my happiest moment in my life.” waiting for his execution Jia shut his eyes facing the heavens. Hearing those, Zihan's face gets blotchy, eyes bloodshot and a mist forming in his puff eyelids. Then as swift as the wind blew, a “thud” was heard from the distance. “The witch has died…. He has died.” the crowd behind was cheering overjoyed as the turmoil has finally ended. Just like that, An Jia died in the hand of his confidante. His fated soulmate…... Just like how the bond between the two crumbled. Tears fall unto Zihan’s cheeks. The grieving crows cry as the resentful screams of Wu remnants were heard all over the hail valley for the last time. And then, as night was full of lament, it was followed by a painful silence. They thought the war has ended, but- The gossip around, flared like a blazing fire in the whole city with great horror once again. Yang Zihan the Bai Ling Sect Lord leaves his position, becoming a madman after the turmoil. Sects were collapsing………… And As the lustful glowed of the crimson moon once again emerge The name “Wu Siwang” has finally been born bearing all the resentment of the world. This time the story has officially begin………….

Yin Hu · Huyền huyễn
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13 Chs

Frightening Message

Jia felt uncomfortable; still keeps his eyes shut due to the throbbing pain in his head.

He tilted a bit towards his right side when he was frozen by a sudden realization.

There was something—no someone’s leg was resting on him. He was left horrified and then the flashback from that sickening night torments the poor man.

Instant marble of sweat rolls down his forehead. He was feeling hot from the embarrassing situation he was lured into. The leg that was freely resting on him moved, seems like whoever the person he beds with didn’t notice him waking up.

Trying not to create any sound he carefully removes the blanket that was wrapped around him and yet, for his demise the person behind him shifted his moves and hug Jia unconsciously, making the poor lad go back to where he was laying.

He can feel the hot breath from his very own defenseless nape enough for the man to shudder.

“No… this can’t be happening. I… we… didn’t do it… right?” his heart was thumping; it was clear and loud that the beating can be felt through his temples.

He was startled when the person beside him grunted. It seems like it was slowly wakening.

A blanket of emotion was on Jia’s thoughts, he didn’t know what to do. Must he apologize or he could also just run away without looking.

Rustling noises can be heard as the other person position itself to sit stretching both arms up.

“Jia-Ge, are you awake?” the other person asked.

Like a rock that was dropped from a thin icy lake, Jia’s entire being suddenly cracked. He swiftly turns to look at the one who was with him the whole night.

It was that very same almond eyes that annoy him every second time.

He was petrified and too stunned to even spit a single word. In front of him, there a young stubborn master that didn’t even bother about him being naked top. His bare chest was exposed.

The porcelain skin that emitted beauty from his body and that very face that can seduce all sorts of beings. Who could have thought the face was the definition of such innocence.

“Zii…. Zihan… You.” dumbfoundedly he blurted broken words as he can’t think of anything else.

He was met by a smirk on the sly young man’s face.

“I didn’t know that Gege was bold in bed. It’s such a waste that no one got to experience it except me. It’s an honor.” He then turns around to get out of the bed; making the poor man hanging, but Jia hurriedly grabbed his forearm.

“What…. What… happened last night? I can’t remember I’m sorry could you please.” He was too embarrassed to continue; a faint reddish shade was already painted on his cheeks.

He wants to kill himself; it was too humiliating; what makes it worse is that he beds a man. A MAN for goodness sake.

Sure, he liked his Shixiong but the thought of holding a man- not to mention, why does it have to be this coquettish son-of-a-pervert young master.

Is something he isn’t ready to do. Come on give him a break.

Zihan chuckled under his breath, then out of the blue, pinching both cheeks of the confused man he proceeded to say “Nothing happen really, I was just teasing my great saintly Gege.”

Annoyed by this, Jia slapped away Zihan’s hand, rubbing his cheeks from the squeezing.

“What happened last night? Say a word, can you? tell me straight.” Eyes darting towards Zihan, he was serious and got no time for Zihan’s shaggy-dog story.

The young master sighed and properly sit across Jia, looking serious their eyes met each other like reading what was inside their shell.

“Nothing happened, it was just last night you were drugged by Madam Zhu. I never thought she will touch you. I ordered her to take care of Gege but not like this” Zihan abruptly halt feeling sorry, throat quivered as if guilt was eating his face.

“I… it was my fault. Fortunately, I stopped her in time and Jia-Gege passed out. I am to blame.” Zihan lightly coughs swaying away from the awkwardness between them.

Jia “tsk” and turn to gaze at something, it was inconvenient for the both of them. He thought he was already a goner.

Reluctantly, he replied still uncomfortable from the tension he was getting since early this early morning. “So, why are we…like in the same bed?”

Zihan looks at him, the young man seemingly doesn’t want to continue but because Jia was madly curious, he honestly answered.

“I wanted Gege to be safe and the tavern was quite far. So, I decided to sleep here with you. Hoping Gege won’t be mad.”

For some unknown reason, Jia didn’t get mad he was thankful that Zihan didn’t let him be touched by someone else. In honest thought, his heart was happy about it. That in response, he sighs and lightly pats the young man’s head.

Both of them were startled by Jia’s actions; it was the first time he was being gentle by this cocky young man. They looked dumb not knowing what was next to act.

Fortunately, Jia who master the art of pretending acted as if the gestures were nothing and quickly replied.

“Nothing to worry about, thank you for protecting me.” Turning his back to Zihan as he plans to get out of bed. A little bit flustered.

“Why in the world did I do that?” confusingly asked himself; quickly adjusting the disheveled robes and combing his messy hair with his hand.

And, without any second thought, abandon the event that happened last night. Zihan also turns to dress. Both of them didn’t bring some conversation anymore.

“Do you want to eat something before going home?” Zihan asked Jia while clothing himself, he didn’t even bother to look at the groggy man’s state as he continue to do his thing.

Jia hearing it, shakes his head lightly and said “Shixiong and your brother must be anxious right now. I promised them to take you home yesterday and yet I failed to show up. If it’s fine with you, we must quickly go back. I will prepare your food right away when we got home.”

Without a replied Zihan seems to understand what he was implying and lightly nods to the agreement. As both of them were finished, they went on their way out.

Jia was thankful that he didn’t have to encounter that Madam Yu again. He notices that the brothel was silently dead like that of a graveyard site every morning.

Both of them started their journey back to the tavern. Zihan was acting quiet and so Jia thought there was something on his mind to not disturb him by initiating a talk.

After a tiring walk, they finally made it to the tavern. The main door was still closed so they decided to enter through the side door.

A creaking sound resonates inside, gingerly Jia steps to look inside watching every corner if there were any presence of a person.

And then, catching a glimpse at Zihan on his back, assuring him no one was inside. They both enter the tavern tiptoeing gingerly not to make a noise when suddenly they were caught off guard by the person who was watching them all along.

“Zihan? Jia? Where have you been?” A familiar voice creeps over Jia’s ear. It was Chen-Xu whose face was seemingly anxious.

He was standing beside Zixhen who was serving tea to his lover.

“Shi…. Shixiong.” His eyes widen as Jia kneels quickly trying to pay the agreement he failed to fulfill.

Zihan was just standing there; scratching the back of his head gazing at Zixhen with his casual countenance.

“No need for you to kneel, I do understand what you were trying to say.” Chen-Xu was not looking at Jia when he was saying those words; what he was aiming for was Zihan who was languidly standing, eyeing the poor Jia who was on the floor squirming.

Jia nervously stood up; uneasiness lingers around them. He knew for the sure that Chen-Xu was upset because he wasn’t calling his name. His Shixiong was utmost the kindest and tender person he met, but also the tenfold scariest being when upset or mad.

“It was my fault Shixiong, Jia-Ge has nothing to do with it.” Zihan turn to look at Chen-Xu who was gazing at him.

“You mean that mark on Jia’s neck?” Chen-Xu with a calculated look on his face replied.

Jia hastily looks in Zihan’s direction, both of them were stupefied as he unintentionally covered his neck with both shaky hands.

“I was drunk, I didn’t notice it was Jia-Gege I mistook him as a girl.” Jia was red as a tomato from what he was hearing right now. He was also confused about how the heck he didn’t even pay attention to everywhere in his body mostly those parts that can be seen in public view.

No wonder people were staring at him all along; he remembers the shamelessness he had done and those provocative eyes that felt like suffocating him, the worst part of all was Zihan not telling him about the mark. No wonder that little devil was quiet all along.

Zixhen laughs merrily, glancing at Jia’s agitated state.

“He sure looks enjoying this awkward discussion.” Jia sighed deeply, he wanted to get out of this suffocating circle. His eyes fucose on his Shixiong wearing a worried but at the same time disappointed face.

“If Shixiong is worried that I hurt Jia-Gege. You won’t be disappointed. I didn’t touch him and I passed out after marking.” Zihan reassuringly replied he was cautious not to make any mistake since the truth was far from the confession.

Jia also felt that Zihan was side-eyeing him every time he answered.

“What the heck was this? This pervert seems a little different. Is he threatening me?” Jia asked himself.

Zixhen coughed slightly, glanced at Zihan he proceeded to say.” You know Chen-Lang was strict when it comes to Jia. It was the first that his bao had failed in his assignment. Zihan, don’t give Jia a hard time.” Jia hesitatingly looks at Zihan. He wonders if the young master would wail like a baby. But his expectation was far from what he imagined.

The stubborn young master was just standing there. Smiling like a stupid rabbit, acting cute and stuff. Isn’t he worried that Chen-Xu might be upset with him? But then again, he forgot Zihan’s status being the youngest spoiled brat of the Yang residence.

Maybe this is just a trivial thing for him. But they are completely different.

“Jia, you go now.” he was startled when Chen-Xu dismissed him. thinking too hard on the situation that he forgot to act straight and was dazing instead. How disrespectful!

“Ah… yes...thanking Shixiong for---“he was cut off by Chen-Xu whose composure was returning to his casual demeanor.

“I will talk to you tomorrow. Go home. You must rest and accompany your sister. Don’t worry about the work today we will be closing for now. The three of us will be leaving for an important occasion” Chen-Xu's façade goes back to normal. Smiling at Jia with such purity that even the most beautiful flower can’t compare.

Jia bowed down with respect and went his way out. He felt sorry for Zihan being left hungry. He promises that cocky master that he will be cooking his breakfast.

“Well, whatever.” Jia shrugged it off, it’s none of his business anymore since Zihan was in the tavern. They will tend to his needs like a prince he was living. Just like before, before they even met.

Freely walking in the early sunrise, the mist from the cold was far gone by now. He covered his neck with a piece of his outer robe. Before going home, he decided to visit the place he had long bears wanting to forget since Chen-Xu adopted them.

Reflecting on what happened yesterday, Jia knows he was weak he can’t even protect himself. Not like Zixhen and Zihan who grew up in cultivation and power. How can a frail body be able to safeguard those he loves?

Sometimes, he envies Zihan just by looking at that cocky bastard. He can slap Jia all that he had. all that he acquired since he was born. Something Jia can’t possibly possess money, power, noble status, and that pretty face he that bastard had.

He sadly accepted the fate that was impaled on him. Running for his little dear life and fighting every day to keep his sister safe before. It was pretty exhausting.

That’s why the very picture of Chen-Xu looking upset pained him. Ever since he got involved with Zihan all that was painted on his Shixiong face was irritated, sulking, and getting upset. Sometimes giving him cold shoulders.

Well, who could’ve liked it when he was being dragged by that cocky bastard doing things, he knows were futile?

Jia’s eyes met the familiar place he once calls home. There in the dense greenwood lays a secret wonder his sister and Chen-Xu only knew. It was beautiful, sadly it remains a mystery to other people.

Pace after pace, Jia moves forward he will only stay a couple of hours and buy some mantou for A’yang and go home.

For ages, as he persistently strolls to his destination a faint flow of water lingers on Jia’s ear.

He can hear the surging noise of a steep fall releasing the extensive amount of water falling from rock bottom.

It was paradisiacal.

The wind welcomes Jia home, soothing his tired and hungry soul. This was his cure as well as an obstruction in his past.

He used to sleep here with his sister. It was a torment for them to sleep on the cold ground with only a few leaves wrapping their small form. Sometimes, this is their hiding spot from the people who wanted to hurt them.

Jia remembers cursing those people who beat him heavily, and how hard his sister cries seeing him bathing in his warm blood. It was hell for them. A living hell.

The lad heavily sigh, it was long overdue but the torture inflicted stays like flesh living inside him.

He closes his eyes trying to take a nap, relaxing his back on the old tree near him. The once violent flow of water became fainter in sounds.

His visions blacken as he retires himself to slumber.

He didn’t know how long he’s been sleeping. As the cold wind embraces his defenseless body. He felt someone was directly looking at him while he was asleep. His senses triggered. The feeling of being watched makes him completely lost.

He was not the only one here. He’s certain of that.

Panic boils madly inside him, forcing both eyes shut open while his heart beats wildly. He senses danger. He was afraid.

He can’t move. He can’t fucking move.

With a little push of determination, successfully opens his eyes, and he wasn’t wrong.

Dreadful dark eyes appeared before him. He was staring obsessively at Jia smiling creepily at the poor man’s unmoving body. The unknown entity wears an odd cloak, looking muddy and unkempt.

His ghoulish appearance made Jia cry out for help. Trying to pry open his mouth with no voice coming out.

“Kekeke I finally found you.” deep frightening voice was overheard everywhere. He was scared he might pass out again. But the unknown entity doesn’t want to let him go.

He was just staring like a corpse, without feelings, without emotions. Just dull eyes reciprocating every watch. On contrary, his insides were in complete shambles.

Fear eats him alive, skinning every inch of his body and making them shudder in the overwhelming terror he was witnessing.

“I found you. I found you.” reiterating the same old words like a madman that lost his sanity in this world. His mouth watered with his saliva dripping freely on the moist ground as he stared hungrily at Jia’s vegetative state.

He moves closer to Jia like he wants to eat the man. A predatory cannibal who possessively wants to cut Jia’s flesh open like a piece of meat.

Jia’s fears gave in as tears flow down both his eyes, he doesn’t know what to feel but he was hysterically shaking in the hell he was seeing.

He licks Jia’s tears away, as he excitedly does the same thing to the other side. The terrifying event was overbearing, he wanted to pass out again. He doesn’t want to see this. Someone help him. Anyone.

The unknown entity again stared at Jia, showing his bloody sharp teeth. His eyes looked like a never-ending hole ready to gnaw at Jia. Leaning closer to the expressionless man he whispers something that makes Jia’s eyes widen.

“You are next, An Jia Kekeke” after spitting the horrendous threat. Jia was fully awakened. Quickly gasping for air, never mind his heart aching from the pressure.

Looking at his surrounding, he was guarded by fear and danger. It was dark already, the sunset died down fast. Confusion made him madly lost. Staggering back his steps as he notices something wet on his cheeks.

Realized it wasn’t a nightmare. Jia felt like he was splashed by cold icy water. He can’t feel anything but fear building up like a brick creating a wall blocking him from any possible escape.

He started to run as fast as where his feet can drag him. He might trip and stumble unto those dead branchy stems of the forest. He was in a desperate run.

Before finally leaving the dense and dark forest, he heard a single howl of a dying crow. Hellishly frightening.

Dashing out like a lost man, all he could think about was to go home and lock himself up in his room. He was shaken to the core. It was a feeling of being hunted again.

Those same words keep repeating inside his messy thought.

“You are next, An Jia”

“You are next, An Jia”

“You are next, An Jia”

“You are next, An Jia”

“You are next, An Jia”

“You are next, An Jia”

“You are next, An Jia”

He wanted to stop thinking about it. He’s scared. He doesn’t know what to do next, a feeling of needing to kill himself drives him. Jia didn’t know he reaches his house, he felt suddenly weak. Exhaustion slows him down, barely making his way to the door as he collapsed hitting his head on the ground floor.

A’yang was surprised to see Jia in his worst state. She too was horrified, and quickly she guides Jia to his room asking what happened but his brother was at a loss. Shaking uncontrollably, he desperately clutches A’yang’s clothes.

She hug him for she knows what Jia needed now wasn’t comforting words but a warm reassuring hug. She can feel his brother’s heartbeat on her.

They didn't talk either. A hug was enough to make his brother back to his senses. This was all she knew.

Jia has begun to calm down slowly, his wide eyes from before were slowly returning back to normal. His shaking statue was decreasingly lighter as he heaves such relief into his sister’s comforting hugs.

This was just a nightmare. It won’t taunt him.

That he hopes so.

With all his strength and emotional exhaustion due to the extreme fear. Jia began to feel drowsy again. He doesn’t want to sleep for what happened but it was domineering.

His eyes blink twice as he completely invades the darkness once again. Sleeping peacefully in his sister’s embrace.