
Sorcerer who delivers death

“What ways can the living be tarnished by the evil deeds”. He asks Zihan hoping for an answer but was met with none, Jia sarcastically laughed inkling with regret for he knows that the end has come. "Die for the sake of peace, Jia." Zihan spits heavy words in his shaky tone, pointing the tip of his sword at man’s neck. Staring at the shaken man Jia’s eyes was full of adoration with a bitter smile; he stretches both his arms in the vast. "Zihan, I haven’t got the faintest idea that meeting you will be my happiest moment in my life.” waiting for his execution Jia shut his eyes facing the heavens. Hearing those, Zihan's face gets blotchy, eyes bloodshot and a mist forming in his puff eyelids. Then as swift as the wind blew, a “thud” was heard from the distance. “The witch has died…. He has died.” the crowd behind was cheering overjoyed as the turmoil has finally ended. Just like that, An Jia died in the hand of his confidante. His fated soulmate…... Just like how the bond between the two crumbled. Tears fall unto Zihan’s cheeks. The grieving crows cry as the resentful screams of Wu remnants were heard all over the hail valley for the last time. And then, as night was full of lament, it was followed by a painful silence. They thought the war has ended, but- The gossip around, flared like a blazing fire in the whole city with great horror once again. Yang Zihan the Bai Ling Sect Lord leaves his position, becoming a madman after the turmoil. Sects were collapsing………… And As the lustful glowed of the crimson moon once again emerge The name “Wu Siwang” has finally been born bearing all the resentment of the world. This time the story has officially begin………….

Yin Hu · Huyền huyễn
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13 Chs

Black Dragon Clan

“What in the world is this place?” Jia was completely lost. He can’t believe what he was seeing. Up in the dense deserted mountain with nothing but mist and an old-growth tree that quietly welcomes the three of them. Jia looked everywhere the atmosphere was haunting and eerie sounds reached his ears through his inside. He was confused before the feeling of excitement and thrill deflated completed. What kind of people lived here? “Hoy Zihan, what kind of place is this? You said we will go to the city? Do you…?” Zihan hearing the poor man completely losing his sanity, merrily laugh as if it didn’t disturb him.

“Gege, indeed we are by now reaching the door to the city.” Jia was speechless he doesn’t know what Zihan was saying. What kind of door will appear before their very own eyes? Even the attendant who was with them didn’t even bother looking back.

Zihan took something in his robes and give it to Jia calmly as if nothing happened. It was a small bottle. The pungent smell invisibly oozes in the bottle as soon as it lingers in Jia’s sensitive nose. The poor man had the urge to puke in a quick instant. “What is this” he glanced at Zihan with distrust and wariness. “Gege, just drink it! The question you will ask about… will completely be answered.” The young master just smiled at him without the hint of teasing or joking around this time. “Hurry up! We are approaching the main gate.” The young master urges him to drink the bottle; Jia against his own will suddenly drinks the bottle in a big heavy gulp.

All of the sudden, Jia crouched down to throw up but Zihan hold him and the young master put his hand on Jia’s mouth. The two of them struggle as one wanted to take the disgusting weird liquid out of his system and the other one forces him to take it in. The poor Jia was all blue, with pale lips and body slouches back leaning. On the other hand, Zihan was just laughing like there was no tomorrow. Anyone would think that the young master lost his sanity.

Stinging pain in his chest was making him teary not just that the stench still lingers in his mouth. The poor man without any strength to pick at Zihan blurted out “If I had known you… bleghh... you will torture me. I would not come with you here.” he suddenly put his hand on his mouth. The nerves in his temples bulge like crazy, saliva drooling out freely in his mouth dripping wet in his hand.

“Yes, I am deeply sorry. This young master is sorry for Gege’s struggle.” Zihan take his wisteria-shaded handkerchief and started wiping the saliva out in Jia. He was a big mess. “So, have you witnessed anything? Gege must look ahead by now and pray to tell that I am not deceitful of you.” Jia although irritated takes the handkerchief to Zihan with a glare cleaning himself before pepping in the window. His expression quickly changes; his emerald eyes were staring at the main road. His body stiffened as his mouth was sealed. It was the most beautiful place. No word can completely describe the scenario he was seeing. He thought he must be dreaming; if this was all fantasy, he wishes to never leave this place with A’yang and Chen Xu.

“What do you say? Endearing right?” he glances towards Zihan who was also trying to peek on the other side. The two of them seem to enjoy the view. Who would have thought the main gate was like a Babylon. A waves wisteria tree was enchanting it was flowing with purity and peace. The surrounding was a paradise no one ever believe the place existed.

Jia was hypnotized by its beauty. He was intently looking searching for a fault, but it seems that God favor this place that it almost looked like heaven for him. He then turns to look at Zihan who was currently staring at him with a tender smile on his face. But Jia all the while was used to seeing Zihan like this shrugged it off and ask him with such guardedness and a confused tone.

“So, this was an illusion, right? Before all I ever see was a dense thick haunted forest and giving me that corpse-like smell bottle… it has something to do with what was happening now right?” he waited for an answer because Zihan was probably playing hard on him. These things, the place that no man can describe how immensely enchanting the place were nothing but an illusion.

“The forest was an illusion, and yes the bottle that I gave you was a potion called Bimaapserum; it was a concoction that could tell whether the place was illusionary or a real thing. It was made by the corpse of a rapture that will only be found in a sacred hut where trolls lived. Gege doesn’t have to worry I didn’t put anything weird, the taste was awful but it was also the traveler’s lucky potion.” Zihan explains it all clearly and precisely but the poor man didn’t understand all of it.

Who would expect the best for Jia, a man born in a low profile to understand and adapt quickly to cultivation? The only thing he could come up with right now was a face with a big doubt and uncertainty.

Stupid as he is and in shambles Jia blurted “So, these things right now... these were not just a dream, right? It was a real thing in my eyes... this scenario was not deceiving my eyes? So that haunted forest was just an illusion right this paradise was the real thing, right? Jia seems to snap out of it. His words were like a tangled thread messy and repetitive. Zihan without a doubt knew what the poor confused man was feeling. For a normal man to enter the world of cultivation without any warning surely was complex.

The two of them were pretty distracted when the carriage came to a halt. The attendant suddenly spoke for the first time. Its tone was calm and soothing but his facial expression was neutral.

“Pray tell, if the young master wants me to escort you to the Yang’s manor or if perhaps the young master prefers to stroll over stalls with the dear guest.”

Zihan replied “I prefer to be escorted since it is Gege’s first visit. I don’t want him to get press on and drag in the city folks later.” Jia was just looking at Zihan’s smug face. Just what exactly do his words mean on getting press and drag. Jia thought if he was getting executed by maintaining closure to the most powerful and arrogant spoiled brat of Yang’s lineage; maybe get cursed at silently.

The attendant after hearing Zihan’s order proceed to move forward. The carriage once again swayed by the rolling wheels. The main gate was slowly opening, and Jia’s anticipation was getting worse. There was a sound coming behind that massive door. The poor man was nervous, his sweat falls like heavy rain.

The door was finally open for Jia to see and his face became flustered in a second after witnessing what was inside of it. The city folks were waiting for their young master. Side by side with no gap and with their face full of admiration and respect looking at Zihan. They were holding a blooming lavender flower somewhere carefully throwing it in the carriage. Some were yet in Jia’s mouth as the poor man just tried to get rid of it.

Zihan was just waving at them smiling prettily like he was living his moment. The amount of trust and respect for Zihan was overwhelming, the folks were screaming for his name. Some were crying and others were admiring the looks of their young master. Not until they saw Jia who looks calculated and lost. The poor man notices the people started to whisper in each other ears like marites and by the looks of their glaring eyes, judging the low born in instant.

Zihan who receives glory and attention was contrary to him, Jia faces glares and whispers and was heavily chastised just for being on Zihan’s side. The stares were like daggers that penetrated Jia’s blanch skin. It was awful and he felt bad that all he can do was slouch on the passenger’s seat.

Is this what it feels like to be hated by strangers? He thought at the spare moment of insecurities that was building up like a wall; then fragmented memory of the girl he saved from Huang An city rope him into the place he was now. The feeling of being an outcast and stranger in someone else city surely was suffocating. He used to pretend that this was all because of his status. A low born with a helpless future full of bleak dreams.

Of course, as usual, as it was Jia pretended not to see anything. He bitterly smiled concealing all the negative emotions once again. He was thankful that Zihan was busy greeting his people and that he didn’t have time to notice those people who throw hate at Jia. The carriage was already approaching the Yang’s manor. It was wondrous, sculpted in an eccentric and luxurious golden statue of Yang’s ancestor placed in every hall. Zihan’s was placed separately, it was in the center of the man-made garden. The statue was encircled by a wisteria tree all over; its vine was reached through the figurine’s robes and body.

Jia notices that Zihan’s statue was gold while the rest of his ancestor’s statue was silver and Zixhen’s statue was nowhere to be seen. He was curious and wanted to ask Zihan since the young master was already occupied. The manor was guarded so the people cannot enter.

He lightly coughs before asking “Zihan, I wonder where they put Zixhen’s statue?” it was brave of him to blurt it and he regretted asking because there was a long silence before Zihan answer him.

“Shixiong…. He destroyed it on his own. He destroyed it for Chen Xu.” As soon as he replied Zihan’s head dropped; his eyes were completely sullen. A new feeling possesses Zihan—a complete longing and sadness were visible that Jia wasn’t ignorant enough to not notice them.

“Did I just hit something sensitive?” Jia thought to himself; gulping hard on his already dried throat, the poor man didn’t know whether to comfort Zihan or just let it be since it wasn’t an issue anymore.

But Jia’s conscious troubled him, the urges to coax Zihan was torturing him. He stares at Zihan as the young master reciprocates back. Jia patted Zihan’s head, but this time it was intended to give the young master comfort.

“Whatever the reason you never abandon your brother. You stand by his side proving your loyalty. I know his decisions also lead him to his happiness.” Then he continued to say “Siding with your brother may be tough, and you made it.” Jia feels a little soft. It was like the old times when he needs to comfort his little sister every time, she felt guilty or down.

A warm smile was emanating from Zihan’s face; the young master place his hand on the tap of Jia’s hand making him stop patting the young master’s head.

“I understand now why Shixiong takes a liking to Jia Gege.” Jia gave Zihan a dazed look of bewilderment. He softly peeled his hand and said “Is that right?” without baiting an eye on Zihan he glances somewhere else. He didn’t want to go deeper into the subject, it may only make him feel incompetent and powerless. Taking a liking to a low born was a special case. Maybe because all this time he was best at pretending and hiding his real intentions.

Zihan once again feels like teasing his poor Gege and so he leans closer to Jia and pinches his cheeks. Making the poor man lose control and fight back against Zihan. An irritated voice and laughter were heard inside the carriage. They looked chaotic and loud that they didn’t notice the carriage had already stopped. The attendant got off on the shaft and went to knock on the door of the carriage.

Jia being pissed wanted to smack Zihan once but he never does so since he was in Yang’s manor. Zihan went off first followed by him; the intense paranoia hit Jia first. The people who met Zihan were so intimidating. It was the personal attendant in the manor. They looked like someone who had a very important role in the manor. And on their back were disciples who were waiting for Zihan’s arrival.

The attendant bowed at them, and Jia quickly do so, Zihan on the other hand just nodded.

“Young master, we are happy to see you and your guest in your safe travel. Master Feng, your father was waiting for you in his private chamber together with the elder and some highly respected nobles from relative sects. Your presence will be in need of.” they smiled at the young master without paying much attention to Jia.

Zihan didn’t answer them instead he looks at Jia and with a warm tone and gentle smile, he said “Ge, I will go pay a visit to my father. You can ask my disciples here to walk you around and do not worry I will reach out to you later after my visit.” He then patted the confused man and then turned straight followed by the attendant to the main entrance of the manor.

Jia traces Zihan until his silhouette was slowly fading, and the disciple the young master was talking about didn’t pick any interest in meeting him and so one by one they also fled without even greeting the poor man.

“What a warm welcome.” He said in the back of his head. His eyes dropped as if disappointment lingers around him. Who would take a liking to him, he was just an ordinary guy and the disciples were from respectable lineage too.

He decided to just wait from the stairs that connect the main door and the hall through the main entrance. He turned his back and paced forward; dropping his head and he languidly walk away from there.

Suddenly a light friendly, welcoming tone was calling out for someone and Jia thought it has nothing to do with him so he continues trudging with heavy steps, not minding someone who was out calling for him.

“Shizun, Shizun, Shizun, Shizun…” the disciples were calling for him but the poor man had no idea he was the one that was addressed by the title. He was suddenly yanked by the shoulder by someone.

“Let go of me.” Jia forcibly whispers to Zihan, but the young master shrugged it off and just merrily laughs at him. “this punk seriously, read the room will you.” His voice was getting clearer and ear piercing. This made Jia surprised as he turns to meet the one who grabbed him from behind.

The disciple was panting while taking a hold of his shoulder. His face was red like a tomato and his breath was unstable because he was chasing Jia.

“You were one of our masters too, right?.” a very appealing boy stepped up forward. His hand moves to clasp Jia’s forearm like a clingy monkey. Jia was dumbfounded, he doesn’t know how to react since he felt like a stiff frozen log from that moment. The boy sure was pretty. Just like Chen Xu but a younger version of his Shixiong. They were holding their gazes at each other for a very long time that it turned a little awkward for the disciple. So, he initiates to talk first.

“You were with our master Zihan so I thought you are also one of our masters.” He then let go of Jia and scratch the back of his head. The man quickly snapped out and quickly put a smile on his face. He thought that this disciple was very adorable and that he could look at him the whole time.

“The name is Yu Xuan a disciple under the black dragon clan. I came from Yu lineage what about you?” the disciple seems flustered and a little clumsy.

“The name’s Jia, I am not from any prominent and respectable clan but just a lowly servant who served Ziha… your master Zihan.” he lightly coughed as he forgets to give the title to that brute, he used to call names before.

“Is that so? Why did Shizun call you Gege?” Yu Xuan tilted his head expressing wonder and confusion to the simp man.

“Stop acting cute, will you?” Jia thought

“It was his habit to call me Gege, maybe to piss me off or something,” he replied.

“I am deeply sorry for the misunderstanding, I guess I was just excited because this is the first time master brings a person with him and calls him Gege. So, I guess Shizun had a special relationship with you.” Yu Xuan said.

“Yeah, a relationship where you wished you never meet him,” he mumbled under his breath, yet the fragmented words reach the disciple’s ear that he asked to repeat what Jia said but the man refused and instead change the subject.

“You can call me by my name,” Jia replied.

“Perhaps calling you Shixiong was enough since Shizun called you Gege? I expect that you were a year older than us.” Jia felt a sense of déjà vu. He remembered calling Chen Xu Shixiong instead of Gege when he was young.

Jia just nodded and smiled at the glistening energy of the youth, with that face who would’ve thought Jia unconsciously patted Yu Xuan’s head. The boy didn’t even flinch but Jia realizing what he had done quickly remove his hand feeling just discomfort.

“I’m sorry for acting—” Jia was cut off by Yu Xuan’s adorable laugh.

“Shixiong I didn’t know it was bold of you to pat me in our first meet.” Such fucking adorable face. This Yu Xuan had a resemblance to Chen Xu. The way the boy approaches him and beamed at him like that.

“Oh right, there was also some disciple who would like to meet you but was too shy to speak to you. We should go right there I was told they were waiting.” Yu Xuan grabbed Jia’s forearm and dashed in a different direction opposite from what Jia was planning to loiter around.

Well, fuck it, since Zihan told him he will just come find the poor man; Jia just goes wherever the flow takes him.