
Sorcerer's Shadow

In a realm where magic entwines with conspiracy and tradition challenges power, an unexpected hero arises, not from the illustrious ranks of the Imperion nobility, but from the oft-overlooked Terrans—humans. Welcome to the world of Viktor Dravos, a saga that morphs the traditional fantasy narrative into an exhilarating journey of adventure, cunning, and introspective dilemmas. Viktor Dravos—assassin, wizard, and reluctant gentleman—is your unconventional protagonist, navigating the precarious intricacies of Imperion society. As a member of the House of Vorgan, the secretive underworld of the Kingdom, Viktor is privy to the hidden threads that manipulate the core of Imperion politics.

Daoist_Drumstick · Kỳ huyễn
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154 Chs

Rest now, Viktor

Thorne asked, "How severe is it, Thaleia?"

She didn't reply, which wasn't necessarily a sign that I was in terrible condition; Thaleia had such a strong aversion to Thorne that she generally avoided speaking to him.


"Are you okay, Viktor?"

"Not really, but that's not the point. They seemed particularly angry about something. Any clues?"

"Yes, while they were here, I had Platov perform a mind-probe."

"Thorne, you know I don't want Platov to know—never mind. What did he discover?"

Before I could get an answer, Thaleia intervened, "Rest now, Viktor."

I was about to object, but then I saw a soft green light, and I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, Thaleia was there, along with a picture of a Pardus and a Vorgan. Realizing I could see again, I assessed my physical condition. While I still felt pain, it was more of a dull ache rather than sharp torment. Thaleia is an excellent healer.