

In a world where gods exist, there was one named Sora who possessed unparalleled strength with his sword Khapes. However, due to the fear of the other gods, Sora's power was divided into five fragments and sent to a world where magic and swords coexist. Every quincentenary, these fragments are reincarnated as Sowas who can only use the full power of Sora when they gather at Khama Lake with the sword Khapes. The story follows Atlas, one of Sora's fragments who was born without any magical or sword abilities. He meets Lyra, another Sowa, and falls in love with her. Together, they commit to restoring the original body of Sora by gathering all the fragments at Khama Lake. Will they be able to succeed in their quest and restore the power of the strongest god?

0Atley · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Atlas, the Boy with the Curse

Valen had left the Order of Mystics without a word, and the newborn baby in his arms was the only trace he left behind. He had chosen to name the child Atlas, a name that carried a sense of strength and endurance, for he knew that the boy would face many challenges in his life.

Atlas grew up in a small village on the outskirts of a kingdom known as Arindor. The kingdom was a prosperous one, ruled by a just and wise king, but it was not without its problems. There were rumors of dark forces gathering in the shadows, of an ancient curse that threatened to plunge the land into darkness. Atlas heard these rumors from the villagers, but he paid little heed. He was too busy dreaming of a different kind of power.

From a young age, Atlas had shown a remarkable intelligence, far beyond his years. He devoured books on magic and swordsmanship, eager to learn the secrets of these ancient arts. But no matter how hard he tried; he could not seem to master them. He would practice for hours on end, until his muscles ached, and his mind was numb, but his spells would fizzle out and his sword strikes would miss their mark. It was as if some invisible force was holding him back, frustrating his every effort.

Atlas did not know it, but he was cursed. The mark on his forehead, which had been there since birth, was the sign of the ancient curse named Oblitus. This curse was said to affect only the Sowas, fragments of a being called Sora, who possess the greatest talents of magic and swords with equal skill. This curse was one of the ancient forgotten spells that were supposed to seal all the abilities of magic and sword, leaving them with only their intelligence.

Atlas did not know any of this, but he felt the curse's weight upon him all the same. He grew frustrated and angry, lashing out at those around him, blaming them for his failures. But despite his anger, he could not help but feel a deep sense of emptiness inside. He knew that there was more to life than what he had experienced so far, that there was a power out there that he had yet to grasp.

So, one day he plans to sneak into the forbidden library located near his village in Arindor. He had heard rumors of ancient tomes hidden away within its walls, books that contained knowledge so powerful that they were forbidden to even the most skilled of wizards. Atlas had always been curious about the forbidden, and so he could not resist the temptation to explore the library's secrets.

It was a dangerous undertaking, for the library was heavily guarded by the king's men. But Atlas was determined, and he had always been quick-witted. He waited until nightfall when the guards were at their weakest, and then he slipped past them, his heart pounding in his chest.

The library was everything he had imagined it to be, filled with dusty tomes and ancient scrolls. He ran his hands over the leather-bound spines, feeling the weight of centuries of knowledge beneath his fingertips. He could not read all of them, for many were written in languages that he did not understand, but he found a few that caught his eye.

One drew his attention, a small leather-bound book with a strange symbol etched into the cover. He could not read the language in which it was written, but he could sense that it contained powerful magic. He slipped the book into his bag, feeling a thrill of excitement and fear course through him.

So, he leaves that library as soon as possible. As Atlas left the library, he felt a sense of unease wash over him. He knew that he had done something forbidden and that the consequences could be severe. He hurried back to his home in the village, his mind racing with thoughts of the book and the power it might contain.

When he arrived, he locked himself in his room and carefully opened the book. Inside, he found a story of the god Sora with a spell, unlike any he had ever seen before. The words were unfamiliar, and the symbols were strange and arcane, but he could sense their power. He read the spell aloud, his voice trembling with excitement and fear.

As he spoke the words of the spell, a surge of energy flowed through him, and he felt his body start to change. His vision blurred, and he felt his consciousness slip away. When he came to, he was lying on the floor, drenched in sweat. He felt different as if something had awakened within him.

He looked down at his hands and gasped in amazement. They were surrounded by a shimmering aura, pulsating with power. He flexed his fingers, and a small ball of fire appeared in his palm. He could feel the heat radiating from it, and he smiled in wonder. He had done it; he had unlocked the power of magic.

But his excitement was short-lived. He remembered the curse that had plagued him all his life, the curse that had prevented him from mastering the arts of magic and swordsmanship. He wondered if this newfound power was enough to break the curse. He focused his mind and tried to cast a spell. At first, nothing happened. But then, slowly, he felt the spell take shape. It was weaker than he had hoped, and he could feel the curse still holding him back, but he had made progress.

Atlas spent the next few weeks practicing magic in secret, honing his skills and experimenting with different spells. He kept the book hidden under his bed, afraid that someone might discover it. But as he grew more confident in his abilities, he began to wonder about the book's origins. Who had written it, and why had it been hidden away in the forbidden library? He decided to investigate further, despite the risks.

He remembers there was a story in that book. So, he opens the book and tries to read it. Surprisingly he can understand all the letters on it. And he decides to read the Story of God Sora.