
Songur of Ixander

Fourteen Years after the Kingdom of Alban's Fall before the Republicans, the Albanese state is now under the reins of Willemus and is soon going to form a nation with the newly powerful East Alban Confederacy. How will Ixander then live while these are all happening knowing that he is Albanese in a Foreign Land? Ixander did not know that there holds more secret to who he really is... and his name. Suddenly however, a man from our world died in a bar brawl, and.. VOILA! He is transported to this land primitive compared to the world he was in. Follow Ixander in his journey to knowing his destiny and his duty to his homeland, the state of Alban.

FranzJuniver · Quân đội
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28 Chs

Time of Reconciliation

Ixander then arrived at the palace. He led his horse to the stable and went through the front. The King was there, waiting for Ixander to come.

"Your majesty, Ixander has arrived" said his aid.

The king, without hesitation, prepared to go to the hall. Outside the palace, snow has blanketed most of the battlements and towers around. The weather had become very cold and everyone is probably using their oil canisters to supply warmth inside their houses. Indeed, the oil supplies of every household is sufficient, and it dismissed the usage of wood and coal.

Ixander then entered the hall where the King is waiting, Ixander marched towards the king, removed his hat and genuflected to him.

Ixander did not mention anything, as he is called into the palace and he thinks it is better not to say anything.

"I ask you to stand, Ixander" King Stijepan ordered.

Ixander stood, and looked straight at the king. It was a tense atmosphere.

"I do not ask for you to apologize. I perceive that your anger is for those oppressed."

Ixander still did not say anything and just faced the king, with his eyes straight to him.

"I, however ask that you forgive me. I have not expanded my ration, and only saw the consequences of this to the nobles…I have not seen it the way of those oppressed."

The King then placed his scepter on the cushion and also his crown, he removed his vestment, and only his royal uniform is with him. He stepped away from the platform elevating the throne, and genuflected at Ixander.

The servants, aids and the remaining gentlemen inside the premises of the palace was shocked. Some ladies wept at the humility of their king, and some were just humbled, realizing that they lack for themselves humility because of the pursuit of honor and pride.

Before them, a great moment has happened. This is not alone a time of reconciliation, but a miracle in the middle of the waters and dirt of war.

Ixander, in reply, said "You will be known throughout the history of the Kingdom of Livinia, as the greatest king they ever had…"

Ixander then wept in front of everyone. This only shows that Ixander, despite his successes and non-human ingenuity, still has a human heart capable of understanding the needs of those around him, especially the poor, the weak, and those, in general, are marginalized.

Ixander knelt at the genuflected king, bowing and crying whilst doing so.

King Stijepan also wept, and after that, the young king hugged Ixander. "Thank you, Ixander… for showing me everything…"

Ixander, still weeping, smiled and said "It is for your kingdom alone, your majesty…"

And in that moment, no one dared to intervene the moment of the two young gentlemen.

Afterwards, the King let go of the hug, stood and wiped his tears. He then announced to the entire hall of another proclamation.

"On this day…I shall establish the Order of The Orphan, and I shall make Ixander, the first recipient of such award."

The King took his saber out, knighted Ixander while he is still kneeling, not letting him have a moment to wipe his tears. He then wiped it after he was knighted.

Ixander stood, and bowed to the king.

The King then approached Ixander and said "Come, I shall invite you for dinner."

After such proclamations, the Kingdom of Livinia had an overwhelming support from the commoners, and gifts from the bourgeoisie. The palace's treasury was filled for donations that shall be allocated for war, for the budget of orphanages, aside from the taxes.

The Herald announced along all the streets of the entire Kingdom of Livinia that is maintained free from Albanese yoke that the kingdom has its tides turned, and a great reform just arrived to please the people, and all those who are commoners.

The kingdom breathed a sigh of relief as they thought a heavy tension will be upon them. This is aside from the problem that they face along the Great Livinian River, which is the enemy opposite of the defenses of Livinia just across the river.

Of course, the tension was heard throughout the lines of Alban, on which Alban did not mind it as they were thinking that with this, Livinia will just fall.

And so, what of the nobles that has been detained due to their spite of the poor which King Stijepan had an eye-opening moment about? They remained at the prison, and they were not allowed to speak at gunpoint of any phrase or word. This is to prevent them from plotting for an escape or to coerce the guards at bribing.

Ixander then visited the noble prisoners at their dungeon. They were grouped at the hay which is the only comfort of those gentlemen. He saw the nobles that spited, killed and played on commoners and those they consider of the lower caste.

Ixander knew that there is much more to be done, but he will not be stopping at some point.

"Take away the stationary guns, and point it away from them" said Ixander.

And so, the muskets that were mounted in an iron stick was taken away from them and Count Germahin immediately held onto the ankle of Ixander, saying "P-please! Forgive me! Let them die, those spiting men, but save my soul!! I have regretted it! Please! Please!!"

Ixander looked at the noble, but Ixander can only see what this noble has done. Up until the end, this noble still thinks of himself and is willing to sacrifice his fellow nobles for himself.

Ixander did not choose to waste his time and air to speak with the tyrant noble. Count Germahin was still humbly holding onto the ankle of Ixander.

Ixander took his ankle away, and the gentlemen were brought to the National Diet, as there was no civil nor criminal court. The institutions of the court after all have been ruined by the swaths of war.

In the diet were five hundred commoners, all representing their villages around Oestre, with almost half representing divisions from retreated Livinians from all around Livinia.

The President of the Diet, Minister Biblos, stood and said "Before us stood trial the following men: Baron Aaronus, Baron Alfard, Baron Auhinett, Count Alvija, Count Nuaijka, Count Masatran, and Count Germahin."

One of the seating deputies said to Count Alvija "Let's go ahead of you, Count Alvija. You have been accused of several crimes. I will tell you the first one: Embezzling with the Military Budget as King's Minister of War. Guilty or Not Guilty?"

"Not Guilty!" said Alvija in firm standing.

The entire crowds of people went jeering against the Count, but the deputies were trying to silent them by pounding the gavel.

"Silence!" shouted one of the deputies.

Finally, the chaotic elected men were quelled. "Very well, then. Explain why there are supposed to be, as stated here by the King's Finance Officer, three thousand five hundred large gold trivertis, but only three thousand large gold trivertis were delivered for military funding?"

"I- I had to divert funds to salary officers…"

"Ah… officers only favorable to your cause?" said the officer.

"What cause? I have only myself as a noble…and that Ixander does not deserve any trivertis if I was to be asked! After all, he salaried his own officers, and have salaried them from his pocket."

The crowds of representatives again jeered at them. "BEHEAD THE SCOUNDREL!" "LONG LIVE IXANDER! DEATH TO HIS ENEMIES!" shouted several of the rowdy men.

"SILENCE!" shouted a deputy, screaming louder than before to silence them.

"How about then, that you, as everyone have awaited, abandoned a woman bearing…" before the deputy was about to finish his sentence, the jeers and boos of the crowd overpowered the deputy. "Silence… Silence!" ordered the deputy as he pounds the gavel.

"The count Alvija fathered a child from a woman, which he abandoned. I now ask his position" said the deputy.

"I- I invoke to remain silent" responded Count Alvija.

"BEHEAD THE SCOUNDREL!" screamed a representative. It was then followed by the constant insulting of the representatives.

"Very well, then, I shall proceed to count Germahin…" and before the deputy again could finish, the crowds were roaring in boos and jeers. One of them threw a stone over to the nobles, this was followed by some other representatives throwing stones against the accused nobles. The nobles cannot do anything but to cover their heads with their hands.

The gavel was pounded by one of the deputies, saying "Due to some disturbances, the trial will continue…TOMORROW!"

"We ask the jailers that the gentlemen be taken away from here, let us now continue the normal sessions" said the deputy.

Ixander was watching the trial, and he returns for tomorrow to know the verdict against the nobles. Not knowing at that moment, a musket is aimed at him. From just some meters away, amongst the crowd, a musket was shot, and the shot rang throughout the entire room.

"AHH!" screamed Ixander in pain.