
Songs of the Villainess

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Queen_Ricky · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

chapter 8 My Bad side

At the dinning table

Queen Lora-Did you hear James our Princess will like to learn how to fight with a sword

King James-What?!!,Jasmine is that true

Jasmine stopped eating then replied

Jasmine-Yes father

King James-But Jasmine Princess aren't allowed to use a sword or fight

Jasmine-Yes,i know that but i will also have to protect myself,so many people out there hate me cause i was choosen by Ali and i don't want to be a Borden

King James-No you are not

Queen Lira-oh please we have the palace guards Jasmine

Jasmine-Yes,but i still don't trust them Ali can agree with me

Queen Lora-You really don't have any respect,for the prince yes you guys are engaged but not married you have no rights to call him Ali

Jasmine-He personally told me to call him that

Queen Lora-Ali?

She looked at her son ,she looked Shocked

Prince Ali-Yes mother i told her to call me by my name she is my future Queen

Queen Lora-Future Queen?, really?,We don't even know her identity maybe she is a whore or she comes from the streets or maybe she killed her parents

Jasmine immediately stood up her eyes red glaring at the Queen,she was very angry

Jasmine-Dont you dare Say that!!!,i didn't kill my parents!!,i didn't even get the chance to see my mother,she is Dead,i didn't kill my parents!!

Jasmine yelled and stormed off to her room and locked the door

King James-Lora you shouldn't have said that

Queen Lora-she deserved it am pretty sure that she killed her parents

Prince Ali had enough and stood up from the chair with anger

Prince Ali- mother enough, What did she ever do to you,You always find a way to embarrass or insult her , can't you live a day without Seeing her mistakes or Her negative side

Prince Ali then walked up to Jasmines room

At Jasmines room

Jasmine was feeling very depressed, angry and sad at the same time she was very emotional to the point that she felt a really sharp pain hit her heart


Jasmine started crying

Jasmine-Why is all this happening to me what have i ever done,ah, it's hurt so much 😭😭

Then everywhere became blurry and red in colour

She went to the mirror she saw her blood red eyes

Jasmine-Why is my eyes red all if a sudden it's meant to be grey, what is happening

*Knock* *knock*

*Jasmine-Who is there?

Prince Ali-Its me Ali

Jasmine-He mustn't see my eyes like this

Prince Ali-can you please open up the door?

Jasmine-wait a minute

Jasmine-Oh no what should i do

Prince Ali-Look am coming in right now


Prince Ali opened the door and saw Jasmine back

Prince Ali-What is wrong,show your face

Jasmine-No i can't am sorry

Prince Ali came to hug ger at her back and placed his head on the middle part of her head

Prince Ali-Are you angry at my Mom?

Jasmine-No am not

Prince Ali-Can you-

Butler-Prince Ali you have a visitor

Prince Ali- Tell them that i will be on my way

Butler-Yes sir

Prince Ali-My beautiful red rose i will come back to you

he turned Jasmine around and planted a soft kiss on her head while she closed her eyes

Prince Ali-Good bye

Jasmine-Bye then

prince Ali left

Jasmine turned around and smirked at her self,i will punish everyone who took away my best friend they will all pay

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