
Songs of the Villainess

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Queen_Ricky · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chap 15 June 15th

Prince ALi saw a shadow pass by the palace and a dead body on the floor.He went to it and their was no body on the floor anymore

Queen's and king's chamber

The king hid a picture in a locked box under the bed no one is meant to touch it,The queen has been seeing the King with the picture for a while

QUEEN Lora-Whats that

King James-Nothing

QUEEN Lora-Dont lie to me,James have been seeing u with that for a very long time, it's about time u tell me your troubles

King James-It is nothing crucial

QUEEN Lora-IF I find out that it's something really bad I will not let it go James

The Queen stormed away and went to Retica's room

JASMINE and Ali where at the barracks practicing when she won a match with PRINCE ALI

PRINCE ALI-YOU are getting really good at this, that's good,I need to go attend a meeting, practice for an hour ok?

Jasmine smiled


The Court room

The Court officials, PRINCE ALI,the king,a man with a local and bushy Beard, with a short height and the Guards standing outside the hall where present in the Court room

King James-what seems to be the problem

Village Man-The crops in my farm are dying my family members are all dying cause of hunger,we don't have enough money to spend too

PRINCE ALI-It must be cause of the bad weather

King James whispered to Ali

King James-Solve the problem

PRINCE ALI was shocked he has never passed a order or solved a problem


KING James sat upright

King James-That is what you will do when you become King one day, child

Prince Ali smiled and felt really excited

PRINCE ALI-Ok,we will give u some provision's for the mean while to help your family needs and the Royal guards will tell us if your farms is in good condition,u might not know u made some mistake while planting them

The man bowed to Ali and started crying

Village man-Thank u PRINCE ALI

Minister George-Uhm, PRINCE ALI we will like to ask you when your marriage is going to take place

King James-It will take place on the 15th of June, and that it's like 2 weeks from now

Prince Ali-Yes the King is right,I will be getting married very soon.

People in the Court except Ali and King James,bowed and said

Court officials-May the Crown prince have a peaceful and loving marriage,may he live a long and peaceful full life, May he have a well blessed child and marriage,Hail the future ruler of Liastrayers.

They ended the court and went to their various destinations

Donald was styling JASMINE'S hair

Donald-oop,I heard something

Jasmine-You can hear from far places?

Donald-What can I say

Donald smirked with pride

JASMINE-WHAT did u hear?

Donald-Your getting married on June 15th

Jasmine stood up in a hurry she was shocked

Jasmine-Thats like 2 weeks from now

Donald-Aren't u happy?.

Jasmine forced a smile.


She ran through the hall with her long yellow dress and she went to Ali's room then knocked

PRINCE Ali-Come in

Jasmine opened the door

Jasmine-i heard am getting married to you on 15th of June

PRINCE Ali-Wow, that was fast

He dropped the scroll on his hands and looked at JASMINE'S direction

Jasmine-I think that it's too soon.

PRINCE Ali-Oh, really then when do expect us to get married

Jasmine-i don't know but not on the 15th of June

PRINCE Ali-Sorry it's been decided

He said will placing JASMINE'S hair at the back of her hear

Jasmine signed and left

At night

Donald-So, second stage of your training,You learn on how to manipulate people

Jasmine-second stage what do you mean,we did the second stage yesterday

Donald-Are u sure I didn't teach u yesterday.

Jasmine-You did

Donald-No,I went out for an important business I didn't teach you.

Jasmine-if not u then who did it

Donald-i don't know,Btw what was the second stage


Donald was shocked

Donald-Di-did u ge-get it

Jasmine-Yes I practiced alot

Donald-Thats the stage a level 5 was supposed to learn, WOW your really that powerful?

Donald was going around JASMINE looking at her body

Donald-Yet u look so fragile and weak

Jasmine-Am not

Jasmine said a little bit annoyed

Donald*Someone that knows that she is an enchantress must have thought her that truck,she is only a beginner,I must find out who,hmm,such a powerful trick*

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