
Son of the Underworld

Fate is not always fair sometimes who was born to be king can become an animal. One fool's act can lead to a path of blood and madness. Will you sell your kindness for revenge? Can you forgive someone who doesn't deserve that? Olympians destroyed your life can you take revenge on them? Do you have enough power to destroy your enemies? (Hi I'm glad to meet you, my friend and I hope we will have very interesting adventures. Okay first of all this is not my story I'm not original author of that fan-fic. I'm just rewriter, and I don't know why author of original work decide to delete that work. It's up to him to do whatever he wants with his own work. So this version belongs to me for that I changed couple stuff but don't worry the main idea is still a same)

Asemertias · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs



The great days of the titans' reign have ended, and their arrogant children have taken the place of fathers and mothers. The Olympians, like locusts, rushed to devour everything that was left of their relatives. The bodies of the dead had not yet cooled down when the young brothers and sisters began to tear each other! They all wanted to snatch as much as possible, and only one silently watched all this. No one even dared to approach him, this brother's blade had cut more enemies than anyone else today. Hades, the eldest of the Olympian brothers, silently watched as his younger brothers shared their father's throne.

The penetrating mind of the future prince of the underworld was well aware that the brothers were unlikely to agree to cede the throne to him. Thus allowing the new Uranus to become their king. Oh no, the children do not want to be again, under the rule of a strict king, they need someone who will not interfere with the fun! So which of the two brothers will the Olympians choose? The wayward Poseidon, the brother whose rage is like a natural disaster, can break loose at any moment, and tear off their throats. Or the hero who saved them from the fate of being digested?

Zeus became the clear favorite in this power struggle, most of the family members are on his side. Hades only smiled, heading towards the brothers to take away what no one needs, the underworld prison in which they will live forever and ever, those who have no place in the upper world. Zeus and Poseidon did not interfere with the departure of brother, they only hoped that the elder brother would not take revenge, for such an insignificant reward. No matter how beautiful sometimes the prospect of becoming the king world of the damned seemed. The truth always will be that you were simply doomed to become the king of outcasts and freaks.

Hades could challenge the brothers and try to take over the throne, but then he would have to feel the power of the entire Olympus. All as one would have attacked him, and then even he would have had a hard time. Hades decided to act wiser, wait for the moment, and then take back what was rightfully his. In the meantime, it is necessary to gather allies. The eldest of the sons of Kronos went to Erebus.

After the children have divided the power of the parents. Each of the three brothers started to rule their domains as they wished. Zeus was sometimes a very strange king, making not the best decisions, and at the same time, he tried not to interfere in the affairs of others, at least too often if they did not attract his attention. Poseidon was the voice of reason for his brother when it was necessary, everyone respected and feared him at the same time because he was like the ocean, and could bring down a storm on your head at any moment. Over time, everyone began to slowly forget about the older brother, due to him rarely leaving his possessions. Zeus even thought that Hades was enjoying his stay in the underworld.

Oh, how sometimes creatures can make mistakes! Zeus even had no idea what his brother had to go through so as not to break his neck. Constant cries of titans, heroes that could not live up to the expectations of parents, monsters and other creatures. Slowly drove him crazy, every day the same pleas to let them out! Give them a second chance. If any other Olympian were in the place of Hades, he would immediately break down.

Then one fine day, Hades decided to take a walk around his kingdom to distract his mind from endless screams. Without noticing it, he ended up in the domain of the night queen. The beautiful and powerful Nyx. And as soon as he realized this, the mistress of the night herself immediately appeared near him. "Greetings to you Hades king of the underworld, in my domain of the night. What brought you to me, king?" Her voice was gentle and cold at the same time, like a caring mother scolding her disobedient son. Majestic golden eyes looked directly into the soul of Hades. His body trembled slightly at the sight of something so majestic and beautiful, the king's soul sang a previously unseen melody for him.

He fell in love with her at first sight, and he decide that it was not worth keeping her waiting, he immediately answered as befits to the king, but with tenderness. "Please forgive me, queen of the night, if my intrusion into your realm disturbed you. I was just walking around my kingdom and accidentally wandered here"

Hades bowed slightly in respect to the queen. In response, Nyx nodded and with a snap of her fingers opened a portal leading to the throne lord of the earthly riches. "Still, you should not be here my king. Your place is near the throne, and also you can't leave the palace unattended. You represent the order in our kingdom" Hades just smiled warmly, heading into the portal, and only at the end added that maybe he would visit her kingdom again soon. Nyx shrugged her shoulders in response if he wants.

The king did not lie, promising that he would return soon. And as result Nyx's peaceful days came to an end, for as soon as Hades was free at least for a minute, he immediately headed toward her. The mother of the night perfectly understood the intentions of her nephew, but she did not interfere or somehow encourage them, because she simply did not care. Days passed and months followed them, but the courtship of the senior Olympian did not stop, it seemed that over time his passion ignited only more. Then unable to bear the constant complaints from Hypnos. Thanatos decided to intervene and persuade his mother to marry Hades.

Hypnos could not stand the incessant cries of the titans, and therefore endlessly asked his brother to do something with the king's departures. Thanatos was able to persuade his mother to marry, by explaining to her that the union between her and the Olympian would only restore balance in the underworld. Nyx only agreed with her beloved son, realizing that this could not continue. And during one of the meetings with Hades, she directly asked if he wants to make her his queen? To which the lord of gold replied, "Absolutely" His eyes were full of determination, as never before, and daring to grab her hand, he said, "Mother of the night, I beg you to become my queen, share the throne of the underworld with me!"

Nyx, without any emotion, only looked into his eyes, then with a sigh, she agreed to become his wife. On that day, the underworld, for some unknown way, was transformed into something completely different, all the screams abruptly ceased, and every creature locked here felt some kind of calmness as if everything would be fine now. Hades did not hesitate with the wedding, and after a few days, the throne room was decorated with various flowers mixed with jewelry. He was not even too lazy to go down to Tartarus to beg from the elder Cyclopes for a wedding wreath for his queen.

The wedding was truly unforgettable, on that day each of the inhabitants of the underworld was able to taste the best wine with the best dishes. Even the eternally gloomy Charon honored those around him with a slight smile, and this served as insomnia for most of the servants.

The years of life together with Nyx and Hades were the happiest, both for the servants and for the rulers themselves. And this even caused the senior Olympian to miss the opportunity to get his father's throne, without much effort. Since the younger brother somehow managed to infuriate Gaia. And she, in turn, decided to punish the arrogant boy by sending something truly disgusting for his head, a degenerate from their alliance with Tartarus. The creation turned out to be truly incredibly powerful, it was not even difficult for him to defeat Zeus in the first battle. But, the truth is that Zeus at that time was not in the best shape. Hera poisoned her husband, intending thereby to stop his adventures in Greece at least for a while. And as a result, a weakened Thunderer and, in addition, very shocked by the size and strength of the enemy. He loses dry to his counterpart, and fortunately for his happiness, the rest of the Olympians did not just watch the performance.

Poseidon, the Oceanids, Apollo, and others pounced on the beast, thus diverting his attention, while the father of half of Greece caught his breath to take revenge. And this time, instead of brute force, he decided to use his trump card, or rather a sword that strikes even people like them. And surprisingly, the battle dragged on for a very long time, Hestia asked the eldest among the brothers to intervene, but he refused, citing the fact that the affairs of the upper world did not concern him. In the end, they somehow managed to beat the beast, expelling it to Tartarus. The Olympians were weaker than ever, and someone who had been waiting for this moment for a long time could take advantage of this.

And to the surprise of all, Hades did not take any action, he only sent a messenger with gifts in honor of the victory. And with a note in which he thanked each of the Olympians for the sacrifice that they made to make his kingdom even stronger. At that moment, Hera almost strangled her husband for his reckless act. All Olympians realized that now their older brother has leverage over all of them. Hades himself decided not to interfere since there were two reasons for that. The first is pride, due to the reason he is the eldest among the brothers, and he did not want to remain in history as a coward who took the throne with the help of a monster. And the second reason it's in Gaia if be more clear that she is clearly following the outcome, and this is a very big problem.

After weighing all the pros and cons, the king decided not to take any action, because he would still get much more from simple inaction.

End of Peace

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and this fate did not bypass the marriage of the king and queen of the underworld. The stumbling block was betrayal from the outside, who would have thought Hades. As soon as he saw Persephone only once, a vicious passion played its own, and unable to resist, he kidnapped her. As the result, Nyx did not tolerate such antics on the part of her husband and simply left without saying a word to him. Hades, as if intoxicated, realized his act, only when a messenger from Olympus appeared to him, demanding an explanation! Out of shame, he did not even dare to look for his ex-wife.

Perhaps this is some kind of curse that befalls every man in their family. Perhaps they are doomed to hurt those they love.

The Night Mother returned to her domain, hiding so deep in the darkness that even her children could not find her. And only one tear fell from her eyes that day, and it was a tear of joy and not grief. For she felt like the fruit of their joint love with the Olympian began to kick as if responding to the pain of his mother. Smiling, she put her hand on her slowly swelling belly, gently singing a lullaby, she began to soothe the child.


On this day, the mother of the night was more excited than ever, since her youngest child had finally decided to come into the world. The baby didn't stop twitching inside, ready to emerge any moment. Faithful servants were by her side to take delivery properly. "Mistress, you don't have to worry, you and the baby are in safe hands" One of the servants assured her with a deep bow. Lying on the bed, Nyx just smiled softly.

"I believe you, but I ask you to be more attentive" As soon as she finished, a sharp pain interrupted all thoughts, forcing her to grit her teeth. The child was clearly eager to feel the air of the underworld. Fortunately, the birth went very well, without any complications. Taking deep breaths, the queen raised her head to look at the child in the hands of a servant. And unfortunately, the disease that befell most of her other children did not bypass this child either. The physical deformity is not an appropriate thing for an Olympian. And the kid was distinguished by a very strong defect, his nose was half bitten off, somewhat reminiscent of a bat's nose.

Also, a lot of scars covered the torso of the child, making his unattractive appearance even worse. Nyx clutched the baby to her chest with pain in her eyes. "My child, why fate is so harsh with you!" Without ceasing to repeat these words, the mother of the night rocked the child. For most of her older children, ugliness was not something that could cause discomfort, since they are not directly related to Olympus. But the youngest son became a direct Olympian in the second generation, thereby declaring that he has every right to some kind of power. Among their relatives, this is a direct road leading to destruction. Nyx could not allow this, she did not want to lose her son because of a stupid squabble for power.

Her child does not even have rights to the throne of his father, cause of new wife clearly does not intend to give up the place of the heir. She could try to rudely intervene, thereby taking the throne for her son, but he would not stay on it for long. The child is not only deprived of the appearance of an Olympian but he is also deprived of the strength of his relatives. The mother saw perfectly how weak her child was, and could not face it. Deciding to look beyond, she went with the child to her daughters.


In the outside world, near a high cliff where a lone stump stood, three blindfolded sisters were plucking a golden thread while whispering to each other. "The guest is near," Said the oldest of the sisters. "Mom is already here," The middle sister whispered, carefully turning over the golden thread. "Brother is born in joy, but brings only sorrow," The younger sister said sadly, turning to the shadow that appeared out of nowhere. Nyx stepped out of the shadows with the child in her arms, a slight sadness reflected on her face. "Greetings to you mistress of the night." At the same time, as one, the three sisters said, bowing low. "And I greet you, my daughters," Nyx answered shortly, lowering her head slightly.

"Do you know why I am here, seers of fate?" The mother of the night asked as she approached her daughters closer. "Yes, we know very well that Mom wants to know the fate of our younger brother!" The sisters answered by saying one word after another in turn. "If you know, I beg you to satisfy my curiosity," Nyx said as she patted one of her daughters on the head. The sisters smiled and then, grabbing each other's hands, abruptly tore off the blindfolds, thereby showing the world absolutely white eyes, consisting of only one sclera.

They didn't have irises, not one of them. With their heads thrown back, sisters spoke as one entity. "The youngest child of the night, the one who is born to become a slave, is doomed only to suffering and pain near the throne of his father!" The sisters' voices changed with every word, from old to young, as if the child and the old woman were speaking at the same time.

Grief appeared on Nyx's face at the realization of what awaited her son. Unable to stand it, she disappeared as well as appeared. The sisters of fate noticed her departure only when the vision came to the end. The youngest of sisters sighed heavily as she put the blindfold back on. "Oh, what a pity, born from two of the strongest, but doomed to slave chains. Fate is sometimes so strange" A slight smile appeared on her face.

Back in the underworld, Nyx couldn't find a place for herself. Many thoughts did not stop spinning in her head like a whirlwind. What to do? What is the best thing to do for a child? Can such a weak child be protected?

Then at one moment, the idea came to her mind to hide the child, to make sure that even he did not realize who he was. Yes, this is the only way to protect such a weak child. With these thoughts, Nyx immediately went to a place where no one would look for a child.

Asphodel fields

The morning of a young Satyr began with a very loud cry. Frightened that something happened, he decided to go outside to check the area. And as soon as he opened the door, there was a basket in front of his threshold, and in it: "Child?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Hey how I already said if you will find any mistake or just will have some idea let me know okey patron?

Asemertiascreators' thoughts