
Chapter 178: Suddenly, this isn't a filler anymore.

Luke watched with a gentle smile on his lips as Annabeth and Percy created a large sand castle- Annabeth was a great architet, so they planned on winning the sand castle building. Luke was also being the judge of their little competition! Jason and Nico created another castle a few meters away from Annabeth and Percy as other kids also do the same, Luke is also using his passive Divine abilities to keep an eye on the children- He could easily use his [Light] and [Prophecy] divinites to spread his sense of sight and perception to the light around him, being able to 'see' everything around him- Or wherever the light touched.

[You see this? Where the ight touches, that's our kingdom- Pffft] Pruno started chuckling as Enychta held in a laugh in, beacuse- True.

[Ha-ha-ha.] Luke's deadpan dry laugh made Enychta grin at the blondie, who sighed at being surrounded by idiots- [Lovable idiots, don't forget to add that.] Enychta quipped as Luke just kept an eye on the children. Enychta was playing Beach Volley with his dad- Who was wearnig Hawaiian swimming shorts, his very muscular back made some people look at him with some lust- After all, he was the Vice of Lust, Lucifer himself.

They looked more to be brothers than son and father, which made some people with a wild imagination place themselves between the two and- You know exaclty what i'm talking about. I mean, who am i to judge? I'm but the author of this novel...

"Luke!" Annabeth called out to the distracted blondie, who blinked and looked at her with the same entle smile he had on his face for the last 24 hours- And probably will ever have, thanks to [Gentleness], one of his divinites. "Yes, dear?" She smiles widely at him and drags him to judge the sand casltes they created- It was surprsingly good! Percy had some experience building sand castles it seemed because he did some really good job at it, and paired with Annabeth's architeture instinctual knowledge and self-taught knowledge, they easily made one of the best sand casltes Luke had ever seen on his life.

It was a three layered castle, taller than even Percy, it was very detailed and had four towers surrounding it, alongside a wall and a moat filled with water- they even had a little brdige to get to the caslte! It was adorable. "Oh, this is a very good creation you two have here-" Luke just turned his face to the side when he saw Nico and Jason's sand castle- And sincerely, it was also amazing. When he looked at it, he immediatly thought back to the House of Hades, the black marble castle that sits deep in the underworld. It was sharp and more gothic than the one down there, but it was very similar.

Apperantly Nico really took a very detailed look on the castle and kept every little detail in mind- There was even a small hole o the side of the castle filled with twigs and other things they gathered around from the beach, representing Persephone's castle- It was adorable. "Oh, Hades would love to see it-"

"And i do." The sudden voice did not surprise him, because he knew Hades was coming too, Pruno would never not invite Persephone to go to the beach with him! and Persephone would never say no to Pruno's invitation, meaning Hades would also come alongside her. "Oh, dad!" Nico smiled at him while Bianca chuckled, adding little precious stones and gold to the building of sand, or even making the sand look more golden than it was already. Goddess of Gold using her divinity to the fullest it seems.

Persephone herself was lying down beside Pruno, who had his face turned and looking at Eny play beach volley only with his dad- It was a 1v1 appearently. "Oh, darling mother of mine... Whatever shall i do?" Pruno chuckled at his bad british accent, trying to immitate one of those poor victorian chidlren taht were starving on the streets, begging for bread or something like that. "I am undeniably, utterly, definelty, completely in deep, dark adoration of his whole being- his soul chains me to his heart, like possessive tendrils of love." Pruno dramatically turned his head to his mother, who was laughing at his antics while looking at Hades, who was wearing a simply black speedo, his beard was well trimmed and his built form was really eye-catching.

"I see what you mean, dearest son of mine." Persephone joined in the fun, making a perfect british accent. She was wearing a flowery bikine, exposing her back and she really wanted to go topless, but she didn't want half of the mortal son this beach to suddenly go blind- Although making their lovers jealous was something both Pruno and Persephone enjoyed a lot, it also took a toll on them seeing others look at their lovers like they were just a piece of meat.

Ah, the duality of yanderes who are proud of their husbands.

Enychta, meanwhile, just turned his face towards the sun, a shadow casting behind him as he felt it- As Luke felt it, as Pruno felt it, as Lucifer felt it, as every single God or goddess present felt it.

Enychta instantly stopped Earth's time.

Everything went still, only the children being a ble to move- "Luke." Enychta called to him and without any instructions, Luke's body turned into a light humanoid as he vanished, in less than a second, there were no half-blood children on the beach anymore. "This..."

Looking at the sky, clouds parting open as light shone down earth- Six figures stood tall and proud, wings spread on their back- Virtues.

All the 6 living Virtues were there, in front of him, Enychta Astérie, or should i say- Beelzebub, Lord of Gluttony and Hunger.

"Ah fuck..." Lucifer cursed, turning his red eyes to stare at the annoying angels. "Can't you just, i don't know, go suck God's cock or something- Oh wait, he's dead."

"Lucifer." A black male with large golden robes looked down at Lucifer, smiling: "I am Apheriel, Virtue of Patience..." his eyes suddenly split into thousands of millions of eyes- Ah, he was the one who was utterly tortured by the Eldritch Pantheon.

He's bad news.

There was, however, only Patience, Abstinance, Chastity, Diligence, Charity, and Kindness- Humility was killed before.

And now?

It seems like Enychta's gonna eat some holy chicken.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

I think i said it was Humility who died, right? Don't remember.But let's go with it.