
Chapter 174: Take a Break (Starts Singing)

He gave them the ones they had most affinity to-

So, like that, Luke received the Divinities of:

[Crossroads], representing choices and directions, doubts and decision- It also represented the uncertainty of the future he could see with his [Prophecy] Divinity. Going left or going right, which way should you take? It also resoantes with his next divinities- [Choices] that deeply resonated with his [Crossroads] Divinty, his [Dimension] Divinity also resoanted with his [Crossroads] a,d [Choices] Divinity due to the thousands of millions of Dimensions out there- He could be in many of them at the same time when in his Divine Form, but he needs to choose one to enter when he isn't in his Divine Form.

The next divinity he received was the Divinity of [Sun], he already had the divinity of [Light] and [Prophecy], meaning he already had a great affinity to the divinities Apollo had, so of course he accepted the [Sun] divinity easily.

Luke also found out that he had a good affinity to the [Healing] and [Gentleness] Divinities, these two Divinities were very compatible to the [Sun] and [Light] Divinites, giving his Divinity abilities a healing touch and making him able to soothe both the soul and mind of the insane, heal the bodies of the damaged, and even make thing holy. And like that, Luke had 10 Divinities:

[Speed], [Dimensions], [Love], [Prophecy], [Light], [Crossroads], [Choices], [Sun], [Gentleness], [Healing].

Pruno was different.

At first he showed a large affinity to the [Seasons] Divinity due to his [Nature] Divinity, so he easily took it, being able to easily control and change the season around him now, he could already do that, but now he can do it extremely easily. Next in line came the [Motherhood] Divinity, which was a surprise, but a welcomed one since Pruno truly had the heart of a mother, ready to love and protect her child from every evil (He would definetly kill to protectt his future children), now this Divinity gave him have a great influence on his children, making them stronger. The [Plenty] and [Harvest] Divinites weren't exaclty a surprise, his affinity with the [Life] and [nature] Divinites really showed how well he could grow things!

Maybe that's why he received the [Motherhood] Divinity as well, because he can grow life.

But anyway, the [Plenty] Divinity just increased the quantity of things he could grow by a thousand times over- He had a hard time controlling it eeven, because he tried to grow only one flower using his [Nature] Divinity, but he ended up growing a whole field of them. Now, the [Harvest] Divinity just made so he could easily keep something on their perfect condition- Ready to be harvested. A fruit would stay ripe, a body would stay alive even if they have no head, he could easily keep things they way they were due to both his [Life] and [Death] Divinities. he could also "harvest" souls, bringing them closer to him just by wishing so- Harvesting is collecting, and he can easily do that now.

[Seasons], [Motherhood], [Plenty], and [Harvest]... They all represented aspects of his Divinites, mostly [Life] and [nature], so of course one came to represent his [Death] Divinity:

The Divinity of [Drought], he could dry seas in seconds, bringing death and dry land to the world. Moisture was completely dried under his command- In fact every liquid he desired would be instantlt dried! Human or divine... (He became the worst nightmare of water deities).

Enychta was truly proud of them, at his side they would rule- He truly wanted a whole pantheon of children! As many as posible.

-Scene Cut-

"So... What now?" Pruno whispered as he looked at Enychta, who was eating the last piece of a bloodied God that dared to call Pruno a slut- The way it happened was kinda funny, they were on China, walking around the Heavenly Mountain of Thunder, one fo the many, many dimensions connected to the Pantheons that live on earth. Like Olympus and Valhalla Hotel. But the Heavenly Mountain of Thunder was a sect of Cultivators- You know them, they're very, very fucking annoying.

Anyway, one of those Gods was walking around the streets Heavenly Mountain of Thunder, which was kinda normaly to Gods to do that- The guy was a thunder deity, his divinity was the divinity of [Thunder], which Enychta enjoyed adding to his collection after the guy started to flirt with Pruno (Who poletely declined his advances), but the guy tried to force himself onto him- So Enychta took his head off with his teeth.

Now he was chewing him in front of his dead family- Because just like some ants, when you kill one of them, they all come after you. So after killing and eating his 10th Thunder Deity today, Enychta burped a little. "Well..." Enychta didn't really know a way to quickly raise his Godly Rank- He wanted to be at least an Elder God before going after Azathoth and his Pantheon.

He was going to try and put Azathoth on his {Box} and then eat Nyarlathotep, yog-Soggoth, and Shub-Niggurath before going after Azathoth and finish him. Then he would go after the other Eldritch Deities and then... Enjoy his life? Go to another Universe and have a family? He doesn't know for now, but he knows he wants a lot of children, like, a lot. "Maybe we can, you know, take a break? We've been killing Gods all the time for one whole month now." Luke hummed as he kissed Pruno's forehead.

"I mean..." Enychta pulled a bone out of a bleeding arm- Unlike other Gods, these Chinese Cultivation gods bled red. he gulped down a few pieces of bone marrow and hummed: "Yeah, we can take a break for a few days i guess..."

Well, i guess it was time for them to check on Camp Half-Blood after Enychta destroyed the posibility of the children meeting their parents- At least Zeus wouldn't have another woman pregnant? Yeah, that's positive.