
Chapter 173: Divinities to Give and Share

Eating Gods and Goddesses was easier than he thought it would be! He was slowly but surely becoming stronger and stronger after eating each God and Goddesses, getting many different divinities that he didn't have affinity to. Appearently he had a few afinities for Divinites- Mainly "Evil" Divinities, such as the Demonic Divinity, which he received after eating the Evil Japanese God of Destruction Amatsu Mikaboshi, who was weaker than he thought he would be.

Because he became a Primordial God did he turly understood why the other Gods and goddesses were so 'weak' in comparison... Like his mother once told him, after he visited her when he was a new and powerful Primordial Deity: "We aren't just gods, we are more than that. Unlike the gods who rule over the elements of nature and the cosmos with their divinity, we are those elements in their most primal and powerful state. We can't be control. We can't be bound." And true to her words, he was the personification of uncontrolable time, his Divinities all seemed to mash together and beome stronger- His very divine presence would stop time itself in the area, his very divine presence would sent off these whispers that would hinder mortals or weaker deities insane.

But they couldn't understand the song of the Void, not all Deities that didn't have the [Eldritch] Divinity could understand the song- Like Luke and Pruno, who could thanks to their onnection to Eny! They thought it was a beautiful song, so beautiful in fact they wanted to hear that song for all eternity, but Enychta didn't let them be consumed by the song.

back to the subject of Divinities- He ate a lot of Divines. He ate pratically the entire roman Pantheon, mostly the main people there- He spared both Pluto and kore, since they were good Deities there as well.

He ate Terminus getting the [Boundaries] Divinity, Bellona getting the [Destruction] Divinity, Mars getting the [Bloodshed] Divinity, Minerva getting the [Virginity] Divinity, from Bacchus he got the [Madness] Divinity which was inferior to his [Eldritch] Divinity, so it was stored in his Divine Core. He got the Divinity of [Horses] from Neptune, which was inferior to his Divinity of [Monsters], he got the [Leadership] Divinity from Jupiter, he got the [Seasons] Divinity from Ceres, he got the [Moon] Divinity from Diana, the [Fertility] Divinity from Venus- Which became one of his divinities.

He got the ability [Fertility Control] from this Divinity, meaning he could (If he wanted) make one of his beloveds pregnant with thousands of children with only a drop of his cum- He could also make someone infertile, regardless if said person is a God or goddess, this could hender a Goddess of Childbrith completely unable to use her divinity, unless she uses her divinity in other women, like Diana did.

He got the [Women] Divinity from Juno, he got the [Craftmanship] Divnity from Vulcan, he got the [Diplomacy] from Mercury after he ate his heart.

And as always, he didn't touch Venus, because she was just Hestia.

He got many other Divinities by eating many other Gods, Goddesses, and Titans alike: Aeolus (Greek Form: Aeolus), Aquilon (Greek Form: Boreas), Arcus (Greek Form: Iris), Aesculapius (Greek Form: Asclepius), Auster (Greek Form: Notus), Cardea, Cloacina, Cupid (Greek Form: Eros), Faunus (Greek Form: Pan), Favonius (Greek Form: Zephyrus), Feronia, Fortuna (Greek Form: Tyche), Hercules (Greek Form: Heracles), Invidia (Greek Form: Nemesis), Janus, Juventas (Greek Form: Hebe), Lucina (Greek Form: Eileithyia), Lupa, Libertas (Greek Form: Eleutheria), Mefitis, Metus/Terror (Greek Form: Deimos), Pomona, Potina, Portunus (Greek Form: Palaemon), Salacia (Greek Form: Amphitrite), Somnia (Greek Form: Morpheus), Somnus (Greek Form: Hypnos), Spes (Greek Form: Elpis), Terminus, Timor/Fear (Greek form: Phobos), Trivia (Greek Form: Hecate), Victoria (Greek Form: Nike) Aurora (Greek Form: Eos), Polus (Greek Form: Koios), Crius (Greek Form: Krios), Hyperion (Greek Form: Hyperion), Luna (Greek Form: Selene), Ocean (Greek Form: Oceanus), Ops (Greek form: Rhea), Saturn (Greek Form: Kronos), Sol (Greek Form: Helios).

He did not eat Discordia (Greek Form: Eris), Letus (Greek Form: Thanatos), and Somnus (Greek Form: Hypnos). Because these were the siblings he actually did not care about.

The rest? Down his throat as they squirmed in pain.

[Wind] from Aeolus.

[Family] from Lupa (That also became one of his Divinities), he got the ability [Family Bond] from it, which was basically the same bond he had with Luke and Pruno, but for his future family.

[Winter] from Aquillon.

[Rainbow] from Arcus

[Freedom] from Libertas

[Healing] from Asclepius

[Smells] by Mefitis

[Wind] from Auster, that just got fused with the previous [Wind] Divinty.

[Terror] from Metus, which was inferior to his [Eldritch] Divinity

[Plenty] was the Divinty he got from Pomona.

[Thresholds] he got from Cardea.

[Children] was the Divinity he got from Potina, that strangely enough was absorbed by his [Family] Divinty.

[Drought] was the divinity he received from Cloacina, the complete oppostie to the [Water] and [Sea] divinties he had.

He got the [Doors] Divinity from Portunus, and strangely enough, he got the [Sharks] Divinty as well, meaning it was a situation similar to Apollo's.

[Desire] was the Divinty he got from Cupid.

[Queen] Divinty was received from Salacia

[Wild] was received by Faunus, which he didn't get because Pan had died before he could've eaten him... sad.

He received the Divinity of [Dreams] from Somnia, while he did not eat Morpheus at all due to his brother's Hypnos (Also Nyx said not to eat him, so...) protection over him.

[Gentleness] was the divinty he received from Favonius after he ate him, he tried to eat Zephyros, but the wind god was long gone before he could even take a bite out of his wings.

He got the Divinty of [Wilderness] from Feronia, which was absorbed by the [Nature] Divinty he got from eating Geb, the Egyptian God of Nature. What Divinites he got from them will be seen later.

He got the Divinity of [Hope] from Spes, which was pretty useless to him.

He got the Divinity of [Luck] from eating Fortuna.

[Strength] was the Divinty he got from eating Hercules

[Fear] was the Divinity he got from Timor, which was lesser than his [Eldritch] Divinty.

[Crossroads] was the Divinty he got from Trivia, while he managed to eat Hecate for her Divinty of [Magic] before.

That moment was when he got enough energy to bloom his own [Night] Divinity, which was different from his mother's divinity- [Endless Night], and with said Divinty he got the [Night Terror] skill, which was an ability to completely fuse with the night sky and control the darkness, causing fear to the heart of every single creature.

[Choices] was the divinity he got from Janus.

[Victory] wa the Divinty from Victoria

[Youth] was the Divinty from Juventas, he sadly couldn't eat Hebes.

[Dawn] was the one he got from Aurora, [Intellect] was the one he got from Polus, [Stars] was the Divinty he got from Crius, which was absorbed by his [Endless Night] Divinty.

He got [Heat] and [Power] from Hyperion, meaning the titan was also an Apollo, he got the [Moon] Divinity from Luna that was fused with the [Moon] divinty he received from Diana, he got the [Sea] Divinty from Ocean- which fused with his previously owned [Sea] Divinty.

[Motherhood] was received from Ops since he didn't eat Rhea because Nyx asked him not to, he received the [Harvest] Divinty from Saturn, and the [Sun] Divinty from Sol, since Helios was long dead just like Pan.

This all in one month's work!

He of course ate other Pantheons, and their divinties were added to his endless list of divinties, some fused together while others were simply left behind- Of course Pruno and Luke got their own share of divinties as well

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

PLease comment which Divinty Luke and Pruno should get- I'm sincerely thinking that Pruno should get [Queen], [Motherhood], or maybe even the [Seasons] Divinty.

Not too sure.