
Chapter 122: Talk

"And that's how the quest went." Finishing telling how the adventure went, a very tired Luke Castellan (Blondie, 16 years old but looks like he would be 18 easily, Speedster, Looks like a Surfer and is considering learn how to surf) sat down on the dark purple couch in the middle of the Nyx cabin, a place where some couches and other things to sit on were, including the hottest seat, Enychta Astérie, who was meditating while a curious and amused pink-haired teen by the name of Pruno Begoni pokes him.

"Oh, so that's why you brought back that statue of Scylla!" An overly excited grey-eyed blond-haired little girl smiles widely as she throws her arms to the air, Annabeth Chase had her older sisters (not related by blood) Thalia Grace doing braids on her hair while listening to Luke and Pruno telling them what happened to them. "Well, you see..." Pruno continued to poke the sleeping dragon (aka Enychta) with his slender pink-white finger, while Luke was able to get a tan, although not as great as Eny's tan, his skin had a healthy tone of bronze to it. "It isn't exactly a statue, you know?" Thalia raised an eyebrow at that, she felt only amusement when Pruno began to try and annoy Enychta by poking him in the sides, where someone would normally be ticklish. However, curiosity got the best of her and she asked: "What do you mean, exactly?"

"Well, since its already dead, why not bring back the corpse and use it to decorate our beautiful cabin?" Pruno was now controlling a few thin green vines to tangle and entangle around Enychta's body to try and break his concentration, but all it got to do to him was make smoke come out of his nose before he kept meditating. "Wait, what?" Thalia was shocked, which is ironic if you stop to think about it for a few seconds, but her shock was quickly short lived as Pruno stopped trying to make Enychta open his eyes and looked at her with a small smirk in his cute face: "Well, it seems that turning monsters into stone is easier than it looks. You can call me Gorgon now." He chuckles at what he thought was funny, but to the other two ladies in the room was an impressive information.

And Enychta?

Well, he was meditating, trying to understand what he did to actually do an IRRS and control it, because he died to whatever happened after that massive pain in his whole body, and let's not forget of course, the fucking hole in his head that killed him. He is trying to flow magic through his body, doing internal damage to it, making it stronger against magic at least... His [Magic Resistance] went from 40% to 80% in a single day! Now its going slower due to the fact that Pruno is poking him, distracting him, and he knows exactly why he is doing that. The little pink punk is fucking horny! Pink punk, huh, it sounds like something Thalia would come up with, i guess she is in fact influencing him for the better...? Yeah, for the worst. Well, not that she is a bad influence, not at all, is only that she has no filter- Damn, ADHD!

Even though he is not affected by it a lot, he has his moments.

Once again he feels the teasing touches of his beloved and needy lover, who pinched his nipple but also being self-conscious about the two girls that would not want to see their public display of affection or maybe a public display of indecency... It wouldn't exactly be public since they would be in their cabin, but he doesn't want them to see it none of their "exercising". He's been doing this meditation since early in the morning, around 5 AM and right now is about 2 PM.

And he hasn't stop, Pruno has been trying to break his concentration for about 4 hours now, and finally, when he thought he had given up, he felt a hand touch his penis.

He wasn't surprised per say, but he reacted because Pruno was truly shameless to grab his dick when Thalia and Annabeth are there! He quickly opens his eyes just to see that Pruno had a triumphant smirk in his beautiful pink lips as he looked Enychta in the eyes while also tightening his hold and even pulling it back and forth as he said: "I win!" As if it was a game, but Enychta had enough of this... He swiftly pulled Pruno by his arm and growled in his ear with his gravely, husky voice, like he had just woken up: "You're playing a dangerous game, and its bold of you to assume you won... The game just began." Pruno, for some reason, felt a shiver run down his spine, not a good shiver but a bad shiver, a really bad shiver.

"Never tickle a sleeping dragon." Luke chuckled, seeing the future demise of his beloved by the hands of his other beloved.

-Scene Cut-

[Some time later]

A Talk About Kink Negotiation:

"I mean, i like it when you growl, its kinda hot." Pruno whispers as he rests his head upon the naked chest of his beloved Luke, who has his head resting on Enychta's chest as they lie on the bed, the three completely and utterly naked, they were talking about some things and it randomly turned into a game of 'What about you (you do) turns me on'... Luke said that he likes Pruno's lips, Enychta said he likes the way Pruno shivers whenever he whispers something on his ear, Enychta said he likes Luke's flexibility and Pruno said he likes how sensitive Luke can get, now after Luke said he likes how Enychta is gentle even when he is rough, Pruno said 'I like it when you growl'

"Really?" Enychta asked a little dumbfounded, I mean, he didn't know it would turn Pruno one when he growls

"Yeah, it is. It shows dominance, and also makes me shiver, and it reminds me of-" Pruno places his hands on his face, blushing slightly as he shyly explains.

"You need to stop reading those ABO Fanfics..." Luke sighs, knowing exactly what Pruno was comparing Enychta's dominance and growls with

"I mean, Werewolves! And i am dating one, well, i am dating someone who can turn into a wolf, you." Pruno pouts, his cheeks puffing with air as he chuckles, making Luke shake his head and kiss him, wet sounds of their tongue dancing inside their mouths made Enychta's dick twitch.

"I can see the appeal it would have, i mean, Eny is very rough and i *kinda like it when it hurts*..." After kissing Pruno for a few seconds, Luke sighs and whispers to Pruno's ear.

"What?" Pruno is slightly surprised by Luke's... kinky kink. He smiles at the blush on the blondy's face, making Enychta and Pruno chuckle at him, love and affection pratically flowing in waves around them.

"Oh, I kinda figured it out myself. You know we can negotiate this kind of stuff, right? I want to provide for you two everything you want, so we can talk about it." Enychta bites Luke's left ear and growls lowly, making Luke shiver while Pruno says "See? Hot."

"Oh, well, maybe i want to try some things..." Pruno smirks as Luke's little moans echo in the room a little bit. His smile was mesmerazing...

"Really? What exactly?" Luke ponders out loud while Enychta likes his neck, sending shivers down his naked body.

"What about Dominance, Werewolf Play? Roleplay?" Pruno suggests, every time looking at Enychta, who tilted his head like a lost puppy for a second, before saying: "First of all, you really need to stop reading those Smut Fanfics with Werewolves, second of all, Roleplaying only if its DnD, I'm not good at Roleplaying and i will probably laugh too loud or even visibly cringe, and third of all, Werewolf play? I can do that." Enychta nods sagely, making Luke whimper a little when he returns to bite his ear for a second: "Like, i like licking, biting, sniffling, dominating of course, and i think i can knoyt, but i think I'll make you pregnant if i knot any of you. And i mean it, i have a real fear that'll make you pregnant... I mean, I wouldn't say jo to a child, but i don't think i want to get any of you pregnant while we're still, technically minors."

"Oh damn... wait, pregnant? seriously?" Pruno chuckles while Luke feels something suddenly invade him from behind, Enychta started to push his dick inside him without any preparation whatsoever. "Literal Gods exist, Magic exist, and my dad is fucking Lucifer himself, of course i can make you ~pregante~Enychta said the last word like he was speaking Spanish

(I know is pregnant, but Enychta is messing with them)

"Oh boy... Guess I'll use birth control pills." Whispered Pruno while a white liquid slowly leaves his asshole. "Oh, fuck."

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

No, no child until more chapters in the future.

Maybe after the second world (Because yes, multiverse.)