
Chapter 105: Infodumb into Godhood

"So now that you know who the father of your child is, it's time to discuss payment for my services~" The dark-skinned Blessing of Knowledge, Mephiziel smiled at the dark-haired Primordial Goddess of the Night, who would be as strong as he is, however they were at his "natural habitat", so if they were to fight here he would definitely win without a doubt. Looking at the goddess with his pupiless golden eyes, Mephiziel chuckled to himself and extended his hand forward, the Goddess knew exactly what he wanted as payment. "Sure..." Suddenly, in her left hand appeared a shining pure white star, this was something special, crystalized Divine Energy from her own Divine Core.

Divinities is something very complex and yet, simple.

Like a tree, Divinity has its core (or trunk if you think of it like a tree) which is the essence of the Divine Being, while the Sub-divinities are the smaller spheres connected from the main core and spreading outwards (or inwards) to expand the God's domain (If you're thinking of it like a tree, then Sub-divinities are the branches and leaves of the tree), however, what stabilizes and holds the Core is the Divine Energy that flows through the Divine Being's body (or conceptual existence) giving that Divine Being energy! (If you're still thinking of it as a tree, then the Divine Energy are the roots that at the same time stabilizes the tree and collects nutrients from the soil, aka more Divine Energy through prayer and faith, or other methods)

Normal Gods need Faith or other way to gather energy from mortals or any other way to keep themselves alive longer, meanwhile, Primordial Gods don't need such methods because they don't need to be remembered or whatever to exist! No, Primordial Gods and Goddess are eternal, they can infinitely produce Divine Energy from just existing, and every God that can do so is considered a Primordial Being (If you're still using the tree analogy, think of it as a auto photosynthesis that the tree does automatically every day, storing energy inside itself and growing its roots deeper into the dirt, making the trunk more stable, giving more opportunity to the trunk to grow as well as rhe branches that can expand to other branches as well, the tree can grow more with this).

A God can chose or be born with their Divine Core, like most Born Gods are! Those who chose their Divine Core are normally Mortals, Semimortals, or Demigods that ascend into Godhood. However, to ascend to Godhood, one needs to have a Divine Spark, something that js considered a full divinity by Gods with no experience dealing with this... Sometimes Demigods, Semimortals, and even Mortals will awaken something called a Divine Spark, a spark of potential that can make them into a God and start their journey through Godhood. (Like Luke awoke his Speed Divine Spark) However, having a Divine Spark is only the begging for a mortal to start their journey to Godhood because a lot of things are necessary to ascend, like energy and patience since ascending takes time to do... Like, its am ongoing process, like a plant growing a fruit, when the fruit is ready you can see it and/or know it.

What Nyx gave to Mephiziel was pure, crystalized Divine Energy, which is the Energy aspect of ascension! With this crystalized form of energy, a Ascending (Those who have Divine Sparks and are on the process of becoming a God/Goddess/Divine Being) process can receive a huge progress in a few minutes or even less! And from a Primordial Goddess!? This makes it even more valuable due to the fact that the crystal, given enough time, can refill itself, like a Solar Powered battery! In this case, Lunar, since its the Primordial Goddess of the NIGHT'S Divine Energy Crystal!

"Are you satisfied with this?" She asked the Blessing who just took it with flamboyant glee, his finger sparkling with a sudden golden golden dust that touched the crystal and it vanished from sight. "Oh my, this will certainly help to create new angels! After God died, we started having a harder time creating those, but now it will be a little bit easier~" If you're wondering how he died, i can only say the words: 'The Devil did It'. Contrary to popular belief and religion, Lucifer killed God and then was thrown out of heaven because of that by all the Virtues that are a bunch of hypocrites since they cried for days after their father died when they helped kill him... And they say the devil's the bad guy. "Now... I think it's time for you to go before, you know, other Virtues appear... I don't want another war to happen you know."

Nyx sighed. The Virtues got really, really greedy and proud, their hubris made them believe they deserved to be the royalty among royalty, the Gods among Gods, so they sought to conquer the other pantheons just to be completely destroyed and humiliated by them. The Virtue of Patience was driven insane by the Eldritch Pantheon, also known as HP Lovecraft Horrors, while The Virtue of Generosity had her twelve wings cut out of her body and given to twelve mortals that became Minor Gods...

Ah, there is also a ranking for Divine Beings, almost forgot.

Newborn Gods are at the bottom

Followed by Minor Gods.

Followed by Medium Gods.

Followed by High Gods

Followed by Royal Gods.

Followed by Primordial Gods

Followed by Elder Gods.

Followed by Conceptual Gods.

Conceptual Gods are difficult to determine, a great example is Azathoth, the blind fool, and another great example is Chaos... Both are difficult concepts to grasp cause they are both above human comprehensive capabilities. They are more than just a word, just a concept, they are hard to even describe because is almost impossible to do so, because describing is already simplifying the infinite of the universe in a simple word known as Cosmus.

"I understand." Nyx nodded, her head turned to look at the book that was still on the ground, this was the Book of Life, contains information over every living being in this world and multiverse, only not applying to things out of it or dead, undead, or technically not alive nor dead things. Mephiziel wanted to say something extra, Enychta Prince of Hell... There is something more to it.

Lucifer gives a spark of his power to his direct offspring, to ensure they will be strong, which makes the Seven Deadly Sins, Wrath, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Greed, Envy, and Gluttony... But which is Enychta?

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

A little overview:

Newborn Gods: You are here when you start.

Followed by Minor Gods: Eris, Nike, Bast,

Followed by Medium Gods: Persephone, Hermes, Aphrodite, Sett, Osiris, Hestia

Followed by High Gods: Ares, Hephaestus, Athena, Hades, Demeter, Thor, Loki, Isis, Horus

Followed by Royal Gods: Zeus, Odin, Kronos, Fenrir, Apophis (The snake that attacks Ra when is night), Cthulu (Don't know how to spell this)

Followed by Primordial Gods: Nyx, Erebus, Tartarus, Gaea, Quetzalcoatl,

Followed by Elder Gods: Yggdrasil (Technically Divine Being), Yaldabeoth, Nyarloteph (Nyarlatoteph?), Lucifer

Followed by Conceptual Gods: Azathoth, Chaos, Yahweh (If he was alive)