
son of the mountain you stole my heart

MY SOUL CRAVED FOR YOU EVEN BEFORE I MET YOUR BEING... "Now that I have tasted the serenity of laying my head on your masculine chest, no one can shove me away from you my king. we're entrapped to each other. come with me tonight...let me feed you the honey from my mother land...let me reveal to you the fertile and untilled land which no man has ever set their feet upon.. for it has been hiden from them for many a days...it is only yours to till..." Sheshije, a young maiden from the ukadama kingdom is forced by her greedy for power farther to mary Kodawa, the crown prince. Who is considered arrogant and evil by nearly every person in the kingdom... While being the damsel in distress she meets her knight in shining armor. Seghete who introduced himself to her as a hunter... due to reasons best known to fate.. the two end up falling in love at the very first day they met. Sheshije's father and the kodawa try their best to stop the mighty bond that was drastically sprouting between the two... Shock grips them all after finding out that Seghete is actually not a hunter but the only son of the great Tubheta emperor! SON OF THE MOUNTAIN YOU STOLE MY HEART. Is a novel beautifully painted with romance and a little potions of the taveta culture. One finds it hard to put it down once they start reading.. it has a fair portion of explicit mature content which may not be good for younger readers.. or anyone who feels uncomfortable with the content. the embodiment of local dialect, unforeseen plot twists not to mention the fantasy romance makes every chapter so worth reading!

Joy_Rayasi · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: calling out for me part 2

Seghete woke up in the middle of the night with a throbbing pain spreading allover his body. He tried to get up but he couldn't, everything that took place earlier during the day came flooding back in his subconscious mind.

Taking time to scan the area he was in he realized he was in some sort of a cave like structure.

The image of the girl for whom he was doing all that for suddenly appeared in his mind, he smiled sheepishly. Recalling how she had boldly scolded the immature prince when she witnessed what was done to him, his smile broadened. As the events further registered in his mind he got up with anger bubbling despite the chains Wich were binding him, he wanted to find the bastard lad and snap his brainless head for daring to lay his damned hands on his beautiful rose.

Amidst his thoughts a sweet smell penetrated his nostrils, it was a smell of lavender. He jolted as his heart picked up. He needed not to be told who the owner was.

'No way! is this one of my hallucinations? How on earth did she managed to make it to the castle at this hour? ' He wondered.

Closing his eyes he concentrated on his surroundings, in a matter of seconds an image of a girl matching to the entrance of the palace was brought before him. His mouth parted in shock when he saw it was Sheshije. She was carrying a sisal bag with her. 'Could it be that she had come to get him out so that they could elope? ' he knew pretty well how Sheshije was not willing to marry the Ukadaman heir.

Concentrating on the surroundings outside the cave, he chanted some words in an ancient language and all the guards were put to sleep.

" Iam here my beloved, come to me now. all is well you are safe" He whispered into the air.


Sheshije approached the palace gates her heart pounding hard , she didn't know what will befall her if she were to be caught sneaking into the royal grounds at this hour of the night.

To her relief the gate was slightly opened and the guards at the entrance seemed to be in a deep slumber, She had been there several times so it wasn't a problem to find her way to the cells. She quietly walking taking cation even at the slightest movements of the leaves though everything seemed to be calm. The last thing she could wish for was her being caught.

She quietly surveyed the cells Wich were dimly lit but they were all empty, she reached a certain cell room to feel her heart beat pick up a new momentum. She saw blood on the ground which seemed fresh.

As she was standing, suddenly she heard a familiar voice calling to her. Yes! it was from the man she was looking for.

She tried following the direction from where it came from, passing a number of guards who also were snoring soundly, "What's happening? something is amiss ... how can every single guard be in this state? any way maybe the ancestors of my clan have done it for me."

She whispered to herself .

The voice continued to call to her and she absentmindedly followed it to a dungeon which was located in an underground area.

There he was. The man she so badly wanted to see. she had come all the way to the palace not for the prince who was supposed to be his husband in the next harvesting season but for the man who was before her eyes.

Time seemed to come to a stand still when their gazes met. She felt her heart tightening seeing how he was chained. Despite the state he was his looks were still as nice as they were.