[❤️Summary❤️] [❤️One Day Stanley Pines is taking a walk in the Forest to clear up his Mind But he found A Boy with Brown Hair and Blue Eye's with no recollection of his Life, Who is this Boy? Why is he holding a Black Book containing Magic?❤️]
Fun Fact: Gravity Fall's and Rick And Morty are possibly a Shared Universe.
[1999 August 2, Gravity Falls Oregon, Gravity Falls Forest, Gravity Falls Universe]
{??? Pov}
We start of this Chapter zooming in Gravity Falls Oregon to be particular Gravity Falls Forest, Where we can see 1 Angry Man with a Weird Hat and Glasses mumbling something under his breath.
Finally the Man took a Sit in one of the Log's and pulled out a Bag of Toffe Peanut's
???: "I don't think i can continue this Scam anymore. Where are you Sixer."
While the Random Man was sulking he suddenly heard a Rattle right behind him. That made him drop his Bag of Toffe Peanut's.
Quickly on instinct he pulled out his Golden Brass Knuckles under his Clothes. Both of his Brass Knuckles having an $.
The Man narrowed his Black Eye's preparing for the unknown and hypnotising himself not to Panic.
Stan: "Alright Stan you can do this just beat the Crap out of this thing and hope it's not a Zombie."
The Man now named Stan then tried approaching the Bush where the Rattling is.
Stan was about to open the Bush but suddenly a Small Brown Thing latches in his Face.
Stan: "aughaughAughhahaaa. Get off me! Get off me!"
Stan was taken by surprice by the Creature that latches into his Face.
After a 7 Second struggle Stan was finally able to take the Creature that attacked him off his Face accidentally trowing it away hurting it in the process.
*Heavy Breathing*
Stan: "Jimmidy Krickitz. WHAT HAVE I DONE!)
(Harvey: That's intentional no typo at all think of it as a ripoff of Jiminy Cricket.)
Stan noticing the Injury he done to the Poor Brown Creature immediately rush to it's Aid. Checking if he did any Permanent Damage.
The Brown Creature noticing Stan tried to bite Stan's Hand's. But Stan didn't flitch and continued checking for Injury's and he did found an Injury in which he immediately pulled a Neosporin, Stan tried warning the Brown Creature that still biting him before he put on the Neosporin.
Stan: "Alright Kid i'm not gonna lie to ya. This will hurt... Alot, Can you even understand me? Meh forget it here goes the Neo-spe-ren? Meh whatever."
Stan then poured out everything inside the Neosporin which made the Brown Creature bite more on Stan's Hand's.
Stan: "Alright. Now everything would be alright Buddy everything would be alright. Just rest just rest."
Hearing this the Brown Creature slowly drifted off to Dream Land. While Slowly letting go of his bite on Stan's Hand's.
Stan noticed that the Brown Creature is an Baby Pup not more than 2 Year's Old. The Brown Pup has Blue Eye's and obviously Brown Fur
Stan: "Pew! Good thing i always have a Fake Hand ready whenever this type of thing's happend. Anyways where are my Toffe Peanuts?"
Stan then noticed his Toffe Peanuts and opened it but before he could started Eating he noticed something The Black Pup is awake and fully healed sitting with his Tongues out asking for Food.
Stan: "What The?! Uhhh. Want some?"
Stan then pulled out an Peanut from his Toffe Peanut Bag and gave it to the Pup. In which the Blue Eye Colpred Pup eagerly Ate.
Stan: "Huh. Atleast we can agree on something."
Stan said while patting the Brown Pup, In which the Brown Pup Dodge in respond.
Stan: "Huh? What's wrong Boy?"
The Brown Pup just Bark at him and ran deeper to the Forest for unknown reason.
Stan: "W-wait! Hey KID! Wait UP! Wait!"
Stan then began chasing the Brown Pup.
Stan and The Brown Pup had 1 Long Chase in which The Brown Pup won.
Stan: "H-hey! Wait up!"
*Heavy Breathing*
Stan: "I'm getting Old!"
Stan then stretch his Back.
Stan: "Ohhhhh Boy that's the Spot."
Stan then noticed the Brown Pup Barking to him, He then noticed The Brown Colored Pup is near a no lesser than 7 Year Old Sleeping Boy under a Tree. The Boy is holding a Black Book while the Boy having Tattered Clothes.
Stan noticing the Sleeping Boy decided to ask The Brown Colored Pup if this is what he wanted to show to him.
Stan: "Is this what you wanna show me?"
The Brown Colored Pup rapidly nodded it's Head while Barking.
Stan: "Shhhh shhh shhh. Hey hey don't be Loud you'll wake him up."
Stan warned The Brown Colored Pup before he could accidentally wake up the Sleeping Brown Haired Boy, But it's to late because the Boy is slowly waking up.
Brown Haired Boy: "Hmm? Who are you?! Where am i! What th-"
The Brown Haired Boy panicking at this point but Stan Karate Chopped the Boy to stopped the Boy's Panicking.
Stan: "Sorry Kid."
Stan said under his breath, Stan then turned around to the Brown Haired Pup and signalled him to Follow.
Stan then picked up the Brown Haired Boy like a Sack of Potatoes.
Stan: "Hmm what's this?"
Stan then noticed the Black Book the Kid was Hugging. Stan then grabbed the Book and putting it inside his Clothes not bothering to read the Book's Title.
Stan: "Meh probably nothing Important."
If only Stan took a closer look on The Book Title he could have recognised it because the Book Title is [The Lesser Grimoire Of Shadow's]...
[❤️To Be Continued❤️]
* I originally was planning to make Stanley and Stanford Genderbend but i was like ꜰᴜᴄᴋᴇᴅ it, They aren't fit to be a Woman. So i continued the Theme of Father Issue's and Family not by Blood but by Recognision? I don't know man i'm just trying to write more Word's so that i can get to 1500 Word's Faster.
-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)
* You know Toffe Peanuts cause Ford's and Ley's Brother Hood's Destruction now that same brand is creating Peanut and Alexander Brother Hood.
-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)
* Notice how i wasn't talking everytime i have a chance under the Character's Chat Box? Well i wanna make it seem serious.
-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)
* I tried making Stanley more like his original counterpart.
-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)
* You know what i like about Gravity Falls is that it's Finish in Hazbin Hotel i had to create Personal Headcanons that contradict other People's Headcanons that leads to a Discussion sometimes i come out wrong... Like Belial. Anyways we don't talk about Belial, I think i'll probably put Hazbin Hotel on Hiatus and continue Gravity Falls don't worry Kaiser would make an Apperance in the Future. That Bastard always love making my Life hard afterall.
-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)
* Trust me Brown or Blue isn't my Favorite Color it's Green actually. The Darker the Better.
-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)
* Pretty short Chapter starting off the Gravity Falls Series. Now don't pull the Pitchforks and Torches i'll give you 1 Chapter Tomorrow that's a Promise.
-𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 (𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿)
Words: 1137 Words
Writen: March 11 2022
Posted: March 11 2022