
Chapter VIIII

Three days had passed since Corvinius's dramatic descent and the subsequent victory in Theed. The city, once a battleground, now bore the scars of conflict and recovery. Amid the rebuilding efforts, Corvinius, the Angel of Naboo, stood at the forefront, his presence both awe-inspiring and enigmatic.

During those three days, Corvinius worked alongside the Nabooian Guards and citizens, guiding them in the reconstruction efforts. His immense strength and resilience proved invaluable in clearing debris, securing structures, and ensuring the safety of those involved in the restoration process.

As the city slowly regained its former glory, Corvinius found himself drawn to the outskirts of Theed. The lush landscapes of Naboo, once marred by the specter of war, now seemed to breathe with renewed life. The waters glistened under the Nabooian sun, and the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind provided a soothing backdrop to the ongoing recovery.

In a quiet moment near the outskirts, Corvinius encountered Sergeant Argall Herec, who had been overseeing the Guards' efforts in the surrounding areas. Corvinius approached the seasoned Sergeant, coming to the man's side. His sword was still in its sheathe, and his spear had been reclaimed. The two stood beside one another, saying no words. The landscape before them peaceful, with faint traces of the battle that had been fought four days prior. Still, the silence between them stood. Herec assumed that Corvinius was just simply here to appreciate what they had fought. When actually, the Angel of Naboo was having a laugh.

'Who woulda thought that I'd end up killing that green fuck by completely accident?'

Corvinius thought and mentally chuckled. He even had a slight smile on his face. After reports came back from the Lucrehulk wreck and the wider galaxy, it was revealed that Nute Gunray was dead. Apparently the former leader of the Trade Federation had been killed during Corvinius' rampage across the ship. Which would explain the blood in the Primarch's mouth. Meaning why the second Lukcrehulk had turned tail and ran was because of fear of receiving the same fate. It was hilarious, Corvinius had accidentally killed someone who he sort of thinks was important to a certain Sith. Well, besides Maul of course. He still remembered the feeling of the Sith's flesh being torn apart before he went into his Blood Rage. The way bone bended and shattered from just the most gentle of pressure.

Now while thinking back on it, the whole thing was funny to Corvinius. He was expecting the enemy to come down to try and finish both he and the Nabooians off. Yet he remembered then that this galaxy knows nothing about war. He did what he could to try and do research on the "Holonet", hence how he learned a bit about Naboo. The unfortunate part was that he didn't understand the dialect, so he would have to learn how to read and write....again. It was still odd that he could understand what the people around him was saying, then again people of the Star Wars universe always spoke English most of the time. That said, when he had been trying to do research, he had a robot, er, protocol droid, translating for him. Granted, he wished that he could have it since it would make things easier.

'What was that gold looking robot again?'

Corvinius thought, immediately thinking about the iconic robot in Star Wars and how he could just use that to learn things.

"Here to get away from the politics?"

Herec suddenly asked, knocking Corvinius out of his thoughts. The Primarch glanced down at the Sergeant, then faced forward again. Herec wasn't wrong, he didn't want too much of the spotlight considering that the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was supposedly arriving today. On top of that, many of the Nabooians were either asking for who he was and where he came from, or wanted to be picked up by him if they were children. Unfortunately, he gave in to the children, especially Vivian.


Corvinius thought, remember the look on the child's face when she saw her older brother in his arms. He hated when children cried, especially when it was over something heartbreaking. He wanted to comfort her like a man should, but realistically he couldn't do it in the way he should. He was a Primarch, and his emotions were nearly nowhere to be found. He would have to force himself to actually express emotion, with only his anger and frustration being something that he would have to hold back. Especially when it came to the aristocrats of Theed.


Corvinius replied coolly.

"I don't pity your position, Corvinius. You're gonna be remembered as the man who saved an entire planet by dropping a gargantuan ship from orbit."

"And the lives that were saved in the process."

"That too, but not that many-"

"The nobles?"


Herec was referring to the aristocrats and nobles of Naboo. They didn't like that a complete stranger had shown up, trashed their capital city, and does what he wants without their authority. Some were even considering on putting him on trial. The shocking part is that the only reason that that hadn't come to pass was for two reason. The first, Queen Amidala was stopping that from happening. The second, because of the two Jedi being negotiators and trying to put the fires out for that debacle. Corvinius could care less, though he wasn't foolish enough to not understand that he would have to deal with politics eventually. Especially when he was still outnumbered by the vast majority.


Corvinius called.

"Will you arrest me?"

Herec looked up at Corvinius, staring up at the Primarch in silence before facing forward and sighing.

"I don't think I can.."

Herec commented sarcastically.

"What if I allowed you to?"

"Then I'd call you a damn fool."

"Is it foolish to give in to a higher authority?"

"It's stupid to give in when you know they can't hold you."

Corvinius visibly smirked at that response, he liked this man. A no nonsense seasoned soldier, something that this universe lacked greatly. Honest soldiers who could think on their own.

"You know, you're the first man in my life to talk down to people like Queen Amidala, both figuratively and literally."

Herec stated.

"She is too optimistic."

Corvinius replied.

"She's too young."

"That is true."

"She thinks that we can be equal, we can have peace...the problem is that peace is fragile and easily broken like we've just seen. Peace brought us an attack on our homes."

"Peace brought you complacency and comfort."

"Yeah, and we ended up liking it too much to realize that we were powerless without you."

Corvinius nodded his head, understanding Herec's plight. He was frustrated. Frustrated that he and his men were helpless. It was a very human trait, to hate feeling powerless in anything. To be frustrated in something that one knows that they can overcome, yet fail to do so all the same. With a slight turn, Corvinius looked down to Herec, and placed a gentle palm onto the mans' shoulder.

"I understand your frustration, Sergeant Herec."

Corvinius comforted.

"This feeling you feel, I felt the same in a separate situation."

"You? Feeling helpless?"

Herec questioned in disbelief as he turned to look up at the Primarch.

"Yes, where I am from there is no peace. Where I am from, men, women, and children perish in the millions. With all that I am, I am powerless to stop the deaths. It is frustrating, and some times I can only watch."

Herec stared up at Corvinius, looking as if he were trying to read Corvinius's expression. To see if he were telling the truth or not. However, he let out a sigh and simply nodded his head.

"You know, when they started calling you an angel, I thought that they were pretty childish for it. I think that there might be some truth in it."

"Why would you say that?"

"You're comforting a man when you could be doing anything else."

That made Corvinius cringe internally, he was only doing this to make conversation. Though, he was starting to feel like he should interact more with people ever since Caden's death.

"Well, might as well get back before I get chewed out."

Herec said, then removed himself from Corvinius's hand as he began walking back to Theed. The Primarch watched him, looked back at the scenery behind him, then began following after Herec.

'Yeah, you're getting added to the army.'

{Several Hours Later, Vivian}

Vivian, the young girl, stood beside her mother while holding her hand. She shredded tears at seeing the lifeless face of her big brother. The way he was just unmoving and never going to wake back up. Her mother cried silently, trembling as other Nabooians stood with them. A funeral was being held for the fallen, one that was being hosted just as the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was arriving. Many of the Nabooians paid no heed to the shuttle coming in to land. For in the center of Theed, stood the Angel of Naboo with his sword pointed down at the pavement. His face was downcast while everyone mourned. Vivian couldn't understand why, but she felt as if he was mourning in his own way too.

She hated seeing the angel look sad, it made her want to cry more. When Mr. Corvi lifted his head, his eyes landed on each and every Nabooian. He continued to look at everyone, before his gaze stopped on her. He gave her a comforting smile, before looking out to everyone again.

"People of Naboo, I am Corvinius, and I am guilty."

Those words made everyone look at him confused and with rapt attention.

"I am not a man, not in the truest sense that is. Where I come from, I am called a Primarch. We are leaders, protectors, warriors, and demigods. Where I am from, many men and women like those who have passed before us...follow us for guidance and protection. I failed to tell you this, and I failed to protect them. For that...I am guilty."

There was silence, no one said a word. Not until he spoke again.

"There are no that I may that would comfort you, so i will only give you a lifelong task, one that you are able to uphold, one that I MUST uphold....remember them."

As soon as he said those word, Vivian's eyes widened as the angel lifted his mighty sword. The blade hued with golden orange flames, flickering across it's razor sharp edge. The act caused many to watch with greater attention as Mr. Corvi began to speak again.

"In our moment of triumph, we must pause to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Our enemy was great and many, and any man who stood with us faced a perilous fate. The day was fraught with danger, and for every moment we held them at bay, more lives could escape the clutches of darkness. let it be known that those who stood tall, those who faced the encroaching shadow with unwavering courage, will be remembered. They are the heroes whose stories we carry forward. Their sacrifice, their valor, and their hope is forever etched into the tapestry of Naboo's history, your history."

Mr. Corvi paused, letting his words sink in to the Nabooian before continuing to speak.

"As we gather to mourn the fallen, let us also celebrate their indomitable spirit. They chose to make their stand with me, knowing the risks, understanding the price. Their bravery ensured that others could live to tell the story we write today, the story that we will pass on to the generations after our time. In their memory, we find strength. In their sacrifice, we discover the true meaning of heroism. Each name, each face, is a testament to the resilience of the Nabooians, of humans."

Mr. Corvi raised his sword into the air, allowing it to be seen by all.

"This is my task to you, remember them. Remember your husbands and lovers no longer with us. Remember your sons and daughter who cherished your loves more than their own. Remember their name, their faces, and the legacy they have left for you. Never forget what they sacrificed, never forget what they stood for. Let us honor them by remembering what they meant to us...remember them."

As Mr. Corvi finished speaking, he walked up to the nearest person who had passed during the Battle of Theed. Then pointed his sword at the wood prepared for them. It was Caden, and in a matter of moments, Caden's small bonfire had been lit aflame. Not long after, Nabooian Guards began doing the same with torches, lighting their dead aflame as more than thirty bonfires had been lit. Vivian watched this, remembering how her older brother was always there for her. Even remembering how he made sure that she got home safe. Biting her lip to try and fight back tears, Vivian's mother could be heard sobbing a bit. However, the child kept her eyes affixed to the fire. She was sad yes, but also angry. Her anger wasn't pointed at Mr. Corvi he was an angel, he saved them. She was angry at the ones who attacked Naboo, who made her mother cry, and who took her older brother away from her. Her heart like others within this large crowd had their hearts flickering and festering within them. A burning rage to scorch their attackers, to scorch ALL attackers.

As the dead were burned and mourned, Queen Amidala, her retinue, and the visitors arrived to finally see the funeral of the fallen heroes of Naboo.

{Sheev Palpatine}

'What....is that!?'

Palpatine thought as his eyes landed upon the anomaly, both figuratively and literally. He had sensed the Force warping across the galaxy ever since the death of his apprentice, Maul. He was under the assumption that it was the boy whom he saw. But he was wrong, it was this armored winged man with a sword on fire! His presence remained hidden for sure, not even the Jedi could sense his true nature. Speaking of which, he could sense the Jedi escort become tense upon seeing this "angel". He was under the impression that his people, the Nabooians, were exaggerating about an "angel". Yet here one stood, clad in armor and towering over nearly every sentient being in the galaxy.

Palpatine didn't know what to expect, this single entity could do away with his plans. This single man could disrupt decades of planning if he doesn't get rid of this threat as soon as possible. Well, that would be the case if he hadn't seen what unfolded next. Walking forward with a stern yet stoic expression was the Master of the Order, Mace Windu. Palpatine watched as the Jedi approached the "angel", making sure to pay close attention.

"On behalf of the Galactic Republic-"

Just as Mace Windu was about to continue speaking, the "angel's" sword swung like a flash of unseen lightning. Palpatine's eyes widened, realizing now that hid apprentice was no match for something like that. The sheer speed from this "angel's" movement astounded him. Mace was caught unawares, the flaming blade almost inches from his neck. The look on the "angel's" was that of a stern and disappointed man just as everyone gasped while the other Jedi immediately ignited their lightsabers.


The "angel" uttered, causing Palpatine to furrow his brows in curiosity.

"You are slow, slow to act and slow to react. These people could have used you, Jedi, where were you?"

The "angel's" question caused all eyes of the populace turn to Mace, awaiting the Jedi Master's response.

"The Jedi are peacekeepers, not vigilantes."

Mace answered coolly and calmly, showing resolve in the face of this behemoth of a man.

"Even peacekeepers are not complacent enough to leave an oppressed people to fend for themselves."

"We are not vigilantes, we operate within the law."

"What good has that done you?"

"It ensured the peace that has lasted for a thousand years."

"A complacent man praising he and his fellows, would you like a metal?"

Those words got Mace to narrow his eyes on the "angel", though for Palpatine, he was delighted to see this. After all, this lessened what he had assumed was a threat to his plans. This "angel" may have assumed that Maul was a corrupt Jedi. Which worked perfectly for him, after all, he could use a champion of the people later on when his plans were ready.

"If you have greviances-"

Mace began to say, but was interrupted once again by the "angel".

"Not I, they."

The "angel" said, then gestured with his head to the Nabooians around them. The people who were mourning their dead, and those who had fallen. Their gazes were a mix of apprehension and distrust. Which still worked perfectly for Palpatine, his own people against the Jedi. Who served him this delightful show of the Jedi being talked down to?

The "angel" withdrew his sword away from the Jedi Master's neck, then shook his head at the Jedi as he looked at all of them.

"I have no grievances, I am simply disappointed."

The "angel" began to say.

"From what I heard of you lot, you are seen as knights on some worlds and liberators on others. Yet on a great many worlds who has need of your aid are left to fend for themselves and fall prey to scum and villainy. Are your precious laws so valuable that you must remain complacent until called to action, rather than act? You have the power to ensure the protection of thousands, millions. You have the tools to protect those you supposedly vow to protect. The thousand years of peace that you speak of is nothing more than quiet. You mistake the two, for peace implies that all is well and all is prospering. Quiet implies threats yet to be seen, and enemies ready to strike from the shadows while you are too oblivious to them. Do not make excuses for your inaction...I am not the one that you and all yours should point those excuses to."

As the "angel" finished speaking, he then walked around Mace and the Jedi, ignoring their ignited lightsabers. The act almost brought a smile to Palpatine's face, for he didn't think that he's meet someone so oppose to the Jedi so soon. He looked thoughtful as he watched the "angel" walk away. Already making a scheme or five with this "angel" at the center.

"Was that this...'angel'?"

Palpatine found himself asking aloud, and found the young Queen Amidala answering his question.

"Yes, Chancellor, that was Corvinius."

Queen Amidala said, just as an internal sinister grin came over him. Oh, this Chancellor....this Sith, had a few ideas on how best to use this new piece on the board, and he would love to see how the Jedi will scramble trying to act against the "angel".

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