

When they entered the exam hall, Anko began to complain about the number of people that qualified for the second exam and how it was her duty to reduce the numbers.

"Follow me" Anko announced.

The remaining walked out of the hall following Anko.

Arriving at the Death Forest, the first thing Anko did was get all up in the genin's faces, trying to intimidate them. It worked for some of the genin but not for Naruto.

Anko suddenly appeared behind Naruto with a kunai in her hand.

"You are going to fail boy" she said

"Please I can pass this exams in my sleep" said Naruto.

Naruto and Anko began to have a stare down to see who would break first.

Samuru had had enough, "Okay you two, cool it" he said as he walked forward.

He then proceeded to explain the next test, "This next test takes place in the Death Forest which is home to dangerous animals and plants. Each team will be even a scroll with character for heaven or earth and sent on to the death forest. Here you will use what ever means necessary to collect a scroll with the character you don't have. i.e if you have the earth scroll, you must hunt and find the heaven scroll. When you have both heaven and earth scroll you are to head to the assembly point. Duration for this mission is 10 days."

"Any questions?" Samuru asked as he looked around. There were no questions.

"Good now head to the assignment tent where you be given a scroll and entry point in to the forest. Please note you will not be allowed to take the test until you sign wavers saying that you or your loved ones will not hold Konoha responsible for damages or death"

With the wavers signed, each team was given a scroll or either earth or heaven and where relocated to the various entry point to the Death Forest and the second test began.

It didn't long before Samuru could detected killer intent spreading across the forest as people began killing, doing whatever it took to get the other scroll while others were just killing for fun.

"It's a cruel world we live in… and I wouldn't love it any other way" said Samuru with a smile as more screams echoed through the forest.

Samuru returned to base camp were there way nothing really happening. The 3 other Jōnin who were assigned as support were chilling under a tent reading, drinking, eating and exchanging war stories.

Samuru didn't feel like it was his kind of scene so he found a spot in the middle of base camp, and sat crossed and entered a meditation state.

Just then, Anko also returned to base camp. She looked around hunting for her prey who she found seated mediating in the middle of base camp. She about to approach him when she felt the energy he was giving off causing to stop in her tracks, because the closer she got the strong the energy. It felt like someone was standing on her chest making breathing difficult.

Anko back up from Samuru and could breathe freely.

"Fuck me… this kid is a monster. Just how powerful is he?"

She then walked to the tent that the other Jōnin where in and said, "I am going to my tent, no one should interrupt me…and no one should approach Samuru unless they want to die"

She walked away leaving the Jōnin support team confused, as they looked at Samuru,

"Why would we die?" asked one of the Jōnin A

"I guess he doesn't want to be disturbed during training" replied Jōnin B

"He is a Jōnin at 13years, if I were him I would rest for 3 years" said Jōnin C

"And that's why you will never achieve anything, because you lack the will and determination" replied Jōnin B

Anko entered the Procter private tent and laid on to the cot. She didn't have a happy expression on her face because after all the preparation she had made getting this sound proof tent and a comfortable cot she wouldn't be having dream cock.

Anko scream out in frustration for a few seconds until she calmed down, "what is wrong with me?" she asked herself.

Meanwhile in the death forest, Team Kakashi were having a fairly easy time. With Sasuke's Sharingan, they were able to navigate the forest without running in to any trouble. But want they didn't know was that a high level ninja were tracking them like blood hounds…something they would find out in 4 days' time.


It was now 3 days since the second exam began with 7 days left to go and beside the occupational scream, nothing major had occurred.

At base camp, Samuru had been meditating for 3 days straight without food, drink, sleep or even going to the bathroom. He was like a statue.

"I give up" said Anko as she walked away from Samuru. In the past 3 days, she would come to check and see if he had moved but she would find him in the same position always thus her giving up.

Samuru didn't know about Anko's stalking him because he was having other problems right now.

Because of his evolution, Samuru realised that the charka amount he was so proud of was no longer able to meet his demands and this was because his new jutsu execution consumed a lot more energy. Before he had enough charka to fight for 2 days straight at max power without need for rest, but now at max power he couldn't even achieve 6 hours.

So with such a problem he came up with a solution to directly absorb the endless energy that existed around him directly on to his body but he run in to a problem yet again.

There seem to be an invisible barrier between him and the energy he wanted. Whenever he tried to access it, the barrier would stop him. So for the past 3 days, he has been trying to break this barrier…but he didn't know how.

"I bet Kira has a solution… no I must solve this myself without someone holding my hand" He thought to himself

After what felt like centauries to Samuru, all of a sudden there appeared a crack in the barrier and a stream on energy began flowing in to Samuru's body. This energy began to cause weird changes in Samuru's chakra sphere.

The huge chakra sphere began to split in to nine smaller spheres. Three of these spheres then began to expand and in elongate transforming in to pillars.