
Red Lion Station

While talking they reached the gate and without any hesitation stepped into it.

After stepping through he had the same feeling, that he had when entering Jacky's Shop. This weird feeling of space being shifted. But unlike with the store, the feeling was much worse. While it had been a clear shift when entering Jacky's Shop, this time it was a wrenching feeling as if he was stretched in random directions at the same time.

Luckily it didn't hurt him but it seriously messed with his sense of orientation. As such he started to puke as soon as he left the gate on the other end. If the travel time had been longer than he surely would have puked out his guts if he even managed to stand upright and not pass out.

"What's the matter?", Miss. Klein exclaimed worriedly.

"Damn. Why is this travel so nauseating?", Ivan asked as soon as he got himself under control again. Luckily some spell formation had been laid down, which ensured that the premise was clean, so his puke had instantly vanished and the air was still clean and fresh.

"Huh?", Serge was surprised, while Miss. Klein looked as if she had come to a sudden understanding.

"You felt the shifting of space?", she asked him eagerly.

"Mmm.", Jacky had explained it to him before so it was easy to answer the question. If he hadn't entered Jacky's Shop before then he wouldn't have been able to guess the reason for his discomfort.

"Amazing.", his master exclaimed. "That means that you are very talented in space manipulation."

"I know.", Ivan responded, "Jacky told me too.", he guessed that with Miss. Klein's status she would surely know Jacky.

Once again she was surprised, "You met Jacky? Usually, she doesn't appear in front of customers." Since she knew about Lara there was no reason for her to be surprised that he had visited Jacky's Shop before. But meeting Jacky herself was something else entirely.

"Yes. She even offered to teach me if my mana manipulation gets good enough."

"Wow, you sure are lucky."

Only now, that this topic was out of the way, did Ivan have time to look around. They were standing on a big platform on top of a mountain. Around them, there were flashes of light and other people were appearing constantly.

Unlike them, they were all wearing robes and all of them had an aura around them, which told them that they were dangerous. Below the platform was a street leading down the mountain and that street was framed by all kinds of shops and restaurants.

Before he could truly take in the scenery a voice interrupted him. This voice appeared directly inside his mind.

`@€€€EFfD€@DFDFE`, sadly he was completely unable to understand it. It was a language he was wholly unfamiliar with.

Luckily at nearly the same time, a system message popped up.

<< Congratulations, you have traveled to another realm. You have gained the title "Traveler (F)" >>

It was then directly followed by an explanation of the title.

<< Title: Traveler

Rank: F

By traveling to another realm you have done a commendable feat.


- You can understand, read, and speak all main languages of the realm you are currently in.


Although this title wasn't anything special and just about every traveler would have it, it was highly useful. And its use was directly made apparent when Ivan was now able to understand the words the voice had just projected into his brain.

`Welcome to Red Lion Station.`

It was now followed by some more information, `Please clear the platform as soon as possible to make space for others to arrive.

I'm AIS and I can help you fulfill your goals in Red Lion Station. If you have any questions you can just ask me. Not only can I provide all kinds of information, but I can also direct you to any target you may have.`, while the first sentences were spoken in a cold unfeeling voice. The last one was filled with pride. Pride in this AIS ability to provide help to the customer.

`Thank you, but I currently don't need any help.`, Ivan responded with his mind while following his teacher down from the platform.

`OH. Then if you have any need you can just call out to me with your mind.`, the voice once again sounded in his mind. This time there was a clear disappointment to be heard.

Both Ivan and Serge silently followed their teacher towards a building that had written `Red Lion Bank` written on it. Unlike the modern building they were used to, this looked much older. While it didn't seem primitive, it appeared more antique. The materials used weren't modern ones like steel, glass, and concrete but stone and wood. But the combination of unknown wood and stone still managed to provide an impressive view.

"You two wait here. Just stay still and don't get into any trouble.", their teacher told them before entering the bank.

At first, they were surprised at why she would explicitly remind them not to get into any trouble. But what happened just a few minutes later made her reasons clear.

Just on the other side of the entrance, two groups seemed to get into a heated argument.

"How dare you try to make a move on my sister.", a young man spoke towards the three men that had appeared before him. The sister in question had hidden behind him and Ivan was unable to see her from his position but judging from the lecherous look in the three men's eyes she should be a beauty.

"Hoho, so she is your sister.", the frontman said while grinning crookedly. "How about you lend us your sister to play and we will give you something good."

The young man paled. But even though it was clear that he would be unable to contest against these threes he didn't move, protecting his sister behind him.

"Go in and look for grandfather.", he told his sister without turning his head around.

The girl behind him nodded and started to run towards the entrance.

"Haha, how can we let our pry escape?", one of the three men exclaimed and rushed to intercept her. Judging by his speed it would be extremely easy for him to do so. In fact, it was so fast that he had shortened the distance in half before he had even finished speaking.

The young man tried to intercept him but was instead intercepted by the one who had talked to him.

"You stay here. I offered you a good ending but since you rejected it, you will have to pay."

"Should we help them?", Serge asked Ivan.

Ivan looked at the other onlookers who just stood aside and watched the scene, before shaking his head. "No. We can't do anything. Just look at how fast that man is."

What he said was the truth. With their strength, they would be completely unable to match that man's speed. Them trying to help would just be seeking their own death. And judging from the fact, that the man hadn't asked for help, it seemed like nobody else would help either.

The man had caught the girl easily while the other man had started to fight against the young man. The young man had pulled out a sword and was now swinging it towards his attacker. But before he could even finish his first swing, a heavy fist smashed into his ribs.

"Urgh.", he instantly folded with a crushing sound that could be heard at even Ivan's and Serge's position.

The first fist was soon followed by a second one and then a third. In the blink of an eye, he had been hit multiple times, each hit as powerful as the last one. Ivan had been unable to count but it shouldn't have been more than twenty hits when the attacker's fist burst through the body of the young man.

"Haha, what a weakling. How dare he stood up against me.", the attacker commented, before shaking off the young men, now lifeless body.

This was the first time Ivan and Serge had seen such a brutal and ruthless scene. While it wasn't to the point where they had to puke, it made both of them go pale.

"Damn. How brutal.", Serge whispered.

Ivan could only nod. What truly shocked him wasn't how the attacker had killed the young man but the fact that nobody helped. It seemed like it was truly extremely different here.

"Haha, let's go.", the attacker laughed happily. It seemed like what had just happened had been a great source of fun for him.

Without hesitation, the other two followed him down the mountain. One carrying the girl while the other was just looking around.

"They were really unlucky to have been noticed by those robbers.", one of the onlookers could be heard.

"Mm, they always target young girls. Nowadays nobody dares to bring a girl here anymore.", another onlooker commented.