
Essence Blood

"Anyway. For Vital Qi, it is relatively simple. You just have to exchange some essence blood. Well, I say it is easy, but in the truth is this is only because of our blood contract. If not, you giving me your essence blood would have major implications. The biggest would be that I would be unable to absorb it."

"Then Spiritual Qi should be similar? There is a fluid that one can exchange? But how would that work since it is stored in the brain? It's not like we can take out your brain fluid."

Hearing this Celine couldn't help but laugh. "You are right, it won't work this way. But luckily for us, there is no need to do something so complicated. Although I lost my strength I can still freely move my Spiritual Qi around. It is just that I'm missing the Spirit Qi to really use it."

"Then how do I extract some of my essence blood?"

"It isn't hard. In fact, you already did it just now"

Ivan didn't have to think long about it, before realizing that she meant the blood contract.

"You mean the contract? But how? I didn't do anything special and only let some blood drop down."

"That's correct. A blood contract always has to be signed with essence blood.

The only thing that is needed is the will. For the contract, it was the will to sign it, which automatically condensed a drop of blood essence. For our goal, you just have to focus on condensing a drop of blood essence on the tip of your finger."

"That seems surprisingly simple. Then how will you absorb it? Do you just drink it?"

"That's the easiest way. Of course for blood essence, it is usually better to directly take it in. If it is crystalized then it doesn't matter but you can't do that yet.

Oh and don't imagine that you can condense a lot of essence blood. At the moment your limit should be around two to three drops, after which you will need to recuperate for at least a day. If you overdraw your blood essence you will seriously impact your body. At first, you will only feel as if you have lost all your energy, but if you continue you can harm your body. So for now only condense one drop at the tip of your finger and then give it to me."

Following her instructions, Ivan carefully willed a drop of essence blood to condense at the tip of his finger, which easily succeded. As soon as the drop of essence blood appeared, he pushed the finger towards Celine who then used her tongue to lick his finger. A movement, that if not for her appearance and her trembling, would surely look very sensual.

As soon as the drop of blood rolled down her throat Celine let out a slight moan. At the same time her appearance changed slightly, she now looked just a bit healthier. Her former white color had now a slight tinge of pink. It was really surprising that there would be such a huge effect this fast.

Seeing the look of surprise on the faces of the others, Celine chuckled. "It is only this apparent because I seriously lacked Vital Qi. If not the difference wouldn't be this big. Let me refine this drop first and then I will transfer some Spiritual Qi to you.", she then continued on.

Hearing her words, Ivan and Lara sighted in relief, it seemed like the quest 'Curbing the flareups' could be fulfilled without problems. Although they weren't sure how much that Spiritual Qi she would transfer would be.

"That's great. Then from now on do you and your daughter want to live with us, or do you prefer to stay at your own home?", Lara asked.

"Thank you for the offer. Living here will make things easier, so if it is alright with you I'll live here.", she then turned towards her daughter, who hadn't said anything during their conversation.

"What about you? Do you want to stay here together or would you prefer to live alone?"

Lucia didn't even have to think before answering, "Of course I will stay here with you. After all, I'll have to take care of you."

Her mother smiled lovingly at her. "Don't forget that I'll soon be able to once again take care of myself. So do what your heart tells you."

"Whatever. I'll stay here and take care of you.", Lucia insisted, ignoring her mother's words, "Besides, aren't you and him married now? Doesn't that mean that he is technically my stepfather now?"

When he heard her words Ivan couldn't stop himself from exclaiming, "What the hell? You are older than me, so how can I be your stepfather?"

Seeing him getting riled up like this, Lucia gave him a wicked smile, "So what? You married my mother, so you are my stepfather. Right father?"

Even someone as dense as Ivan could understand, that Lucia seemed to have something against him. Most likely it was because of the contract her mother made with him. But even though it greatly vexed him, being called father by someone older than himself, he forcibly kept his anger in check. Instead, he calmly said, "Of course daughter."

He then turned towards the two women, while ignoring Lucia, who was gritting her teeth in response to his reaction. "How about we let Lucia take care of Jane too? I think it would be great for them to get closer to each other, now that they are sisters."

Celine looked at him weirdly. She knew her daughter and she knew that Jane was still young. She didn't know her exact age, but she was sure that it was less than ten. And her daughter was completely unfit to take care of a child of that age. Heck, she ofter behaved similarly to a child of that age.

Lara, on the other hand, was aware that their child was much more mature than other children of their age, so she too thought that her having a sister which was an adult would be a good thing for her. As such she readily agreed. "Sounds good. Of course only if you want.", she said towards Lucia.

Lucia really wasn't happy with Ivan's idea. She only wanted to take care of her mother and annoy him a bit. How the hell did it become, her having to babysit their daughter? Sadly she could only accept her fate. Now her mother was bound to them by the blood contract and she had to be careful not to make her life hard. Although she didn't get the feeling that they would do that, just because of her, it was better to play it safe.

"Of course. I would love to.", she said while smiling. It was a slightly forced smile which was clearly deduced by Lara. She could even guess the reason for it, but she decided not to say anything. After she had met Jane, she was sure that Lucia wouldn't have a problem spending time with her. In her opinion, the two of them were similar enough to get along well.

"Then after she comes back from visiting her grandmother, I'll introduce you."

She then called madam Tanner and told her to lead them to their rooms, which were next to each other on the second floor, which had been empty until now.

After the mother and daughter pair had been led away, she once again sat down beside Ivan, after getting a new cup of tea for both of them.

"What do you think?"

"It seems that she knows what she does."

"Mmm, but that wasn't what I meant. What do you think about Lucia's looks?"

"Lucia's looks?", Ivan asked bewildered. What did Lucia's looks have to do with anything?

"Of course. After all, it should be a good indicator of how Celine would look when she has a youthful look. And since you will surely have to sleep with her, her look would be important."

Now Ivan understood what she meant, but still why would she ask him this.

"Hm, I didn't really take notice of it. But I would say that her appearance is average."

Hearing his answer, Lara had to laugh. It was only because of the women around him, that he thought that her appearance was average. And that he didn't go out much and only was in contact with a few people.

Even Irena was except for her destroyed face quite a beauty. Not to mention that Tang Lin. Her mother was, of course, of exceptional beauty and her own looks were nothing to scoff at either. At least in her own humble opinion.

"Didn't you feel that there was something weird about it?", she brought back her thoughts and the conversation to the main point.

"No, why?", Ivan truly hadn't felt anything.

"I don't know.", she helplessly shook her head, "I just felt that they were to uniform as if they had been designed, to be just a bit above average. Good enough to stick out, but not enough to invoke problems."

After voicing out her opinion, she fell silent. Ivan too had nothing to say about it. As such they sat there in comfortable silence, enjoying their tea.