

After a short walk, he reached a big gate on top of which there were the words "Universal School 34573" The gate looked like it had not been repaired for at least a decade. * The name really fits the look but what would one expect from a free school in the slums. *

After Ivan enters the gate he finds himself on a big square which was filled with others, which seemed to be of the same age as him.

"Hey, have you decided on which department you want to join?"

"Yeah, I want to join the Adventurer department."

"Really, are you sure? Even though adventurer can earn a lot of money their death rate is high too."

"I don't have a choice. There are five hungry mouths at home and my dad is ill, so I have to make some money fast and the only way to do that is to join the adventurer department."

"Oh, then I can only wish you luck."

"Thank you, but what about you?"

"I'm lucky, my dad just got another job and so I can join the blacksmith department."

"Oh, I'm really envious. Later on you could then craft my equipment."

"Sure thing. Even though we blacksmiths won't earn much at the start, later on it's something else entirely."

Ivan listened to the conversations of some nearby boys and only now found out, that there were different departments he could join. * Damn, I don't have any idea what departments there are and which I should join. *

Before he could think more about it some people appeared on a stage at the side of the square which was the furthest away from the entrance. The old men in the front then started to speak. Even though his voice didn't seem loud it reached Ivan who stood near the entrance.

"Welcome to the Universal School 34573. All of you have just become sixteen this year and as such your two years of mandatory training will start today. I hope you can learn a lot during this time and use your earned knowledge to life a good live.

We will now start registering, so slowly make your way to one of the smaller entrances at the side and talk to the person sitting at the desk there. For those of you who have already decided on a department please tell it to them, so they can register you, for those who haven't decided, you can either name your choices and we will test before registering or you can chose to have one selected randomly of your choices."

* Pfew, so I can just register and let them put me into one of the departments, but i wonder what they will test. *

Moving slowly towards one of the desks he listened to some more conversations in hopes of getting more information, but all he got where that the departments where principally divided into two parts. One where the crafting professions, while the other were the fighting professions. While just about anyone seemed to be able to enter the crafting professions, with the exception of a few, which seemed to have special requirements the fighting professions where the opposite. Except the adventure department, which anyone could enter the other departments had strict requirements. Sadly nobody mentioned what they were. They just sighted that they weren't qualified.

When it was finally Ivans turn he stepped towards one of the desks where a middle aged man sat. "Name?" "Ivan Hope" "Department?" "Any". For the first time, the guy looked up from his sheet of paper. "Are you serious?" "I am". The students behind him laughed. It seems like everyone had some departments they wished to join. "Move over there." The man pointed at an empty space where a diagram was engraved into the floor.

As soon as Ivan entered the diagram it lighted up and slowly moved up until it reached above his head, it then dimmed and vanished into the floor.

"Strength 1, Endurance 1, Agility 1", which each word the man spoke the laughter behind Ivan got louder. * It seems like these stats are trash. * "No wonder he didn't choose any department since no one would want him with these trash stats." Before the boy could continue trash-talking him the man showed a surprised look. "Eeh, your Magic power is 1 too." This time nobody laughed and Ivan was puzzled. Seeing his look the man looked at him and asked: "Did no one ever tell you how stats worked". Embarrassed Ivan answered "No". "Okay. Usually, any person is born with 3 of them for main stats at 1 while the last one is 0. In most cases, Magic power is 0 but in some cases, it is 1 and Strength is 0. These cases are fit to become mages. Someone like you who has 1 in both stats is quite rare. And since one can only increase stats if they are at least 1 except for side stats, which can be acquired with luck someone with 1 in each stat is rare and can come quite far." "Oh, so my stats are quite good?" The man laughed, "The basics are good, but they are way to low. Usually, people at your age have at least 60 stat points distributed on all their stats, so you lag way behind. I really wonder how you managed to have only 1 at your age. Even if your gain rate is low, that's still impossible, even if you did nothing all day." "Gain rate?" "You really know nothing do you?" "Sorry, but I really can't remember anything." "A hard reset huh?" "Hard reset?" "Sometimes because of some kind of weird circumstances the system has to set back someone to the basics. From what I heard this isn't even a bad thing since it generally improves the victim." "Oh, thank you for all the information." "No problem, just doing my job. Anyway, I think you should go to the magic department since most of the newcomers there have only 1 in Magic power too since it is quite hard to train if you don't know what to do." "Alright, I'll follow your recommendation then."

"Here you go." , after a short wait the man gives him a identity card. "Welcome to the school". "Thank you."

<< Quest finished: First time at school

You gain 2 Exp in Magic power and 5 copper. >>

<< You have gained 2 Exp in AP and need 8 more to reach the next level. >>