
Somnolence on a cloudy day

"Librarian-turned-roadkill." They should have written that on my obituary; I was hit by a car after all. Although, I suppose I shouldn't really worry about that right now, seeing as I've been shoved inside the body of a baby. By the way I have a twin. He has purple hair. So do I and it's natural too. See where I'm going with this? A KHR fanfic [M] for cussing, sex, and incest (later)

Night_Ink · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

I've gained an UMA (what do you mean it's my twin?)

Since gaining consciousness, I have been contemplating where I am. Although the void-like space I was in was very compact, it was also really comfortable. Was I in limbo? Is this purgatory? I'm not even religious. Even though I couldn't move my body, it felt as if I was swaddled in a warm blanket covering my whole body. The more I had been able to use my brain during the time I was there, the more I had realized there was something else with me.

At first, I was scared since I couldn't see anything but something had stopped that


That was all I heard as I had started to panic. After I had calmed down I was curious. What is it? It was strangely comforting, almost akin to a mother's hushes to a scared child.

A warmth had decided to make itself present all of a sudden, coming from down deep in the core of my body. It had spread through my bloodstream and limbs and some sort of awareness had been gained. It was pretty surreal, the amount of details I received about the being. It was like there was some sort of string entwining us together.

A long time after that, the mysterious being reached out and touched me. They were slow in their movements, as if cautious. Now, after a couple of tries, I had been successful in moving my arms and legs so I had decided to reach back. It wouldn't do not rewarding them for their hard work. It took me some time before I was able to do it so the fact that he was able to do it under a small amount of time was something to be proud of. I was surprised as one thought went through my head the moment we made contact.


The mysterious being was squishy.

As time had passed Squishy —the mysterious being as dubbed by me—had become more interactive. It's now become a constant thing—the touching. It's really comforting, seeing as I had technically not touched someone in the time I was alive. With my grandmother being as old-fashioned and strict as she was and absent parents, there really weren't any chances.

I had always been a distant kid I guess. The other people around me either forgot I was there or were put off by my presence. I was nervous about talking to people so I had given out an air of unimportance that left people ignoring me.

The lack of touch had left me starved of it, so the constant touching was simply ambrosia to me. I realized after some time that Squishy was my sibling.

Yes, it is confirmed. We are in a womb.

I was surprised at first but shrugged it off.

How did I figure it out?


The first clue was the strange cord-like object my arm had brushed against multiple times. The next was the constant tightening of space. The third was the fact that Squishy was in here with me and the last was the muffled noise. My hearing was getting better, so I heard a woman yelling and people talking during my time figuring out where I was and connecting the dots.

I'm kind of curious about how I got here, but after theory number 95 I had gotten bored. I've just resigned myself to being born again and experiencing the birthing process. So now it's just me and Squishy with me waiting to be born and them not knowing that they are going to be squeezed out of a vagina in the ever-looming future and being covered in blood and baby fluid.

I'll love them even then. Squishy deserves all the love in the world and I will make sure of it. If it means eliminating enemies I will do it. Be it by the law or not I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty to make sure justice is served. Of course, that's only if things go extremely wrong.

I know I seem to be extremely devoted to them, but that's because they deserve it. Squishy had kept my mind from breaking because of the constant boredom of not being able to do anything, so of course, I would do anything for them.

That was disturbing now that I think about it.


Don't care.

It was then when I was contemplating the idea of what tattoo I should get with my sibling—What? I was bored, and it seemed like something we should do since I saw an article of it from one of my coworker's magazines they were reading—that I felt it. At first, I was puzzled, then it happened again.


Mom's going into labor

Should I be panicking?





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