
Something In The Dark.

"Love is an illusion filled with honey-glazed promises and beautiful lies." My heart shattered as he spoke, his empty, cold eyes firmly stuck on mine. His gaze sent shivers down my spine and also made me show my neck in submission. Sparks flashed through me as his large, icy hands met my face, cupping my cheeks. Lowering his head to my height, our lips barely touching, he confessed. "But if it means I get to be with you, then I'd gladly accept your beautiful lies that give me butterflies."

koffeko · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Something In My Heart (1)

Atlas' reflection stared back at him, he'd been staring at himself for the past thirty minutes. Today was an important day, a day where he'd told himself that he'd make a change, the day that his thoughts were to be filled with something other than grief and sorrow. Somehow, he'd willed up the strength to go through with this, hoping that he would eventually find himself again along the way.

Although he knew that it was unlikely that this would be the solution to his problems, he knew that it was a productive distraction, which was what he needed at the moment. Atlas had all the time in the world, he just needed a way to spend it.

Sighing, he ran his thin, dainty fingers through his white hair, gently pushing it away from his face. He swooped the hair to the side, revealing his pale, blue eyes which often drew attention because of the contrast to his pale skin and lightly-shaded hair. Atlas often appreciated his looks because he knew that he looked like his parents, his appearance was tiny bits of his amcestors delicately placed together to create him, which was why he walked with his chin in the air.

"This'll have to do." Atlas mumbled to himself, brushing over his rich black shirt that was tucked neatly into his also black trousers. A small, silver watch was wrapped around his wrist, its price unimaginable to the average person.

Reaching over to the door, Atlas grabbed the handle and turned around to take one last glance around his spacious room before stepping out and shutting the door behind him.

"Good morning, young master." A servant bowed, refusing to make eye contact, "Breakfast is ready for you on the west wing and your bag is already packed, it is on the table." She explained before bowing once more in front of him.

Most of the servants in the house were vampires who were in the lower clans, or simply those who wished to serve Lauders. They filled every crook and cranny of the estate, always waiting to meet their master's need or desire. Although they feared the Lauders greatly, it stemmed from a place of respect and admiration, many clans tried their hardest to make sure one of their members found a way into the Lauder Estate, whether as a cleaner or partner, either role was equally respected.

"Thank you so much, Esther." Atlas nodded which made her stand straight, however, her eyes did not meet his as it was seen as disrespectful. "You may leave."

"Thank you, young master." Esther bowed once more, her golden, blond hair falling to cover her face before she stood straight and proceeded on with her duties.

Atlas made his way to the west wing of the estate, his mind was filled with many different thoughts as he walked. It had been so long since he'd walked through these halls, coming back home was difficult but it was needed. Sighing, he continued walking while contemplating if he was making the right decision.

Servants would open doors for him as he rushed through the grand estate, his head was clearly elsewhere but his body knew where to take him. His long strides ensured that he was walking at a fast pace, however, his feet met the floor with such gentleness that it was as if they'd never even touched the floor, one would even dare to assume that he simply glided.

That was the grace of a Lauder. Their genes were coated in elegance and power radiated from them no matter what they were doing. Nothing in the world compared to a Lauder, not humans, not animals and definitely not Lycans.

Humans had allowed themselves to believe the fallacy that they were at the top of the food chain, however, unbeknownst to them, there was a much greater and compelling species that roamed the Earth and their power could destroy the world, if not contained.

Atlas Lauder was one of the last of his species, with the influence that his clan had on the supernatural world, one would assume that they had strength in numbers. Unfortunately, this was far from the truth. Only four Lauders roamed this world, and only three lived in the estate.

The rest had been wiped out in a mass genocide.

Finally arriving at the west wing, Atlas watched as the servants opened the double doors before he strode in. His eyes quickly glossed over the surroundings before landing on a familiar pair of blue eyes; Elizabeth Lauder.

"Good morning, Atlas." A smile graced her face as she stood up and walked towards her only living child. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a warm embrace, welcoming the feeling of his soft inhale and exhale or the feeling of his heart beating softly and slowly.

Simple signs that he was alive.

"Son." Ambrose Lauder broke the silence while Elizabeth pulled away from her son and took a good look at him, she worried about Atlas a lot, despite him having been an adult for so long.

"Morning, Father." Atlas smiled as he walked with his mother to the dining table that was splattered with dishes that were infused with blood.

Elizabeth sat on the right hand side of her husband, while Ambrose sat at the head of the table and Atlas at the left hand. The family ate in comfortable silence, although there was a clear issue that they had to discuss, they simply enjoyed each other's presence.

Atlas couldn't help but glance up from his food to see his mother staring at him. Elizabeth couldn't believe that her son was finally back home. Her eyes gleamed with happiness before finally asking the question that broke the silence:

"Do you think you can do it?"

Ambrose's head lifted up softly before he turned to look at his son, proving that he had been wondering the same thing. Both of his parents were shocked to hear about Atlas' decision but they still wanted to support him.

Placing his cutlery down, Atlas replied, "I don't know if I can do it and that's why I want to." He sighed, "I want to experience this before I take over the clan and perform my real duties as the sole heir."

Elizabeth glanced to her mate before they both nodded, silently agreeing with Atlas. It was bizarre to them, this whole situation but they knew it was important to him.

"We are giving you four years, son." Ambrose's deep voice cut through, making Atlas nod with a small smile.

"Thank you. Four years is more than enough."