
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Kỳ huyễn
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75 Chs

Chapter 34 - Could there be a future?


We stand still looking at Luke and Gina, watching us by the door frame. And we burst out laughing, so hard as we needed it. I don't remember when was the last time I laughed so hard. Maybe years ago.

My mind drifts to a distant memory that threatens to flood my eyes with tears. Mum and dad, sitting with me by the fire, playing board games. Dad was always losing so to get his revenge would tickle us until we were almost out of breath from laughing. Yes, that was the time I used to laugh.

Luke's voice brings me back from my thoughts, calling my name. I turn to him while Lila sits up and takes Gina by the hand, leading her to the other room.

"How are you doing?" Luke asks taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

"I'm fine," I nod, feeling a bit uncomfortable as Luke I haven't spent so much time talking all this time I'm here and it feels somewhat strange that he addresses me now.

"Rey… told me what happened with Seleus…" his voice trailed off. Of course, Rey would have told him. He's the Beta and his best friend. I give him another nod, not sure what is best to say.

"He also asked me to look for what Seleus told you. I'll ask Gina's mother as well. Her line traces back to the moon priestesses hundreds of years ago. She may know something about these Thesians."

"Thank you very much." I try to smile but I feel so tired that only a smirk is all I manage to do.

Luke stands up and makes move to leave when I reach and grab him by the elbow. "Can I ask you something?" I hesitate.

"Yes, sure. Go ahead." Luke motions me to continue.

"What's like… eh… being in love… with Gina?" I add at the very last moment, not believing how I managed to speak those words.

Luke's eyebrows knit together as he tries to decipher the purpose of my question. I'm surprised with myself as well, but if anyone knows better, that's Luke. I've seen the way he looks at Gina when we cross paths sometimes. Then his expression softens like he knows the answer.

"Well, Gina is more than just that. We're mates. At least what goes for us is that the males sense their mates. We can smell them. Our wolf goes crazy until we finally are with them."

"And then?" I ask, eager to find out more.

"Then, if the female accepts us, we mate…" he continues, pink flashes on his cheeks. "…it's the most beautiful moment," Luke's eyes look over the other room where Gina is with Lila. "Then we stay together. We are bonded during the mating." He adds while the pink on his face turns to a bright red.

"Mates are very important. They give us strength. A fated mate is the most delightful and powerful thing it could happen to a wolf. It's finding your other half."

My mind recalls Rey's face, but I try to shove away that thought. It's impossible to feel the same. He has to find his mate, and it's definitely not a human girl. But sometimes, the way he looks at me… Most probably it's all hallucination and I make scenarios in my mind.

"Mates can only be between wolves?" I keep asking, trying not to appear so eager to find out for personal reasons.

"If not a wolf, then any other creature. In such cases, the mates are more powerful than the wolves. But it's been a very long time since something like that happened."

Rey's image resurfaces again and the moment we had in the forest after I let out my anger at him. The way he was holding me like I'll evaporate if he loosens his grip. The way he was stroking my hair, was so tender and soothing.

Something stirs down my stomach, but I shake my head slightly to get the thoughts away. It's best to stop thinking about these things, so I won't end up heartbroken when I'll have to go back to the town.

I turn to Luke and see him watching me with a puzzled look on his face. Lucky for me the door from the room next door opens and Gina with Lila come out.

I look at Gina, she has a wide smile of true happiness on her face, her hazel eyes shine so brightly when she finds Luke, while a hand is protectively placed on top of her belly.

Luke jolts up and walks close to her, wraps her in his arms and plants a soft kiss on her forehead.

"We're going to have twins!" Gina chimes and Luke's face changes to picture the mirror he feels inside. He stares at Gina like she's the most precious thing in the world and kisses her softly on the lips.

When we're left alone again, Lila cleanses my feet from the dried blood and places a cream on my heels. Then she wraps them in bandages so I can put on my boots and walk without anyone carrying me all the time.

Just as I'm about to get out of Lila's practice I see a shadow towering in front of me, so I lift my hands in front of my face to block the impact.

Hard muscles flex under my touch and I open my eyes to see a muscular chest. I lift my eyes and trail up to a set of broad shoulders until I meet a pair of deep blue eyes watching me.

I quickly drift my sight to the side, and I take back my hand from his chest. I take a glimpse of his body as the fabric of his t-shirt clings to his muscles that bulge, so clearly defined.

"I eh… I came to see how you're doing." He says running a hand behind his neck and giving me a sheepish look. Seeing this part of himself makes him so adorable.

"I'm better, thanks" I answer nearly audible to myself. "At least I don't have to be carried around all the time." I smile under my breath.

"It would be my pleasure." He responds and the edges of his lips lift up forming a diffident smile from his usual, that melts my heart and causes my cheeks to light up in red burning flames that spread all over my face and down to my body.

"Look, tonight, after the meeting, can you meet me by the lake?" his eyes find mine. "As I said, I have some things to tell you, and there would be the best place to have some privacy."

We hold each other's gaze for a moment longer than it seems comfortable, but it looks like none of us is willing to break the eye contact. I feel a tug in my heart as finally, he trusts me enough to tell me all these things that trouble his mind.

"Yes, sure," I whisper. My heart is thundering inside my ribcage. The blood pumps so hard in my veins I can hear my pulse hum in my ears.

"I've taken the initiative and brought you some new clothes. I hope you like them and wear something of those tonight." He adds running his hand again behind his neck.

Before I open my mouth to answer, he turns and walks away with long strides. I stay in place watching him as he walks further away from me.

The smile widens on my lips as see I see this side of him. The mighty Alpha feels uncomfortable and shy. And I'm the cause of that.