
Chapter 50: Somebody that I Used to Know

Alexis's POV 

I stabbed Asher over and over again, silently praying to the Goddess that the needle slid deep enough to pierce his dark heart. He struggled with me, trying to wrest the broach from my grasp. But while he was undoubtedly stronger than I, the object was slick with black liquid, and my grip on the ladybug was firm. 

Asher placed both of his hands over mine in an attempt to force me to lower my weapon, but I turned the needle toward his chest and pierced his skin once more. That's when I felt it. I'd hit something solid, and his hands fell away from mine. 

The look of surprise and pain in Asher's eyes as he gave a sharp cry, black liquid pouring steadily from his heart, was something I was certain would haunt me for the rest of my days. He collapsed to the floor, the ladybug sticking out of his torso. 

Asher was dead.

Now I needed to ensure that Rick didn't join him in the afterworld.