
Chapter 22: Frank

Alexis's POV 

I looked at the clock in my office, getting angrier and angrier by the minute. Rick was supposed to be at my place by noon. It was now five o'clock. We were supposed to have lunch together before the client meeting. 

Where was he?

I thought things were going well between us. Spectacularly well, in fact. Ever since that night in my boss's office, we really seemed to connect.

On every level. 

I tried calling again, and it went straight to voicemail. This was ridiculous. The client was going to be here any minute now.

I checked my outfit in the mirror and sighed. I hated to admit it, but I'd worn the little black dress and strappy pumps to impress Rick. And now, not only was he missing, but I'd gone through all that effort for nothing. 

I was furious. Rick knew how important the business was to me. What could be so important that he couldn't take the time to at least text me and let me know where he was?